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awareness 12-06-2020 09:03 PM

The forum went down
It was for a cooling down. So now that cooler minds can prevail let's back to discussions.

Sons to Glory! 12-07-2020 07:29 AM

Re: The forum went down
It was a good and needed break.

SerenityLives 12-07-2020 10:56 AM

Re: The forum went down

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! (Post 97783)
It was a good and needed break.

Honestly I was getting withdrawla symptoms for posting. I kept rechecking to see if it was back up Haha

Sons to Glory! 12-07-2020 11:47 AM

Re: The forum went down

Originally Posted by SerenityLives (Post 97793)
Honestly I was getting withdrawla symptoms for posting. I kept rechecking to see if it was back up Haha

To be honest, I did too a little! Fortunately lots going on around here to keep myself productively occupied otherwise.

One of the cool things is many ex-LCers are getting together around the country. A couple of them were here in Scottsdale this past week or so. I hope to be able to post something on the main forum about this, once the timing is right - very positive things!

SerenityLives 12-07-2020 12:08 PM

Re: The forum went down

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! (Post 97812)
To be honest, I did too a little! Fortunately lots going on around here to keep myself productively occupied otherwise.

One of the cool things is many ex-LCers are getting together around the country. A couple of them were here in Scottsdale this past week or so. I hope to be able to post something on the main forum about this, once the timing is right - very positive things!

really? like a high school reunion. thats kind of cute.

Sons to Glory! 12-07-2020 12:43 PM

Re: The forum went down

Originally Posted by SerenityLives (Post 97814)
really? like a high school reunion. thats kind of cute.

Not exactly. Just some stirrings to find one another and fellowship together. One ex-elder in particular has been responsible for going around the country, looking up ex-LCers. Again, it's been very positive and most encouraging!

Boxjobox 12-08-2020 09:11 AM

Re: The forum went down
Ive noticed a slowness in function on the site- are our postings now being run through a heavy duty virus screen? What actually happened to bring down the site? Were our accounts compromised? Did the LC techies hack the system for their gods? Sounds like a good conspiracy theory discussion until Untohim tells us the full story.

awareness 12-08-2020 09:15 AM

Re: The forum went down

Originally Posted by Boxjobox (Post 97864)
Ive noticed a slowness in function on the site- are our postings now being run through a heavy duty virus screen? What actually happened to bring down the site? Were our accounts compromised? Did the LC techies hack the system for their gods? Sounds like a good conspiracy theory discussion until Untohim tells us the full story.

I talked to Untohim. He said he brought it down to provide a cooling down period. He considered leaving it down until Jan. 1.

Sons to Glory! 12-08-2020 09:38 AM

Re: The forum went down

Originally Posted by awareness (Post 97865)
I talked to Untohim. He said he brought it down to provide a cooling down period. He considered leaving it down until Jan. 1.

That long would have been fine with me - I've recognized my flesh was definately getting all spun-up over things. And there's so much stuff on here already that people could spend a year reading! (Of course, there wouldn't be interaction . . .)

Boxjobox 12-08-2020 06:14 PM

Re: The forum went down
A few thoughts on the overall site:
I walked away from the LC in San Diego in 1986 after the “leading ones” sent out a letter declaring the “oneness” of the church with WL and LSM. John Smith had already given his final talk, Lee was introducing the new way, “truth lessons” were the latest consumption. I knew I couldn’t continue is such an assembly- I had grown tired of the whole Lee evolution and really had been questioning a lot of his teachings and practices that I had stuck with for 13 years. I was glad to see such a site as this to compare with what others had been through, because the LC had done a number on my relation to God, Christ, church, other Christians. It was good to hear from others.

But now I have been removed from that thing for over 30 years. I was not there when Lee died and the new LSM took over. I realize there is a whole new crop of young people visiting the site who have gone through a totally different brand/ experience of LC than I did. I can’t really relate to their experiences because I was gone before many of them were even born. I don’t think talking about daystar or WL’s son has any real help for them, as all of that was ancient history.

Next thought is that a good amount of the old timers probably really liked the WL theology, just didn’t like all the antics that accompanied it. So we all squabble over some things, but there doesn’t seem to be a cohesive opinion on what was theologically wrong.

Another thought- I probably have created a lot of the problems Untohim endures in running the site. He has expressed his purpose in running this, and I want to respect that. Yet he and I disagree on fundamental theological views.

