Originally Posted by Zezima
Why are they putting out all this content right now? Is there something happening?
With the increasing ability and ease of searching the Internet and using social media, the LC is losing its ability to control information its membership has access to. It used to be easier to control what people do and say, because of the close knit community. In Texas, we were shamed if we owned a
TV. Now, everyone has a computer, a Smart Phone, an iPad. Probably all 3. You can search for information and
they will never know. This is a far greater threat to them than watching TV ever was.
They can’t control Social Media, and Google searches for “Witness Lee”. People can, and do, find information covertly. This is likely having an impact on almost every aspect of the the LC, especially information control, and maybe Accounts Receivable.
Just my thought. What do you think?