Re: Shepherding Words "From The Co-Workers In The Lord's Recovery"
I was just thinking......the co-workers have really shot themselves in the foot with I mean, it's one thing to go along not knowing what offense people have with you, or to unintentionally not face issues.
But with, there is a hard, public record of the co-workers:
1. being explicitly aware of the issues
2. showing understanding of the issues
3. and yet evading, manipulating, twisting, lying, and avoiding them.
And that last point - the knowing evasion, manipulation, lying - that's what God hates. The hardened heart. The unrepentant sin. The protection of darkness. Jesus showed much mercy to truthful sinners who showed godly sorrow. But no mercy and a lot of anger to hardened, manipulative, haughty people. The co-workers can't feign ignorance to God or man. God knows the hearts......and now He can show them a printout of their own website too!