I think, for myself, it is probably time to take a long break from this site and not interfere with Untohim’s intentions. I did this once before for about a year; when I returned, it seemed that the same discussions and topics were still being bantered about. As I said, there seems to be a new crop of younger XLC that could be more relevant to the current LC trend.

Strangest thing to me is, I still live in San Diego, get around the city quite a bit, and in the last 30+ years, have not seen any expression of the LC in San Diego. One would think that “God’s eternal purpose” would be the talk of the town by now with tens of thousands turning the city up-side-down with their teachings.

So, anyway, I appreciate all, and especially Untohim’s diligence.

Trapped 12-09-2020 09:58 AM

Re: The forum went down

Originally Posted by Boxjobox (Post 97864)
Ive noticed a slowness in function on the site

I've also noticed this. Takes longer for things to load (logging in, posting, navigating, etc).

Sons to Glory! 12-09-2020 10:08 AM

Re: The forum went down

Originally Posted by Trapped (Post 97886)
I've also noticed this. Takes longer for things to load (logging in, posting, navigating, etc).

Perhaps because there's a whole new section?

awareness 12-09-2020 01:24 PM

Re: The forum went down

Originally Posted by Trapped
I've also noticed this. Takes longer for things to load (logging in, posting, navigating, etc).

Originally Posted by StG
Perhaps because there's a whole new section?

My understanding is, they're still working on it.

Sons to Glory! 12-09-2020 04:28 PM

Re: The forum went down

Originally Posted by awareness (Post 97896)
My understanding is, they're still working on it.

. . . trying to figure out who should and shouldn't have access and how much, and who will moderate. (I snuck a quick peek)

SerenityLives 12-10-2020 02:00 PM

Re: The forum went down

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! (Post 97907)
. . . trying to figure out who should and shouldn't have access and how much, and who will moderate. (I snuck a quick peek)

I think they’re trying to work out a password because unlike you who respects boundaries, jigsaw has been posting on there a total of four separate occasions on three threads. Sorry that the church kids need high maintenance and is bringing the whole forum down

Sons to Glory! 12-10-2020 02:06 PM

Re: The forum went down

Originally Posted by SerenityLives (Post 97922)
I think they’re trying to work out a password because unlike you who respects boundaries, jigsaw has been posting on there a total of four separate occasions on three threads

Interesting . . . but I'm not sure what boundaries you are referring to. And are you referring to me or jigsaw not respecting boundaries? (Are there boundary rules that have been set up somewhere on the forum?) Please clarify.

SerenityLives 12-11-2020 04:25 AM

Re: The forum went down

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! (Post 97923)
Interesting . . . but I'm not sure what boundaries you are referring to. And are you referring to me or jigsaw not respecting boundaries? (Are there boundary rules that have been set up somewhere on the forum?) Please clarify.

Nothing to do with you. You’re good. Just jigsaw has not been following the rules on Ex Chrchkid forum. He cannot post if he’s not an ex-church kid and if he isnt, he needs permission from moderator and admin to post on there but he just goes ahead and posts anyway, with cuss words and sexist comments (he has been warned but disregarded the first and second warning so hopefully he’ll heed the third; all his posts have been deleted by admin or by himself). This is annoying multiple ex church kids on there. If this continues to be an issue, Untohim will need to think of an alternative to keep the subforum password-locked.

Ohio 12-11-2020 06:40 AM

Re: The forum went down

Originally Posted by SerenityLives (Post 97932)
Nothing to do with you. You’re good. Just jigsaw has not been following the rules on Ex Chrchkid forum. He cannot post if he’s not an ex-church kid and if he isnt, he needs permission from moderator and admin to post on there but he just goes ahead and posts anyway, with cuss words and sexist comments (he has been warned but disregarded the first and second warning so hopefully he’ll heed the third; all his posts have been deleted by admin or by himself). This is annoying multiple ex church kids on there. If this continues to be an issue, Untohim will need to think of an alternative to keep the subforum password-locked.

Why not keep this church kid sub-forum hidden from those who are not registered? Why am I forced to see something I can't comment on?

SerenityLives 12-11-2020 01:56 PM

Re: The forum went down

Originally Posted by Ohio (Post 97936)
Why not keep this church kid sub-forum hidden from those who are not registered? Why am I forced to see something I can't comment on?

Lol no one is forcing you to see it. Ask Untohim. I think the idea was so other ex church kids can lurk and read them without registering first, so they dont feel as alone.

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