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Mireya Testimony of Neglect and Abuse
Hello I am Z9, and as promised I present you the testimony of a dear sister of Mireya, who suffered at the hands of evil in Anaheim.
Story of Mireya, a lament of abuse, neglect, and darkness. I came across Mireya YouTube in which she gave her testimony on how she joined and why she left the lords recovery denomination. One thing I want to disclaim is that I am trying my best to remember an hour and a half long YouTube video that I watched months ago so I will not remember and do not have the time to put every single detail of that near 90-minute testimony of this dear sister. I am typing this up because I believe DCP and or local church hate bots harassed her to the point in which she felt scared or anxious. She did try to warn DCP not to come after her and her family, but we already know how ruthless DCP can be on those who wish to speak out against their suffering injustice in the lord’s recovery Mireya joined the local church denomination in southern California where she came from a Hispanic and catholic background but wanted a richer experience with Christ. She eventually came across a small but sweet locality that really took care of her. Mireya came out of a pretty rough relationship with her ex-boyfriend and he left her with children to take care of by herself. This small locality as Mireya described- were sweet and caring of her and her child. They put lots of time in making sure everything was well with her and her children. Mireya describes the small localities as much different than larger localities in terms of vibes and overall atmosphere in which the former is much gentler and more tolerant. Eventually the small locality was eager to bring Mireya into the ministry fully and was not satisfied with just bible reading. Mireya was also recalling how she should have noticed the overemphasis on “fellowshipping” with the elders in every important aspect of your life as if you have no control. She felt that overall, the LC was truly not a place in which loving Christ was not enough but being loyal to the ministry was eventually required. Mireya wanted to go to a bigger locality, so she told her current smaller locality that she wanted to go to Anaheim. The sisters in the smaller locality told her that going to a big locality like Anaheim is complicated due to her situation. Since she had a child and relationship of wedlock, the rulers in Anaheim would not let that off the hook and she was soon confronted with an ultimatum. Mireya was called by the elders and asked if she could remarry her ex-boyfriend who is also in the recovery. She was called to a meeting with if my memory serves correct 8 English speaking elders and 7 Spanish speaking elders with the English and Spanish speakers being divided on different sides of a table. Mireya mentioned how she is still confused on why the English and Spanish speaking elders were divided the way they were at the table so if one of you fellow forum members could answer this question that would be good insight. The elders then proceeded to ask her if she loved her ex-boyfriend, Mireya felt pressured and hesitant, but she answered, “I love him but I do not trust him”, due to their fractured relationship previously, Mireya was obviously going to be cynical of the man who left her with children to take care of by herself. The elders did not care of Mireya distrust of her ex-boyfriend and quickly arranged the marriage. The wedding is now commencing at an elder’s house and as one can already know what is about to happen, a bleak and vapid marriage of woe, abuse, neglect, and misery is about to begin. Mireya is having a wedding at a Saints house and the family from both sides are there and Mireya described them as expressionless or just dismal in their attitude of their marriage. I believe only her sister was somewhat happy cause it is a wedding, I guess. The vapid marriage continues and Mireya says from what I can remember that during an LC wedding or at least this particular wedding for sure, the marriage couple announces all their flaws, sins, and burdens of the past that they had and confess to the other spouse. Now that I’m thinking about it I believe this part of confessing took place before the actual marriage ceremony because Mireya said she called her sister was basically scared as heck and very hesitant to move on with anything with what her fiancé just confessed to saying, but her sister basically said something along the line of, “you don’t have to do this and marry that man”. Mireya expresses regret that she did not listen to her sister’s advice and makes a big mistake of proceeding with the marriage in full. The empty marriage is coming to a close and no one really seems happy cause everyone knows this was not genuine and just another dung marriage by the elders due to stringent customs. Moving Forward, Mireya comes with constant problems with the marriage. Her husband is verbally, emotionally, and physically abusive to the point in which Mireya has multiple mental breakdowns of tears, fear, and pain of something she does not deserve at all. She tries to tell the sisters about it but they just say, “you need to be in your spirit sister, you are in your mind, take it to the cross sister, cover the brother sister”. Mireya tries all this and comes back with the same abuse going on, on all levels yet the sisters tell her the same thing repeatedly. She goes to the elders and they tell her the same thing of not being in her mind and covering the brother. Mireya eventually loses it as she cannot take it anymore, she confronts her husband, and they get into a heated argument. The husband physically assaults her, and it results in Mireya falling and banging her head on a table and her obtaining a severe head injury that required immediate hospital attention. After she recovers, she wants to call the police, but she decides to go an elder she liked that spoke Spanish and was able to have intimate conversations with. The Spanish speaking elder is strongly trying to prevent her from