Join Date: Dec 2020
Posts: 278
Re: What's going on in OKC?
"January 14, 2021
To the leading brothers serving in the United States:
We hope that this letter finds you and the saints you are with empowered in the Lord and in the might of His strength to render Him your full cooperation (Eph. 6:10). In this crucial time we must be diligent to keep the oneness and the one accord among all the local churches in His Body, which is the master key to all the New Testament blessings. (1)At the same time we must also be cognizant that whenever God is moving,(2) His enemy, Satan, is active to stir up problems. As Brother Lee taught us, we should expect turmoil as we journey together with the Lord (CWWL, 1989, vol. 4, 338-341). Such turmoils cause suffering and grief and, on occasion, demand a response from the Lord’s servants. Today we are faced with such a situation. Since 2018 co-workers have sought on numerous occasions to address two specific problems in the Oklahoma City-area (OKC-area) churches; however our counsel was rejected."
Really? Where it is written that this is condition. Oneness among local churches as key to all NT blessings? This is obvious that they created false doctrine and changed spiritual thing into earthly system. How we can experience oneness among cities? Practical. Give me example. I mean spiritual oneness among even two cities. City A let's say 40 saint and city B with 90 saints. Video conference?
If one group will move to another city than we already do not have fellowship among "cities" but fellowship in one city among saints.
Next; how we can experience spiritual oneness? By having one teaching and repeating same verses from MR? By reading the same ministry? Ok. This is kinda oneness. But don't other sects do the same? Is it so hard to create so called "oneness"?
Is our Lord so limited or He has forgot about something that thanks to WL fortunately we got this "missing element" after 2000 years?
So we see how they manipulate and twist words.
2. Poor Satan! Blended Brothers made even him unjustly guilty of all problems!
Seems, they did not read for long Bible with James 4:1-4
1From whence come warres and fightings among you? come they not hence, euen of your lusts, that warre in your members?
2Ye lust, and haue not: yee kill, and desire to haue, and cannot obtaine: yee fight and warre, yet yee haue not, because ye aske not.
3Ye aske and receiue not, because ye aske amisse, that yee may consume it vpon your lusts.
4Ye adulterers, and adulteresses, know yee not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoeuer therefore will be a friend of the world, is the enemy of God
And we can go on and go on through whole letter.
I noticed also how hypocrites are all brothers who signed letter.
Just look at Trapped first responses. He described situation but using general words. Even "child abuse" sounds terrible.
So how much more insensitive and boisterous was brothers ( yes, yes, brothers(!) they should more carefully read what they signed up because they affirm all what is written) who quoted this terrible words!!!!
Are they crazy? They accused and judged this brother for letters exposing sin and dirties but few lines down they do the same!?
I am one of receivers now and what can I think?
Actually turn of events was, that not knowing situation and details I've read post from sensitive Trapped who was more general but clearly describe what he knows.
And then "shepherding" letter from brothers.
We would remind you of the sober word concerning reviling that was given during message 4 of the October 2020 ITERO under section I.E. of the outline, concerning the mistreating of fellow believers. In that section a definition of reviling is given: “reviling is when we cause the saints to inwardly suffer pain or to be inwardly wounded by assailing and criticizing them harshly with abusive language.” Colley strongly and repeatedly made accusations and insinuations against saints of vile conduct and motives that we would not repeat here to spare you from defilement. Both the things he asserted and the language he used to do so were cruel, reprehensible, and misrepresent both the Lord and His recovery. In addition, he has continued to claim that one wife coached her children to accuse her husband of abuse, even though the accusations at issue were brought forth by third parties. Furthermore, a licensed professional who was counseling the children testified in court of seeing no indication of such coaching with one child and the impossibility of coaching with the other. That testimony stood as given and was not refuted; it became a factor in the judge’s decision to suspend the father’s visitation rights.
And then... they do the same exactly what they condemned!
These scathing attacks extended beyond the sisters directly involved. He accused one sister’s extended family of being a “Klan,” engaging in Nazi-style propaganda, and seeking a “public execution” of her husband, saying that they wished him to be “skinned and then hung and then burned alive.” He said those who disagreed with him were the family’s “minions” whipped into a “hysteria” akin to the Salem witch trials. Faithful brothers in the Lord who urged restraint were dismissed as “mentally or intellectually challenged,” “morally dishonest,” and psychologically unfit. These were not isolated incidents but a pattern of behavior over more than two years manifested in literally hundreds of emails, some of which were addressed directly to the OKC leading ones. Even if his emails had been grounded with provable facts (and they were not), it is a grievous abuse to expose the saints’ private matters, to rail on their perceived failures and weaknesses, and to tarnish their reputations with such inflammatory language. It grieves us even to mention these words, but we are compelled to do so in an effort to recover, preserve, and establish saints who have been affected by them, as well as to set the record straight for others and for posterity that these aberrant actions do not represent the Lord or the ministry and the churches in His recovery.
Moreover, instead of counseling and modeling restraint as some of the co-workers advised him to do, more emails were sent out, deriding the co-workers who tendered that advice, saying that they were “overstepping,” “undermining,” “supporting division” and acting as “bishops” in a “hierarchy.” He characterized them as “‘shooting from the hip’ without a ‘full deck.’” He said that they drank the family’s “cool-aid” [sic] and that the saints who listened to them did the same because those co-workers “have more stars on their chest.” He misrepresented their counsel of restraint as advocating that the accused brother “be thrown under the bus, essentially be excommunicated.” When some co-workers visited the OKC area and spoke with some of the parties involved, he said that the sister in one of the disputes “played the brothers like a fiddle.” Brothers, such talk is unquestionably divisive.
After multiple occasions in which we had serious fellowship with him, he eventually agreed to stop his emails in which he attacked either the saints or the co-workers, but each time he continued his biased running commentary. Only after being told emphatically by one of the co-workers to “cease and desist” did he, at least initially, curtail his practice. There is no evidence, however, that he in any way has sought to undo the damage done by any of his emails.
I am very sorry to see two names there. Bob Danker and Tom Goetz.
I've met them some years ago few times. With Bob I had fellowship and relationship. But after years, when brothers visited me, he was warned by one about my "independent thinkig". I could not recognize Bob. I could not feel the same as before. he was more... kind. If You know what I mean. That was sad...
Tom Goetz is more known from work with youths. Lovely brother but he also should read carefully letters or just be not blind. One of both.
Can You imagine that he as working with teenagers is after such a letter?