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Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Rick Perry and Sarah Palin allegedly have close ties to a radical Christian movement known as the New Apostolic Reformation that practices exorcism of demons and practices "spiritual warfare" against other religions. The beliefs of this group are far more extreme than the evangelicalism epoused by George W. Bush. It is scary to think that either Palin or Perry could be elected President of the US given their extreme views. The movement's agenda is to achieve "dominion" over the arts, business, education, family, government, media, and religion.
Two ministries in the movement planned and orchestrated Texas Gov. Rick Perry's recent prayer rally, where apostles and prophets from around the nation spoke or appeared onstage. The event was patterned after The Call, held at locations around the globe and led by Lou Engle, who has served in the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders of the NAR. Other NAR apostles endorsed Perry's event, including two who lead a 50-state "prayer warrior" network. Thomas Muthee, the Kenyan pastor who anointed Sarah Palin at the Wasilla Assembly of God Church in 2005, while praying for Jesus to protect her from the spirit of witchcraft, is also part of this movement. Source: Fresh Air with Terry Grosshttp://www.talk2action.org/story/2011/8/12/18559/6431 |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
You are worried about Dominionism, and we got a Muslim in the White House? Do you have any idea what "scary" really means? Sarah Palin has other issues, but these "extreme views" should be of little concern to conservative Christians.
I used to listen to Terry Gross of Fresh Air, until I so sick of her ramming her liberal bias down our throats. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
If the reports are true, these folks do not believe in religious freedom. They drive stakes into the grounds of mosques and Masonic Temples in order to bring down the principalities and powers that control these religions. It sounds more extreme then Witness Lee and the Local Churches to me. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
I watched a film clip and Obama said, "My Muslim faith." I am not going by what others have said, but what he has said. Secondly, I pay little attention to what politicians say. They are all liars. Pay attention, not to what they say, but what they do. That's how you can know them. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Here's a short article by Youssef that my wife recently showed me -- Quote:
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Guys, let's not make politics a "hot topic" on the forum. This started out about "a radical Christian movement" and has gone downhill fast from there.
Yu'all need to remember that I'm the kind of guy that clings to my religion and my delete button:p |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
If the reports are true, Dominionists do not believe in religious freedom. Do you? |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
No, I don't believe in religious freedom. God desires all men to be saved. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
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Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
http://texasfred.net/archives/7453 The second clip is even more scary. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Why don't you just call him the black anti-Christ and get it over with? There's lots of youtube on that. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
I also remember Obama's speech in May/June, a few months ago when he emphatically stated Jerusalem should be divided and be returned to the way it was before 1967. Benjamin Netanyahu then spoke to Congress and the world saying NO WAY Jose! He then had a private meeting w/Obama and both emerged saying it was productive until Benjamin w/respect put Obama in his place regarding Jerusalem. Thanks for sharing the videos w/us Ohio. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
And to think that some people still believe he showed us his original birth certificate. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Have you checked out the websites on 'the BLACK Pope' Awareness ? |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Black Pope may refer to: A derogatory term for the Superior General of the Society of Jesus A title used to refer to Anton LaVey A nickname used by former WWE wrestler Elijah Burke The air name of American radio disc jockey Shelley Pope |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
We'll try to behave ourselves, if you don't hit the "delete button." |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
I don't necessarily believe the kingdom will come as they say, but don't see how their ideas should be of concern to you. Radical movements in Christianity come and go like the wind. Approx. half of evangelical Christians are full-gospel pentecostals, of various strains. Many cast out demons and wage spiritual warfare. How is that any different than the book of Acts? |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