getting the police involves and still is pushing the being in your spirit and not your mind hogwash. He is trying to tell her the cover the brother at all cost and take it to the cross. Mireya is saying that no husband should treat a wife like this and that he gone too far and she has dealt with this too many times and a breaking point has reached with a severe injury that could have been fatal. The elder accuses her of being a feminist and says she needs to get rid of that poison thinking and cover the brother and take the cross. Mireya concedes to the elder, she admits that her still deciding to not divorce her husband at this point was a mistake but nonetheless she continues her testimony. Mireya says that her tolerance was ice thin after returning from the hospital injury. Her husband is still being emotionally and verbally abusive, but Mireya says that she threatened to call the cops if he ever touches again so he abstains from doing so due to Mireya standing up to herself. Yet, the verbal abuse is too much, and Mireya goes to the sisters and pour her heart out. The sisters they cry for her because even LC FTTA grad Anaheim sisters, can only speak so much of “getting out of your mind and turn to your spirit” before collapsing to the pain and suffering of an innocent sister and realize the tears of sympathy and natural affection will take place. Even after crying with her fellow sisters, the sisters can’t do much and helplessly tell Mireya to take the cross, cover the brother, and or seek the elders. Now going back to the husbands wicked treatment, he basically says Mireya as a tool for his madness and cruelty. He constantly forced her to have more children than her body could handle, in which sister inappropriately said, “Jeez Mireya stop looking at him or you might get pregnant again”. Mireya even asks him, why on earth would you even marry me if you don’t love me, he then said “I don’t love you and I only married you because the elders recommended that I do”. He would also blame anything that involved any incident with the children and pin it on her, even mocking that she failed in taking care of their children. Funny, since she took of their first son for over a year I believe when he left her In the dust to be a single mother out of wedlock. He also continued to use the children as a weapon against her and was also cruel in this matter. Fast forward Mireya wants a divorce, and she goes to the sisters first and a wide arrange of responses. Some sisters said that she cannot get a divorce because of strict scriptural requirements and that she must take any hardships to the cross. Other sisters exposed their true feeling and said, “HOW CAN YOU GET A DIVORCE AND WE CAN’T, WE HAD THE SAME KIND OF MARRIAGE AS YOU SISTER”. Mireya then gave a brief explanation on how other sisters were dissatisfied with their arranged marriages but could not do nothing about it. Mireya gets disapproval from everyone around her in the church but after 10 years of this wretched journey in the recovery- it was over. The divorce was done, and Mireya had to start a new life with her kids. The saddest moment in all of this is when her child after some years of them leaving the recovery confessed that he was sexually abused by “brothers” while he a young boy. Mireya is in tears while telling this part of her testimony, she asked her son why he did not tell her at the time this happened, and he said that at the time of them being in the recovery the recovery seemed like it meant everything to his mother. He did not want his abuse to take away her experience in the recovery. From the son’s perspective, the recovery meant everything to his mother and as a young boy it is such a tragedy that he endured such wickedness because he did not want to take something that appeared from his eyes to mean so much to his mother. It gets even more tragic when you realize that the reality was, they as individuals endured such darkness and malevolence without knowing in full or at all what the other was truly going through as mother and son. The climax reaches here and Mireya closes with how she meet with another person she knew that was in still in the LC. She tried to tell this current LC member what the elders did to her in their lack of actions towards the abusive husband. The brainwashed LC member told Mireya that the devil was consuming her and that she was influenced by the enemy and that is the only explanation on why anyone would speak “negatively” of the elders. Mireya had to split paths wit this person and even told her she is welcome to try to come back to speak to her if he is willing to hear her story of her abuse in the LC without accusing her of being of the devil. This wraps up the testimony of Mireya and even after explaining in the video that this was her personal testimony and not an experience the reflects ever one in the LC. Well the hate bots from the LC said she was being “overly emotional” and that she was to blame and she had no growth as a Christian and that her blaming the church rather than herself was not justified. I personally feel as though those idiots never even watched the video or go on every YouTube video speaking out against the LC and just post senseless and dumb comments. Mireya eventually made the video private probably due to DCP and or harassment from hate bot brainwashed morons from the LC. Yet, I am a living memory of her testimony and I gladly wrote all of this for you all to see and also remember her story so that she lives on. In conclusion, the ex-husband was never confronted or disciplined for his wrongs at all. The blame towards Mireya and the lack of accountability of the abusive scumbag husband was all the elder’s fault at hand, especially in basically casting the ultimatum of marriage between the two. Her ex-husband was a FTT grad and possibly this added more “covering effect” to his side. The sisters could do absolutely nothing but say the same ole crap that has been told to their whole lives. Mireya tried to be the “ideal” sister with her style of dressing and customs/practice of the church. She tried to