The Minister of the Age, Not Infallibility
What is our vision? Our vision is that God so loved the world that He gave His Son to die for us to redeem us, the sinners, in order that we can have the life of Christ and be regenerated by Him to be God’s children, enjoying the riches of the Triune God to become the Body of Christ. In practice, the Body is expressed as the local churches in various localities, practicing the Body life in a practical and proper way. This Body, the church of God, is the focus of God’s economy. (The Vision of the Age, 79)
You see, that's their vision-
the church of God is the focus of God's economy. Their "vision", what about the biblical evidence of this "vision?" None. That's Lee's teaching, his vision, and became "their vision”,and they defined the vision as "the focus of God's economy".
They admit their vision is not infallible, yet they said their ministry is the only ministry. Why should we take a "not infallible" vision as God's focus?