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Old 11-05-2021, 10:41 PM   #17
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Reactions to Articles @ ShepherdingWords.Com

Originally Posted by GraceAlone View Post
Ipse Dixit ("He said it himself") - Because we say so (or Brother Lee said so), it's by definition true. No other proof required.
Straw Man - Ecumenical movements are temporary measures from which people quickly return to fenced-in religious silos.
False Dilemma - Either you're meeting with the Lord's Recovery (TM), OR you're satisfying "the lust of your own preference." It's one or the other.
Oooohhhh, great breakdown, GraceAlone! The "false dilemma" one had slipped by me, but it's SO OFTEN USED by the amorphous blob of LSM/DCP/co-workers/ministry, etc! The more you read of their stuff the more you see just how much they use inflammatory language paired with logical fallacies to just flatten the saints.

Their stuff is so packed with issues it's almost no wonder no one goes head-to-head with them in real-time....literally who has the TIME to breakdown a single 15-paragraph article so densely packed with falsehoods much less countless articles and teachings and books?! Argh.

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