discard the stigma against her of being what she called a “hood Latina”, and yet all of that did not get her any help when she needed it. The small locality was sweet and the lions den known as Anaheim was a curse forever chiseled into her soul for the rest of her life. “Covering the brother” , has turned into a tool of neglect and abuse towards many sisters in the LC. Mireya story is not alone, she and many other sisters suffer this injustice. We are now seeing something in OKC with the same premise and conclusion as Mireya. Mireya, you are not an anomaly or sole incident but a victim of a institutional and systematic practice of malevolence. Christ was absent in all of this and I am not sure how many more have to suffer before a change is taken to stand up for sisters and not see them as breeding tools that are only good for being submissive, having kids, and cooking and cleaning for the house when needs be. The local church calls Ephesians the high peak book yet chapter 5 of Ephesians was absent in all of this. It appears no scripture matters to the LC, if it goes against the doctrine of witness lee then all scripture is subject to tear and death in the eyes of LC (not just the book of James it seems =) = =). Perhaps in the LC, Ephesians 5 is only visible until verse 24 and everything beyond that is somehow unseeable or uncomprehend able? Well who knows since the LC is hardly consistent in anything they teach of. . Some possible questions for you to consider for discussion - What part hit hardest in this Testimony? - What do you have to say to the elders, husband, and sisters? - What do you have to say to Mireya? - What do you fellow brother and sisters would love to have discussion about, surrounding this testimony? I am Z9 and I am glad to give you this testimony of this dear sister whose voice shall not be shut down but empowered by those who care and love for her, just as Christ has done for us. Sincerely, Z9 |
Re: Mireya Testimony of Neglect and Abuse
Absolutely appalling how utterly stupid and irresponsible the leadership of the lords recovery can be. Philip Lee was just a unveiling of how capable the local churches are in preserving evil. The teachings of witness lee are see in full effect throughout history. The local churches say they are full of Christ. Can anyone say that the local churches during the events of Mierya testimony was full of Christ? Can anyone say that the co-workers who threw John Ingalls and Max Rappaport under the bus for absolute trash like Philip Lee were full of Christ? Can you say the co-workers and elders involved defending Joel M Davis were full of Christ? Can you say anyone who perpetuates evil of this sort on any magnitude while slaying and tarnishing the victims of injustice is full of Christ?
This is not of Christ, this is something else that is un-biblical and rooted in insecurity, grotesque pride, and delusion of maintaining a deceitful image of what the church truly is in its true nature. Witness Lee, one of the many narcissistic and false prophets who has mislead much of mankind into darkness. Luke 6:26- Woe to you when all the people speak well of you; for their fathers used to treat the false prophets the same way. |
Re: Mireya Testimony of Neglect and Abuse
Thanks, Z9, for writing this in stone, as it were. Stories like these need to be told and re-told so the co-workers can't hide from the abuses any longer. So many abusive and fear-based teachings were used in this one prolonged situation alone, and so much pain and damage was caused as a result. Thanks for the time and effort you put into it to honor Mireya's story.
Re: Mireya Testimony of Neglect and Abuse
This reminds me of a dear sister who I still look up to today, who was my “high school trainee” caretaker, who after the injustice I went through, told me a similar story. Her first two husbands were FTTA scumbags who cheated on her, and she felt suicidal, because of course, she was told to “cover” these brothers. To this day, she is single and has deep mistrust of men, unsurprisingly. Yet she is still stuck in the LC and tells me she can only pray an confess her sins for divorcing them.
I wouldnt be surprised if you also posted on LRD before, you seem familiar. |
Re: Mireya Testimony of Neglect and Abuse
That is a very sad story regarding the sister who had multiple adulterous husbands. They probably learned covering adulterous brothers from their master witness lee. Hey wasn't there a situation in Texas regarding a man named Ben McPherson, who witness lee decided to emphasize covering instead of rebuke? They are so quick to excommunicate a man like Chris Fleming because he wants to remarry a woman but cover grotesque evils in regards to sexual related transgressions (Philip Lee, Joel M Davis, Ben McPherson, molesters, abusers etc). I mean history does repeat itself in the Local churches regarding evil deeds they never seem to want to repent or learn from them. The lords recovery is just a very strange place full of so much hypocrisy that it really does rely on indoctrination and authoritative control to maintain its madness. Utter stupidity and I am not sure how long they can keep this up. They have had so many conflicts within this church regarding regional turmoils or crimes/scandals and they wont acknowledge, repent, and turn to the lord on how things should be done. Just sue the crap out of anyone and slander people with concerns, that's the way to do it in the local churches (what an utter desolate state this church is in).
John 3:20 -For everyone who does wicked things hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. Psalm 97:10 -Hate evil, you who love the Lord, Who watches over the souls of His godly ones; He saves them from the hand of the wicked. Ezekiel 25:17 -I will execute great vengeance on them with wrathful rebukes. Then they will know that I am the Lord, when I lay my vengeance upon them. The lord is sovereign and only time well tell what is the future of the local churches in regards to their existence, practices, and way of life. |
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