No, it's the other way around. If you guys behave I won't have to hit the delete button.:rollingeyesfrown: (like I ever do) **Ohio knows me so I can razz him like this. Seriously though, I'm all for breaking up the monotony and tediousness of discussions revolving around one dominant topic. But political wrangling has a tendency to distract all of us from the main purpose of this community. If some of you feel different (don't bother Harold I already know you do:rolleyes:) then maybe some other threads could be opened. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
However, the New Apostolic Reformation is another matter. They're cult like, like the LRC. And a little wacky too. I hate to beat a dead horse but, when will the Lord save us from these wacky, wacky, wacky, Christians? Is there no end to 'em? |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
World oil production peaked in 2008 (best estimate). The decline in oil production on a yearly basis will be an ugly thing to experience. But I don't have time to discuss the impending bankruptcy or Govt malfeasance or even global meltdown due to peak oil. I have to get ready for the hurricane and the earthquake kind of messed with my schedule. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Ever since I read this statement quoted by Ohio above I've been disturbed. Ohio says by the way I talk I don't need God. And he's right but wrong. He's right that I don't need any man depicted god. And now bro Ohio makes a statement that indicates he believes in a dictatorial God, or that God is dictator. And it's clear from the beginning, ever since the garden, that God is not a dictator ; that God allows and endorses freedom of choice ; that God is into freedom. So bro Ohio, chalk up one God I don't need, or want, and that is a God that is a dictator. Nor do I want it in my gov'ment, even if it's pure Christianity. Can you imagine the Living Stream Ministry running our gov'ment? As bro Ray stated : YIKES!!! |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
You're 'disturbed'!!!! So you finally admit it !! Took you long enough!! Glad you are finally coming around to your senses Man !!! :D Seriously though.... You don't understand what Ohio is saying. He is speaking just as Jesus spoke to the religious people and they did not get what He meant. They did not understand because they did not have REVELATION from GOD. Religious 'freedom' is not freedom at all. But one needs Divine Revelation to 'get it'. Really !! No joke! CMW |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
And we tried Christianity running the gov'ment. It's called the dark ages. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Who is throwing stones? Is calling a Muslim a Muslim throwing a stone? Let's just be honest about who we elected to the White House. Is that too hard? |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
What's with the asterisks? Is s-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-m a bad word? Jesus was a s-o-c-i-a-l-i-s-t... |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Can't we reason together like adults without you getting all emotional? |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
I have a mission for our dear bro Ohio. Yer out of the LC. Go join this New Apostolic Reformation movement, and give your life to it, and report back to us about it. Your time in the crazy local church movement, and the fact they espouse your political views, should allow you to fit right in. Another option could be "The Family" or Fellowship, where you can be part of the movement in upper gov'ment around the world, to establish Christianity as the dominate world religion ... with their "invisible hand" control of economics. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
So I think there are many examples in this country of "the freedom of religion" being defined by the judiciary. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
That said, I disagree that we should treat Muslims the way Christians are treated in countries operating under Sharia law. Didn't the Lord command us to treat others as you would have them treat us? It would be an affront to our conscience to treat Muslims that way. No one can tell me they would want to be treated the way Christians are treated in a country under Sharia law. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
To me the basic principle is this, the harder someone campaigns to get elected the less I want them in office. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
You stated "No, I don't believe in religious freedom. God desires all men to be saved." You believe that God desires all people to be saved. I do too. But I don't believe you or I can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt. Therefore, shouldn't reasonable people allow others to make their own cloice? Doesn't the Bible itself support freedom of religious choice? Do really want to take away their right to exercise that ability freely? What good would it be to God to force people to adhere to a relgion they did not freely choose? |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
I agree with zeek. Religious freedom from the Christian standpoint is simply respecting people's right to make up their own mind and choose themselves. God himself gives them this right. He doesn't say any old choice will produce good results, but he does give people the right to choose.
