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Unregistered 01-20-2025 01:47 PM

Heart Of The Local Church Problem...
Here in the daily meditation from Open Windows, excerpts from the writings of T. Austin-Sparks, is a succinct evaluation of the heart of the problem many christian organizations have experienced.


PriestlyScribe 01-23-2025 10:55 AM

Re: Heart Of The Local Church Problem...

Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 114122)
...a succinct evaluation of the heart of the problem many christian organizations have experienced.

Thank you for this excellent read! The fleshly desire for visibility is contrary to Christ. This explains why Witness Lee was so offended by John So's insistence that "Christ would build His church" - and not man.

This following portion included at the bottom of that Sparks reading stands in stark contrast to how LSM operates. LSM not only merchandises ministry, it carefully edits out the words of WL which might raise questions. One is transparent, the other murky or even occult.
"In keeping with T. Austin-Sparks' wishes that what was freely received should be freely given and not sold for profit, and that his messages be reproduced word for word, we ask if you choose to share these messages with others, to please respect his wishes and offer them freely - free of any changes, free of any charge (except necessary distribution costs) and with this statement included."

HERn 02-07-2025 04:28 PM

Re: Heart Of The Local Church Problem...
Here’s a quote from the TAS link.

“It is always a dangerous thing to bring what we conceive to be the Church out into a conspicuous place, and make a public thing of it. The real Church is a secret, hidden company, and a hidden and secret work is going on in it.”

PeterG 02-08-2025 01:44 PM

Re: Heart Of The Local Church Problem...

Originally Posted by HERn (Post 114136)
Here’s a quote from the TAS link.

“It is always a dangerous thing to bring what we conceive to be the Church out into a conspicuous place, and make a public thing of it. The real Church is a secret, hidden company, and a hidden and secret work is going on in it.”

Definitely no! This is not the church we are taught by the Apostles. Nor by Jesus.
„Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.“ (Matthew 5:16)
Of course this is dangerous. But that doesn't mean it's better to do the opposite.

Sons to Glory! 02-10-2025 01:37 PM

Re: Heart Of The Local Church Problem...
I read Sparks daily devotional, "Daily Open Windows" for a few years. Many times it spoke words that so very clearly applied to TLR. Usually along the line of warning about not taking some "truth" we've seen from scripture and trying to dogmatically apply it, and then getting all exclusive and legalistic about it.

PeterG 02-10-2025 08:22 PM

Re: Heart Of The Local Church Problem...
Yes! but how do we prevent this? In a mystical retreat from the truth? By everyone having their own truth?

The undivided New Testament ekklesia is the “foundation of truth”. The church in which God's love holds together all Christians who think differently. If we don't have that, new LCs will emerge again and again. Some say: “You don't have enough of this.” The others: “You have too much of that.”

The undamaged fullness of the Spirit: is God's truth.

Unregistered 02-11-2025 05:20 AM

Re: Heart Of The Local Church Problem...
Yes, the ekklesia is the "pillar and ground of the truth"! Yet in this life we still have the flesh, which likes to promote one man or teaching above another. Therefore we get all these little divisions, while not seeing the bigger picture that Christ is not divided.

PeterG 02-11-2025 11:24 AM

Re: Heart Of The Local Church Problem...

Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 114142)
Yes, the ekklesia is the "pillar and ground of the truth"! Yet in this life we still have the flesh, which likes to promote one man or teaching above another. Therefore we get all these little divisions, while not seeing the bigger picture that Christ is not divided.

Flesh is the problem? Let's look at the Bible and find out how we should deal with it.

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