Local Church Discussions

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-   -   An Unscriptural Pattern of Covering Up Sins (http://localchurchdiscussions.com/vBulletin/showthread.php?t=12389)

InconvenientRuth 09-27-2024 05:06 PM

An Unscriptural Pattern of Covering Up Sins
I am posting this video after many years of being abused by the pattern of covering up elders/leading ones in "The Lord's Recovery"... while "little ones" - and all ages - are stumbled... which is a very serious matter.
Please pray for the reception of this, as it addresses decades of sins of an elder, whose own children and grandchildren have been devastated, and this brother has not been recovered... his sins have just been covered up.
The video is still uploading...

InconvenientRuth 09-28-2024 05:14 PM

Re: An Unscriptural Pattern of Covering Up Sins
Based on a request from the daughter of the brother of/to whom I speak in this video, I have removed the video from YouTube. I speak of the principles I hoped to address in this blog: https://www.inconvenientruth.com/pos...one-i-tim-5-20

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