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Movingforward 09-26-2024 05:06 PM

Not Sure How Much I Should Say...
I am still considered as meeting with the LR, however I cannot with a clear conscience continue. Yet my leaving would literally divide my family in unimaginable ways. I will say more later, but primarily I am here seeking prayer and fellowship. Would anyone who perhaps can help, reach out to me via email and then we could talk more? I can't even articulate the numerous whys to my father as I just know he believes my extreme reluctance is caused by an attack by the enemy. Sometimes that even causes me to doubt my own feelings as something I should renounce. Yet I know in my heart that something, well actually many somethings, are very off. Anyways, again I can't say too much. Please feel free to contact me at movingforward144@gmail.com should you feel like you may be able to direct me thru this web of confusing.

InconvenientRuth 09-26-2024 08:20 PM

Re: Not Sure How Much I Should Say...
Hi, MovingForward (great name!),
Thanks for posting. I posted for the first time today, too, on this forum.
I am here for you, though am struggling through this myself. All I know is that I want to be one with the Lord and with ALL believers, with only love to all, and that I won't be complicit in covering up sin and abuse and control that damage individual members and the whole Body and is unscriptural and stumbling.
I'm here for you.
Ruth Wise - ruthewise@gmail.com

Recovering 09-27-2024 10:04 AM

Re: Not Sure How Much I Should Say...
Welcome @Movingforward! You've taken a big step already, the name you chose for this site is a testament to that. Remember, "greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world."

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