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
believe http://www.etymonline.com/graphics/dictionary.gif O.E. belyfan "to believe," earlier geleafa (Mercian), gelefa (Northumbrian), gelyfan (W.Saxon) "believe," from P.Gmc. *ga-laubjan "hold dear, love" (cf. O.S. gilobian, Du. geloven, O.H.G. gilouben, Ger. glauben), from PIE base *leubh- "to like, desire" (see love). Spelling beleeve is common till 17c.; then altered perhaps by influence of relieve. To believe on instead of in was more common in 16c. but now is a peculiarity of theology; believe of also sometimes was used in 17c. So to believe can imply to belove as in I belove in Jesus" or I "belove in the Bill of Rights". Obviously the latter statement is not true of some Chrisitans. For example, "...Christian Reconstructionism's founder, Rousas John Rushdoony, wrote in his magnum opus, The Institutes of Biblical Law: "The heresy of democracy has since then worked havoc in church and state ... Christianity and democracy are inevitably enemies." He elsewhere said that "Christianity is completely and radically anti-democratic; it is committed to spiritual aristocracy," and characterized democracy as "the great love of the failures and cowards of life." [11] In the book, he proposed that Old Testament law should be applied to modern society and that there should be a Christian theonomy, a concept developed in his colleague Greg Bahnsen's controversial tome Theonomy and Christian Ethics, which Rushdoony heartily endorsed. In the Institutes of Biblical Law, Rushdoony supported the reinstatement of the Mosaic law's penal sanctions. Under such a system, the list of civil crimes which carried a death sentence would include homosexuality, adultery, incest, lying about one's virginity, bestiality, witchcraft, idolatry or apostasy, public blasphemy, false prophesying, kidnapping, rape, and bearing false witness in a capital case. [12] In short, he sought to cast a vision for the reconstruction of society based on Christian principles and represents the more traditionally understood approach to Reconstructionism." Source:Wikipedia |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Second, I am well aware of the atrocities and unrighteousness that takes place in countries under Sharia law towards non muslims. I think it was clear that Ohio was referring to this. If you read what Sharia law means any country that adopts it makes all non muslims second class citizens at best. The reason for the terrible atrocities in Sudan, at least in part, was that the Muslim nations have a block of about 60 countries, kind of like NAFTA. They exert extreme pressure on Nations like Sudan and Nigeria to join. Sudan was viewed as a gateway to Africa and has rich oil and gas resources. Before getting all huffy over this issue, why not first take a look at what is actually going on. When Bush invaded Iraq one of the key justifications was that Saddam Hussein was a "bad" man. The reality according to Amnesty international is that our Allies, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are considered much worse than Iraq. By contrast Iraq was considered tolerant by Middle Eastern standards. So the idea that we were fighting for truth, justice and the American way was baloney, we were fighting for oil. Iraq has the largest known oil reserves next to Saudi Arabia in the world. Saudi Arabia has booby trapped their oil wells with dirty nuclear bombs so that if anyone tries to seize the oil the entire world will go down in flames (that would be the impact of removing Saudi oil from the world's economy). Now it is typical that those that learn of the atrocities being perpetrated under the guise of Sharia law are offended at the hypocrisy. Muslims scream bloody murder over the slightest offense in the US (NYC recently got exposed for setting up their own intelligence service to learn about the local muslims and local muslim groups were on the news crying how unjust this was. By all definitions we were attacked with an act of war. Our adversary views this as a holy war between Muslims and infidels, yet our government, charged with protecting us, is supposed to cover their eyes and play dumb?!) yet are completely silent over much worse examples of atrocities perpetrated by their native countries against non muslims. Why didn't these same people make a fuss about what was going on in Sudan, that was clearly much worse. However, I believe that the key principle here is "to treat others the way you want to be treated" not the way they treat you. Freedom should be both ways, there is no such thing as "religious freedom" in a country that has Sharia law. It is written into the constitution that non muslims are second class citizens. Some are more tolerant than others. Worst case scenario is similar to the book 1984. Now you may wish to uphold your view of what "freedom of religion" means in this country, but the context is that we are in a holy war. If you stipulate to that, then I think we can have a reasonable discussion. If not, then obviously we can't. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
But, honestly now, after watching decades of distortions regarding our first amendment rights in the liberal courts, with Christian liberties constantly being eroded, my statements above express how many Americans really feel. P.S. I hate to invest too much time in this thread, because I keep thinking the moderator will shut it down, and delete the thread. He has "threatened" awareness and me twice. Why do all'ya'all, the rest of you all, get a free pass? |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Yes, as Zeek has pointed out, the New Apostolic Reformation movement is deeply involved in world politics. My question is, should Christians get deeply involved in politics at all. Politics is of this world, and Jesus said his kingdom isn't of this world. Should Christians, such as the New Apostolic Reformation, and "The Fellowship/Family/C-street movement" seek Christian domination of the world, and do so by entangling themselves in the world political system? |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
