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-   -   Balance between forgiveness and exposing a false teacher (http://localchurchdiscussions.com/vBulletin/showthread.php?t=5084)

bearbear 02-09-2014 09:29 AM

Balance between forgiveness and exposing a false teacher
Hi Jane,

I'm Samuel Hsiung and I live in the Bay Area of Northern California and am a former LC member. I'm writing this email in exchange for downloading your e-book. Actually I tried to send this email to your address but it is no longer working, so I hope that by posting here you will see the message.

I decided to read your book because I have been struggling to find the balance between forgiving and helping others to forgive Witness Lee and exposing him for who he is to my family and friends. Please pray that I will be able to forgive from my heart and help others to do so and follow the Lord in all things.

I recently put up a video of the phone conversation Witness Lee had with Sal Benoit:

I've been struggling whether or not it is right to do so. On one hand if I leave it up, others can see for themselves the truth of what happened so they can leave for healthier churches. On the other hand I do not want to encourage or hold on to bitterness.

I've been asking the Lord but I'm not sure what he wants me to do and I'm having trouble discerning if a voice is from the enemy or from the Lord. I just want to be right before God and to do his will because I love him but sometimes it's hard because my flesh is weak and I need his grace.

Your brother,


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