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Peter Debelak 07-10-2012 12:27 AM

A vent... About being "known by God"
Posted in Forum

Peter Debelak 07-11-2012 09:33 PM

Re: A vent... About being "known by God"
Well, I guess I didn't realize how this "Blog posting" worked and entitled my entire blog what intended to be just one entry. So be it. :o

I used to post on this forum a lot (and on the Bereans forum under the moniker "Simeond"). My activity has ebbed and flowed for the last 7 years now (its crazy to think its been that long). Reflecting on that, I realize this forum has been a great grinding stone for me. Any "breaks" I've taken have not been for offense or frustration. I feel like I return as the Lord is re-engaging me in a different way. I'm not sure why.

UntoHim started a thread on what the value of this forum is. Early on, this forum (well, Bereans before it) was just an eye-opener in regards to factual histories of the Local Churches. Then it became a fantastic venue to re-engage with long-held beliefs derived from Witness Lee's ministry and really dive into the word to re-think what I believed. I recall my first post was utterly an appologetics for a WL theology and I got lambasted for it!

To some degree, it has been helpful, when reformulating certain beliefs, to begin in a discussion with those who understand (but don't necessarily agree with) the framework in which I am approaching the topic. That makes communication easier and enables a more incisive critique of the positions I've inherited and am reviewing.

My life taken so many crazy turns in the last 7 years - ones I never could have predicted. It requires so much more out of faith than what I was armed with. The folks on this forum have been a great help in that respect.

I feel that I have my feet under me in a way I certainly didn't when I started here. Perhaps I am re-engaging here with a new perspective, ever-open (of course) to be honed, challenged and encouraged.

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