To answer your questions: yes and absolutely not |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
So I don't think it's "clear" that when Ohio said "religious freedom", he really meant "adopting Sharia law". :eek: For years our society has been indulging in this fetish of removing all public mentions of God, prayer, etc. Not only the "ornamental" stuff (Ten Commandments in courthouses, for example), but also more substantial old-timey moral laws as well (am I the only one who finds it a little odd that polygamy is not yet covered under the "get the government out of our bedroom" amendment?). What I'm getting at is, does anyone really believe we are heading in the direction of adopting one of the most conservative, fundamentalist-based legal codes that exists in the world today? |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
When it comes to Christian liberties, however, then new restrictions abound on every level, under the guise of "separation of church and state." Instead of "the state" referring to government interference in church policy and faith, as Jefferson's Federalist Papers indicated, "the state" is now everywhere we look -- at work, in school, retail, public places, programs, sports events, etc. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Christians need to stop whining about being persecuted just because they can't get the state to endorse their religion over others. The problem with Christians that feel this way is that they want a Christian based theocracy ... same as Islam that wants an Islamic theocracy. What's the difference? None. Both want to push their religion down our throats, and want to use gov'ment to do it. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
We have already had a very difficult issue with defining religion. I will throw out another definition, I believe religion is a lifestyle based on a systematic belief. Based on that definition you can clearly see a distinction between the Christian, Jewish and Moslem religions. But you also see that "fornication" is also a lifestyle with a belief system. Porn stars become "sacred prostitutes" just like in the worship of Molech. I feel the Supreme Court ruling on Abortion was a clear case of the US govt establishing Fornication as a legitimate lifestyle and belief system. Without the fail safe back up plan of abortion it is very difficult to establish this religion. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
If you don't do this for the mosque, awareness will call you heartless. You "win" either way, since you are supposed to "suffer." |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
And I'm sure if leaders of your Christian group went to law enforcement with leaders from the mosque, and you told them you wanted to share the parking lots and the street parking, they'd be so impressed with your Christian gesture that they would allow it, and would cease ticketing your group. And God would probably bless your church with increased revenue to more than cover the cost of your parking. Have a little faith and love your Muslim neighbors too. Jesus didn't say love your neighbors unless they are Muslim. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Also, I imagine the Mosque would lose out in the deal. Who wants to park 10 blocks away if you can find a parking space closer? But once you open the street up to both groups it may be that they will have to park 10 blocks away. Only, there wouldn't be any room in our parking lot because why would someone at our church park on the street if there were still room in the lot? As I said earlier, we hold 3 meetings on the Lord's day, starting at 8. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Telling us to love those Muslims, but not those LCers. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Truth is if the LCers loved me there would be no problem between us. The love drops off on their side... When opportunity arises I do try to love them...but according to them I'm poison and the anti-Christ so, they don't love me back... |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
They will really love you then. :D |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Well we now have 1,000 people, our gym can only hold 600, so we are scrambling.
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
That's why Z's church should be kind to the Muslims, and share parking... and the Lord will reward them... But I don't look upon all Muslims as my enemy. Some of them yes. But I've come to know some Muslims that love God and others more than many Christians I've known. God is drawing all men to Himself...even Muslims. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Well we do give food out on Monday to anyone who comes.
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
And why can't anyone park on the street ; believers (Muslim/Christian) and even atheists? Someone needs to visit yer mayor. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
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Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Don't let the Muslims scare the bejesus out of ya.....
