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Old 10-01-2021, 10:44 AM   #1005
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 969
Default Re: How Much To Throw Out?

Spouse and I just sent this email to our pastors.

"Dear Pastors:

xxxxxx and I would like to warn you about a cultish sect of Christianity that sponsors the club "xxx Christians on Campus", which is the recruitment arm of "The Lord's Recovery", often known as "The Local Churches", and sponsored by a book publishing company known as "Living Stream Ministry". All of these were started by Witness Lee, now deceased, and currently managed by a group of men who were his disciples known as the "being blended brothers". They are an insular group who have separated themselves from "Christless Christianity", but who seek to recruit young college freshmen into their movement known as "The Lord's Recovery". This group is dangerous because it has shipwrecked the faith of many by convincing them that God only sanctifies Christians in their group and if you leave the "Lord's Recover" you will have no way to go on with the Lord. They equate the writings of Witness Lee with that of scripture and have been very successful at deceiving many Christians into believing that their "Local Churches" are the only God-approved churches in a city.

If you have been contacted by the lead elder in the "Church in xxxx", xxxx, or the full-time campus ministers xxxx and xxxx xxx or the new campus workers xxxx and xxxx wanting to "fellowship" with you about their campus work with "Christians on Campus" xxxxx and I urge you to pray and seek the Lord for his discernment.

Norman Geisler along with 70 other evangelical scholars have written an open letter to the leaders of "The Lord's Recovery" documenting several doctrinal errors and urging them to repent.

We have many years experience with this sect of Christianity, and xxxx xxxxx is also informed about this group and has tried to help both xxxx and xxxxx before they "left Christianity" and joined "The Lord's Recovery" by enrolling in Living Stream Ministry's two-year "Full-time Training Program" (their version of Bible College). This young couple has returned to xxxxx to work full-time at xxx and xxx to recruit freshmen into their sect.

We wanted to make sure this group was on your radar screen in case you have been contacted by their leaders or have college freshmen that seek you for counsel about "Christians on Campus". We can provide personal testimony, and direct you to additional online information about this group if you need to do further investigation.


Hebrews 12:2 "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith." (KJV Version)
Look to Jesus not The Ministry.
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