Forum: Regional Concerns
02-19-2009, 01:08 PM
Replies: 65
Views: 39,849
Forum: Regional Concerns
02-18-2009, 02:36 PM
Replies: 65
Views: 39,849
Forum: Calling All Saints!
02-18-2009, 02:07 PM
Replies: 56
Views: 29,657
Re: Time Frame in the LSM/LC
Yes to what Finallyprettyok said. A childhood in the LC was very different to say the least. I was always the "odd one" in school. You know how we had to wear dresses (down or below the knees)...
Forum: Calling All Saints!
02-15-2009, 04:51 PM
Replies: 56
Views: 29,657
Forum: Spiritual Abuse Titles
01-30-2009, 05:42 PM
Replies: 1,378
Views: 1,023,871
Re: The LCS Factor
Hi Everyone. Thanks for the support. I am not even going to dignify Don Rutledges post with an answer. Obviously, once an elder always an elder. You can take the elder out of the LC, but you cant...
Forum: Spiritual Abuse Titles
01-18-2009, 02:27 PM
Replies: 1,378
Views: 1,023,871
Re: The LCS Factor
(I have to apologize once again, I am not akamai :confused: enough to know how to quote what I am responding to with this post.) We obviously have several subjects going back and forth in this...
Forum: Spiritual Abuse Titles
01-16-2009, 10:39 AM
Replies: 1,378
Views: 1,023,871
Re: The LCS Factor
Last response to this post by Hope. I lived in Arlington at age 18, but was still going to meetings in Dallas (actually playing guitar, although I wasn't that good). I was a freshman in college at...
Forum: Spiritual Abuse Titles
01-16-2009, 10:27 AM
Replies: 1,378
Views: 1,023,871
The LCS Factor
Dont know how to quote the post I am responding to but this is about Hope actually saying he doubts what I posted earlier about my experience with some of the elders in Dallas really happened. How...
Forum: Spiritual Abuse Titles
01-15-2009, 05:25 PM
Replies: 1,378
Views: 1,023,871
Re: The LCS Factor
I just finished reading through the previous posts and found all the arguing about what happened in Dallas with the elders interesting. I also was called into one of those meetings at the age of 18...
Forum: Spiritual Abuse Titles
01-15-2009, 01:49 PM
Replies: 1,378
Views: 1,023,871
The LCS Factor
This is probably getting redundant for some of you, but I grew up with the Whitingtons since I was 5 years old. My mother and I lived in the "Big House" in Denton way back in the day, with George and...
Forum: Oh Lord, Where Do We Go From Here?
01-15-2009, 12:40 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 10,137
Re: Where DO we go from here?
Understand where you're coming from. I won't even start on my personal opinion of James and what he put everyone through! I'm thankfull that part of my life is over, and I am trying to deal with it...
Forum: Spiritual Abuse Titles
01-07-2009, 03:22 PM
Replies: 1,378
Views: 1,023,871
Re: The LCS Factor
I'm hoping that this forum will be a bit cathartic. Only just now at age 46 (oh man, am I really that old?) ready to look back at those days growing up in the LC. For those of you who dont know me -...
Forum: Regional Concerns
01-07-2009, 01:20 PM
Replies: 404
Views: 283,631
Re: Titus Chu and Paul Wu
Yep, we won!!!! :) Hook 'em Horns! Sorry, couldnt resist. Good to read your writings on this website! I recently started reading some of the posts. Interesting discussions going on. Your name sure...
Forum: Oh Lord, Where Do We Go From Here?
01-07-2009, 12:59 PM
Replies: 17
Views: 10,137
Re: Where DO we go from here?
I grew up with the Barber boys, and knew them well. Seems unfair to be speaking for them and about them without them being present! Hope they are both doing well. Get in touch if either of you read...
Forum: Spiritual Abuse Titles
01-07-2009, 12:34 PM
Replies: 1,378
Views: 1,023,871
Re: The LCS Factor
After reading some of the posts, just wondering if any of you were children who actually grew up in the LC? I did - and was there from the start in Texas in Denton. DJohnson definantely has a good...