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Unregistered 06-26-2024 11:39 AM

Are You In A Cult?
I have 1 question for you if you are unsure.

Can you go for 1 week, a mere 7 days without uttering the name Witness Lee?

If you can't, you might be in a cult.

Truthseeker 06-27-2024 09:12 AM

Re: Are You In A Cult?
Maybe also Lee's idolatry if we just emphasize on him.

TLFisher 07-03-2024 03:20 PM

When Church Turns Into a Cult
If you have 19:48 of your time to spare to listen/watch this video, I recommend it.


If you don't have the time to listen or watch, I'll provide the 10 points covered in When Church Turns Into a Cult.
  1. Authoritarian style of leadership with no accountability
  2. No tolerance for questions or criticism
  3. Not transparent about their finances
  4. Persecution/enemy complex
  5. People are shamed and shunned for leaving
  6. Pattern of abuse and grievances
  7. Followers feel they could never be good enough
  8. Culture of shame and instability
  9. The leader is always right
  10. All knowledge and revelation resides with the ministry. Any other sources are not credible.

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