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Old 10-22-2021, 09:02 PM   #50
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: The Recovery of The Local Churches in Vietnam

Originally Posted by Bible-believer View Post
Reading your post reminds me of my dilemma.

I knew not all LR's teachings were sound, yet I did not link it to a cult. But now, after studying the Bible seriously, reading the posts here, and testimonies on Youtube, I am afraid LR that I attend is a cult. I am eager to pass out tracts and preach the gospel on the street to get people saved (we do that quite often.) But after that? Leaving them in a cult and experiencing the same confusion as I did?

Have you had the chance to do any research or reading on what makes a group a cult? If not, I would recommend it. It is never easy to be in your dilemma, but being armed with information about cults might make it easier to see what you should or shouldn't do (along with prayer and seeking the Lord, of course).

The more I understood about cults and spiritual abuse, and the common threads that show up over and over in cults, AND the more I started seeing that kind of thing all over the LC and in the ministry.....the easier it was to see how much I should set aside or discard.

I definitely understand feeling like you want to continue to reach out to people, while simultaneously feeling like you don't want to bring them into a place that is unhealthy for them.

(If necessary we can move this to another or a new thread so it doesn't take this particular thread regarding the situation in Vietnam off-topic.)

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