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Old 11-01-2021, 02:41 PM   #4
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 1,523
Default Re: Reactions to Articles @ ShepherdingWords.Com

My reaction?

Really I wanted a "vomit" emoji, but those will do too.

If you didn't know better, reading these articles you would think the LC is constantly under the attack of the enemy, that the LC is preserved in a fragile special little bubble trying to protect themselves from everyone else, that every single problem in the local church is REALLY just YOU as the problem, and that they are the extreme focus of never-ending misrepresentation and unfounded slander.

The overwhelming volume of lies and scripture-twisting found on is to the extent that no one under its grips could ever see what's going on. about the "sense of death" that you get from reading their "shepherding words"! Reading the articles is like.......all they're doing is beating you down!

The visual I got reading their articles was that they would still continue the same stream of blather even if they were actively falling into the pit of hell. That may be strong, but they have been clinging so tightly to the same false narrative for so long I think they would rather die than let it go. Their grip on a lie is so strong.

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