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
You're lucky my brother didn't stay at your shelter. His idea of "love" involves deportation. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Obama IS a Muslim...not by choice, but by birth (see Osama Dadok) His father was a Muslim, his grandfather was a muslim and his step father was a muslim and he attended a Muslim school (all according to Obama's book). It's funny, the only ones who KNOW he's a Muslim are Muslims! Everyone else is in denial. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Thanks for showing up when I needed you most. ;) |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
The word "Taqiyya" literally means: "Concealing, precaution, guarding.” It is employed in disguising one's beliefs, intentions, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions or strategies. In practical terms it is manifested as dissimulation, lying, deceiving, vexing and confounding with the intention of deflecting attention, foiling or pre-emptive blocking. It is currently employed in fending off and neutralising any criticism of Islam or Muslims. Falsehoods told to prevent the denigration of Islam, to protect oneself, or to promote the cause of Islam are sanctioned in the Qur'an and Sunna, including lying under oath in testimony before a court, deceiving by making distorted statements to the media such as the claim that Islam is a “religion of peace”. A Muslim is even permitted to deny or denounce his faith if, in so doing, he protects or furthers the interests of Islam, so long as he remains faithful to Islam in his heart. Someone else once said that if you tell a big enough lie everyone will believe it or something like that. I can believe that Obama is a muslim. Even what is happening in the middle east in view of this light I can see Obama is coming from a muslim view even to the point of working against Israel. He didn't seem very hospitable to Benjamin Netanyahu even glaring at him. He contributed to toppling Mubarack in Eygypt and now Gaddafi (I don't know how to spell his name) in Libya. I think this may be steps to bring about a religous/muslim/state for the middle east that can be more opposed to Israel. I am hoping that the voters will not be misled 1 more time as they say fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. I do believe still that Obama faked his birth certificate but the media has dropped following those still protesting that, maybe that will be brought up again as we get closer to the election. Even his view of the world is of someone from outside of the United States. Just for expressing this view though I am sure some who are in love with him will immediately think I am a racist. I am hoping that in this country that this next election can conclude peacefully but I see people really have been polorized and I am afraid Obama is going to spend his billion dollars already raised for the election to escalate those differences to try to hang on to his position, power and agenda. anyway we know who is the father of lies is, thought it might be interesting that muslims even have a word that elevates lying to serving their god. I think someone should ask Obama if he believes in taqiyya and see if he knows what that is. He might even lie about that! |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
And Christians tell all kinds of lies about Obama ... can't believe anything they say... |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
All you guys that hate Obama will be delighted that Al-Qaeda hates him too :...
http://www.newser.com/story/48912/al...nst-obama.html Muslims in general don't like him either ... if he's a Muslim he sure ain't much of one.... And has anyone ever heard of conversion? I was born a Southern Baptist. That doesn't mean I'm one for all of my life. Else I wouldn't have joined the local church. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
That said it is of no importance to me. When someone runs for office and uses their "faith" as part of their image I compare that to the pharisees who make long prayers and wear robes in the market place. Campaigns are nothing more than marketing of the person, using your "faith" is no more than dressing that campaign up in a long robe. Now you might feel that Bush and Cheney deserve some credit, I'll leave that to you, the bottom line is that Al Qaeda is clearly on the run and being destroyed. Going into Iraq after 911 was clearly inept when it comes to catching Osama. I feel that the war against Al Qaeda has been most effective in the last 2 1/2 years. Technology plays a big part in that, and the CIA developing contacts plays a big part. But it would be very disingenuous in my mind to not give Obama his due credit. Also his decision to approve the Osama mission was very gutsy. His joke about the decisions that would keep him up at night, the same night, lets everyone know that this guy can play poker. As far as I am concerned the economic catastrophe in this country is based on changes and deregulation that was enacted prior to Obama coming into office. I see no reason at all to laud him for the way he has handled the various economic crisis's but on the other hand, I don't feel he has much of the responsibility for them either. He was not responsible for the housing crisis and he didn't get us into the various wars. He has tried honestly to end the Iraq war and to defeat Al Qaeda and finish that war as well. Our recent downgrade by Standard and Poor's could be attributed to his playing the political game poorly, but even more it should be attributed to the games being played by Congress. I think the impression of the US among Muslims since Obama has been elected has been improved. So in several ways I think the average american is safer since he has taken office. The most immediate danger we are currently facing is "peak oil". Bush and Cheney understood that, but I disagree with the strategy they chose. I think Obama understands it as well but the Tsunami probably put the kabosh on his nuclear option. If we were really going to have a smooth transition to other forms of energy it would have happened at the time of Carter. I believe that when Reagan tore out the solar water heater and installed oil men throughout his cabinet that we embarked on a strategy that led us to 911, bankruptcy, and all the other related ills. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
I don't think anyone knows who or what Obama is, even himself. Maybe since he's half black and half white he's a mixed bag on all levels. So he's white and black, and Christian and Muslim too. Who knows? Why does his religion matter at all? Who cares? He prays Christian prayers, if that means anything. I'm more interested in what he does. I think those holding certainty of who they think Obama is are using false-omniscience to make their determinations. Only God is able to see into the heart. We're blind to those things. So we make 'em up, and call them facts. But it's obvious by breaking his campaign promises, he's a smooth talkin con man. Everyone was sick of Dubya and Obama basically promised change, and not to be Bush. But we see now that Obama has pretty much kept on the same path as Dubya, almost across the board. In the end he's Bush with black skin ... except for one thing. Bush didn't get Osama, and Obama did. Crafty move Obama ... and word on the street, and from military circles is that, Obama has Al-Qaeda on the run.... |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
This thread began with a quote from a program called "Fresh Air," and that was how I viewed Bush -- like a breath of "Fresh Air." I knew where he stood on various things because his word meant something to him. Quite a contrast from the guys at the WH before and after him. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
But ... let's celebrate the only good thing that BO ever did, and let's make a movie about it, scheduled for release one month before the election. :thumbup: |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
I know it's a little off subject, but when ZNP mentioned the "motives" for invading Iraq, I couldn't hep but remember this particular little YouTube video.
