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Old 11-11-2021, 10:03 AM   #45
Join Date: Dec 2020
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Default Re: Reactions to Articles @ ShepherdingWords.Com

Originally Posted by Zezima View Post
Appreciate your attempt to direct people, however spiritual bypassing is incredibly unhealthy and toxic. There’s nothing wrong with people facing their God given emotions and working through them. We can be bitter, vindictive, and angry over our experiences in the LR, please don’t try to silence the feelings of others with spiritual talk.

Let people feel what they are feeling, let them have a safe place to express it. That’s the only way they can work through their emotions. Even Jesus wept.
I did not take it as an emotions silencing, Zezima, at all!
There are emotions in me, but who has not them?
Jesus was turning tables in the temple. Do You think He was cold like stone?
I think we are all balanced and normal human. After years following after Jesus, many of us can recognize how much of this anger comes from flesh misunderstanding or even from love.
"The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, But because he loves what is behind him."
I can say for my self: love for God and saints is main factor which causes me anger on false teaching, and deceiving people. It is not about me only, Zezima. I have no wound. If I had it is healed.
I have one brother, who is wounded and has bitterness in heart. He is still sick. I was encouraging him to be free and more focus on Jesus.
When I use exclamation mark or tone is high it does not mean I am sick spiritually or wounded. I rather have love and burden for them. If we stick to our Lord's heart we will feel His love and His hate. In many verses is written that He will destroy His enemies. All we know it is not people in flesh but Satan. "We do not fight with flesh...". This is normal to feel anger on enemy when we see damages he makes.
Resuming, I think everything is ok. and that was good point to not to lose peace. I have peace.
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