Local Church Discussions

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-   -   Original Dr. Walter Martin Description Of The Local Church (http://localchurchdiscussions.com/vBulletin/showthread.php?t=7222)

Paul Vusik 01-08-2022 09:27 PM

Original Dr. Walter Martin Description Of The Local Church

I was doing some deeper research into the early events of LC, and found this audio record of Dr. Walter Martin who was running CRI before the current regime stole it from his family after his death. I couldn’t find the recording or a link on this forum, so if it’s alre exists, please let me know where. I think that he gives pretty precise description of the LC, and there should be a record of it everywhere where the people can find it and listen for themselves. I just found this today, so if I’m making a duplicate tread please combine.


Here is the video link while it still exists:


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