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
But how do you suppose Obama got elected? The voters were clearly tired of Bush, and his policies, that drove us into a huge hole, and unnecessary wars. Or perhaps it was divine intervention? The Bible says God ordains the leaders of nations. Have you thanked God for placing Obama as the leader of the greatest nation in the world? |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Or was it hope. Or was it change you can hope for. Or hope that gives correct change. A chicken in every pot and a bicycle in every garage. And when things did not go right, it was argued that the problem was too much time spent legislating and not enough telling us our values. (Don't think about that one too long.) I have no idea about the Dominion movement. I just know that left, right, or centrist, people have reasons for being where they are. Few of them are simply stupid for it. But most are a little stupid about why others are not like them. Until these last three years, I was convinced that no matter how extreme either side seemed, once they were in power, it always moved toward the center because that is only place that sufficient consensus can be built. But now we have almost fully come to the place where we expect that we will get it our way — conservative or liberal — or nothing will happen. So little does until there is that filibuster-proof, veto-proof majority that simply forces its will on the others, and even their own people. Why their own people? Because not all conservatives are "hunker in the bunker," "shoot 'em at the border," "pull yourself up you dimwit" extremists. And not all liberals are "give the government all your money and let them take care of everyone while we allow the world to overrun us" extremists. Most of us are neither extreme. Unfortunately, it seems that at primary time, only the extremes are motivated to vote. So the extremists get the nomination. And drive the rhetoric. And until recently, it was the main election that demonstrated the general will of the people, but only as a shift from center. That is because neither side starts with a clear majority. It takes a lot of shift within those independents. But this time it seems that the rhetoric of the primary extremists has remained fully entrenched. On both sides, with few exceptions. And it seems that maybe the general population has learned how to vote the treasury. And the republic is doomed. And I'm not the cynic in my household. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Tired of Bush mantra has been the talking point, could it be that McCain lost? Mccain was ahead slightly in the polls until 1 month before the election. What happened 1 month before the election? TARP Could it be that "wallstreet" decided it wanted Obama to be president and timed the crises to cause that effect? Who received the benefits of TARP? Who got the benefits from TARP? Why is it that no one is asking what happened to half the TARP funds that Bush didn't use? Here is a clue http://www.salon.com/news/opinion/gl.../04/04/summers Could it be that Obama scapegoated wallstreet after he became president but in fact he has benifitted from them? |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
As far as I'm concerned Washington is FUBR, and neither party is gonna fix it. Why should they kill the goose that's laying the Goldman Sachs eggs? If any of you are fooled by this, and so hope in your particular party to save the day, you are being deceived. You're being tricked by your party with false promises ... just as Bush and Obama tricked us. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
Then.... by some strange coincidence, the Wall Streeters went to Washington and said they were broke and needed a quick $750 billion dollar bailout to cover some bad bets. So I remember George W standing there and saying how we needed to come up with the money quick for his ex-moneyed friends to keep their shirts on. It looked to me at the time like the Bankers knew the 8 year run was almost over; a new sheriff was coming to town, and they wanted a nice, 3/4 trillion dollar going-away present to tide them over until the cash spigots could open up again. Like a drunk staggering out of a weekend bender and wishing for a quart of Johnnie Walker Red to nurse him through the hangover. That was my view at the time. With 3 years of perspective, and Obama's "Change" now looking like "More of Same", I realize that probably the Wall Streeters would have fleeced us anyway (they kept their fat profits, and we covered their losses) regardless of whose name was on the mailbox at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. |
Re: Perry and Palin tied to Dominion Movement
From theocracywatch we learn:
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