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Old 10-20-2021, 09:20 PM   #268
Join Date: Mar 2018
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Default Re: Quote From Today's Watchman/Witness Wednesday

This is from just a little later on in the same chapter:

"There is no need for us to pray for so many matters. We simply need to touch the Lord, to contact Him. Our relationship with the Lord is not based on matters. He has no intention for us to do anything for Him, nor does He have any intention of doing anything for us. Our relationship with the Lord is not based on doing things but on enjoying Him. He said, “Take, eat” (Matt. 26:26). This means that He wants us to remember Him, to take and drink Him. He has given Himself to us for our enjoyment. He has no desire to do anything for us. He simply desires to be our enjoyment. He does not want us to do anything for Him. He desires us to enjoy Him. That is all He desires, and this is all that matters. He has become our enjoyment. We simply need to enjoy Him, and His glory will be expressed through us. This is the Christian life. This is the meaning of being a Christian."

Is this, like, Christian hedonism?

No doubt God wants a relationship with us, for us to know Him and for us to be known by Him, but Lee ratchets this up to extreme levels. "Enjoyment" is, literally, the only thing that matters.

I'm not sure that Lee even ever explains what you are supposed to be doing when you "enjoy Him". Do you just sit there.....basking? Mouth open? Arms up? What's happening when this is going on? Is there some beam of light that hits us? Some buzzing feeling? Warm fuzzies? What if your face isn't shining afterwards? Did you fail at enjoying the Lord? What's the lumen count off your face gotta be measured at before Lee considers you a success at enjoying and shining?

A perpetual "enjoying the Lord" as taught by Lee was honestly the most nebulous, confusing thing for me (and still is). Funnily enough, the Bible never tells to "enjoy the Lord." But Lee made it the entire meaning of being a the neglect of the children God entrusted us with!

Hm. Who we gonna believe on this one?


P.S. Another part in the chapter has Lee bringing up the story of Lazarus. While I get that there are applications to the story, and the Lord can indeed "raise the dead" in our situations even when it seems like the body is too cold to do seems like Lee really thinks a serious application of the Lazarus story is to forget about your sick children in the same way. Let them be, just like the Lord let Lazarus be....... You can't make this up!
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