10-24-2021, 08:11 PM
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: Texas
Posts: 2,102
Re: Local Church Speak - Merged with The Lexicon
While the LC Speak jargon on this list don’t rise, or sink, to the level of heresy, you might find some that are on the verge.
- Attack: Anyone who tells the truth about Lee, LSM, is attacking.
- Attack: Anything said to critique LSM/Anaheim, or that wasn't slavishly subservient.
- Authority: Cover the brothers: WLee's sons got caught molesting the church secretaries
- Authority: Drunken Noah
- Babylon: Catholic Church
- Blend: Anonymous Blended Brothers
- Call on the Lord: Oh Lord Jesus, Oh Lord Jesus, Oh Lord Jesus,
- Call on the Lord: Ooooohhhhh Looorrrrrrddddd Jeeezzzzuuuuussssssss
- Classification: Co-workers
- Classification: Good brother
- Classification: Good material for the building.
- Classification: Negative "Don't say anything negative."
- Classification: Ones: Serving ones, seeking one, new ones
- Classification: Saints: Anyone on the "proper" ground.
- Classification: Seeker
- Critique: When LSM/Anaheim said something to correct others, such as their broadsides "Affirmation and Critique"
- Eat Jesus: Crazy Jesus eaters
- Eat Jesus: Let us EAT CHRIST
- False Gods: "Deputy God" - The Alpha Male in Anaheim, aka "God's oracle", "today's Moses", or "Today's Paul".
- False gods: We are baby gods.
- Family: If you take care of the Church, God will take care of your family.
- Fellowship: means "Don't do anything without permission."
- Financial schemes: Daystar
- Financial schemes: WLee's sons got caught making off with church funds.
- Lingo: Amen! (Uses as a greeting instead of saying hi or good morning.)
- Lingo: O Lord, Amen, Hallelujah, Praise the Lord, Jesus, Triune God!
- LSM Gift Shop: God-man attire (It's just a suit with a tie.)
- LSM Gift Shop: God-man socks. For real. God-man socks.
- Ministry: Life: Let us LIVE Christ
- Ministry: Up to date speaking.
- Ministry: Divine romance
- Ministry: Kill the flesh
- Ministry: Life: We only care for life.
- Ministry: Mantle: Passed from Nee to Lee. 1 Kings 19:19 (mantle=cloak) Who's got "the mantle" now?
- Ministry: Meeting on the proper ground
- Ministry: Mingling
- Ministry: MOTA - Minister of the Age
- Ministry: Oneness: means "Do what you are told."
- Ministry: Oneness: One Accord
- Ministry: Oneness: Onenessssssss
- Ministry: Overcome degraded CHRRRIIISSStianity.
- Ministry: proper expression of the church; the genuine expression of the church
- Ministry: Rich ministry of Witness Lee
- Ministry: Tripartite man
- Ministry: The Lord is not building His church in Christendom
- Ministry: Bring the Lord back. Until there are LC's in every city, the Lord Jesus will not return.
- Name calling: ‘ones’. 'serving ones', 'new ones', or 'seeking ones'.
- Name calling: Little bankers: WL term for children with money.
- Name calling: Little grinders: Witness Lee term for children.
- Name calling: Moo cows
- Name calling: Poor, degraded, Christianity
- Name calling: Poor, poor Christianity. Too poor.
- Name calling: Seeker - associating with, but not joined to the LC.
- Practice: Exercise your spirit, includes arm pump, and loud, obnoxious, mindless LC-speak chants
- Practice: Pray Read
- Practice: Pray Read: Arm pump while pray reading.
- Praise the Lord: Praaaaaaaaise the Lord
- Proper: Anything being promoted by LSM/Anaheim.
- Rebellion: 1977 "sisters rebellion"
- Rebellion: Anyone who mentions Witness Lee's sons.
- Rebellion: Disagree with Lee's ministry,
- Rebellion: Fermentation of the Present Rebellion by WLee
- Recovery: The Lord's Recovery
- Slogan: Don't say anything "negative".
- Slogan: Get out of your mind. Stop talking. Stop telling the truth.
- Slogan: Halleluuuuuuuuuuujah
- Slogan: I consecrate myself to Christ and The Church
- Slogan: I don't have the peace. Means: I don't want to.
- Slogan: I just don't have the grace for that.
- Slogan: Turn to your spirit.
- Slogan: You're in your mind. Diminish another’s own ability to think/choose
- Mind: Talk over members as if they "know" what is better.
- Slogan: You're in your soul.
- Storms: anytime the truth of Lee, LSM, Blendeds, is told
- Testimonies: I really appreciate...message/ministry/life-study/HWFMR
- Testimonies: I was really impressed...
- Turmoil: