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Kevin 01-14-2025 07:09 PM

Seeking The Truth In Love YouTube Channel

Intro: Seeking the truth in love


"Just a group of Christians who love the Bible", "A Christian group with people from all backgrounds", "Not affiliated with any Church". I told people these things for years, hoping that they would join and eventually accept the "high truths" taught by Witness Lee. It's time to break through the obfuscation and show what you are really getting into if you join the "local churches".

-Your former "church" is Babylon. In fact, all of Christianity has failed.
-Your salvation is not enough, you also need to gain the "oil in your lamps" to avoid the tribulation or an additional 1,000 years of suffering.
-There was a line of ministers of the age which ended with Witness Lee. This line has ended after Lee's death because this age is going to end "very soon".

Sure, the gospel is preached there but it is covered and warped by the weight of these additions. You have the freedom of conscience to stay or leave, but everyone should know what they are in or what they are getting into.

Unregistered 01-15-2025 07:44 AM

Re: Seeking The Truth In Love YouTube Channel
Be careful using LSM videos in your channel. Looks like you spent some time putting it together, and they will take it down due to copyright © infringement, no questions asked or explanations offered. The DCP is on a prowl 24/7 looking for “information control” regarding their cult. I have seen this on multiple occasions. Hate to see someone spend time on something and lose it.

Otherwise, a good start to hopefully a channel that covers more than 5 or 6 subjects and then disappears.

Unregistered 01-18-2025 03:26 AM

Re: Seeking The Truth In Love YouTube Channel
Yeah someone needs to make like a proper five or six hour documentary on the local churches. The amount of evidence and history that I’ve discovered out there in just the last two years is absolutely enormous. You can categorically piece it all together and pretty much prove point by point that the local churches are a harmful social and heretical cult. If anyone wants all the links and sources I’ve gathered I can send them through email. I’ve got hundreds of them; testimonies, books, videos, websites, etc. I’ve just been compiling stuff on them for two years but I’m not great with video editing. But if anyone is skillful in that area let me know. I could help make it too, but would gladly give the resources I have compiled along with notes that I’ve written. I have so much evidence and documentation with dates and testimonies etc.

PriestlyScribe 01-18-2025 04:55 PM

Re: Seeking The Truth In Love YouTube Channel

Originally Posted by Unregistered (Post 114118)
If anyone wants all the links and sources I’ve gathered I can send them through email. I’ve got hundreds of them; testimonies, books, videos, websites, etc. I’ve just been compiling stuff on them for two years but I’m not great with video editing. But if anyone is skillful in that area let me know. I could help make it too, but would gladly give the resources I have compiled along with notes that I’ve written. I have so much evidence and documentation with dates and testimonies etc.

Feel free to reach out through shepherdingtheflock[at]gmail.com


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