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byHismercy 08-31-2019 10:08 PM


Tears are dropping, not unseen
The Lord of lords is watching them

He gathers, promised, counts, knows,
While I, unaware, of His enthroned,
Might, Authority, Glory- His,

Jesus, King of kings, cares for them,
and waits, to be received.

He's knocking, standing, patiently,
Loving us, succumbed His life,
Triumphant, took it up again
While humanity wonders, where is He?

We need you, God!
Reluctantly, they turn, ask, quietly...
Can You see what's happening
Here on earth?

These senseless deaths to gun
And cruel intent?

The devil has his way with us,
While Jesus is in prayer for us.

Wanting every soul to be
Home with Him eventually

Some will turn, bow the knee
But some the devils' fodder be.

If only, we all would see,
His love, His majesty.

Then all together we would know
Our Father, 3 in 1
Whose Son is the Light, the Truth, the Way.

JJ 09-04-2019 06:52 PM

Re: Jesus!
Nice poem ByHisMercy!

Thanks for sharing it with us

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