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06-22-2021 05:03 PM | ||
Unregistered |
Re: seekinganswers Hello, I grew up in the Lord's Recovery and left about 4 years ago. I want to say it blatantly, it will be a rough, confusing, and stressful time. As the first poster wrote, you have to "grow a backbone." When I left, I questioned my relationship with God, my knowledge of the Bible, and questioned whether I was ruining my life or not. In terms of the process, that depends on your situation. However, despite the situation, my advice would be to find truths outside of the LR to hold on to. Truths you know about God that come directly from his word (without footnotes). Those truths will help you stay grounded in your mind and when others question you and try to get you to stay. I also believe in making a clean break and finding another church. You don't have to cut off relations, as I still have many friends from my childhood still in the LR, but expect some of them to end. Trust God most of all that He will lead you to where you need to go. I hope you find what you're looking for ![]() |
06-07-2021 05:04 AM | ||
Re: seekinganswers It can be as simple as leaving. But there are complicating factors. And since you chose the moniker "confusedone," it might be that getting some clarity might be helpful. Being in a general or even perpetual state of confusion is probably a good reason to question the LC and to leave. But know why you are leaving, even if it is to remove yourself from a source of constant confusion. Knowing why will help you immensely. If you aren't sure why you could be easy pickins for the LC border patrol. Is it the teachings? The fixation on a single source of ministry? Is it something not quite right (or terribly wrong) with the way your local group is run? Is it the general lack of care for the well-being of the members beyond "go to more meetings"? A combination of the above? Try to articulate what it is that is bothering you and leaving you with a sense of confusion. And don't bother trying to get help from "the brothers" (or sisters) unless you are just wanting them to give you help with staying. There are few who have been shown the door for asking questions. Only if they are unable to get satisfactory answers and they fear they will "poison" others with their questions. Seems that the true faith should be strong and able to stand up to scrutiny. So if they don't want your questions, it should say something about how true their version of the faith is. |
06-06-2021 03:15 PM | ||
Trapped |
Re: seekinganswers confusedone, Welcome to the forum. Are you able to say anything else about your situation, while still staying unidentifiable? For example, are you a young person who still is at home, or are you an adult? Are you a church kid or did you choose to join the LR as an adult at some point? Can you put any words to your confusion or concerns about leaving? For example, are you concerned about God turning His back on you? Are you concerned you will lose your social circle? Are you concerned about how to find another church? Are you concerned about the possible loss of your faith? Are you concerned about something bad happening to you because you leave? Are your reasons for leaving due to errors in the ministry, or due to the elitist attitude that has become prevalent in the LR, or due to the lack of genuine love, or due to being mistreated, or anything else? There are often many levels of things to address in leaving the LR; if you can put words to some of your confusion, we may be able to provide some more specific help. Trapped |
06-06-2021 02:37 PM | ||
Nell |
Re: seekinganswers Quote:
The Christian life is about knowing the Lord and growing in him...not about finding the "right church". First things first. As Paul said "that I may know him". The more you know Him, the more you know who you're following and where he's leading you. Nell |
06-06-2021 09:55 AM | ||
Covert |
Re: seekinganswers Great Question Confusedone. Depending on how reliant you are on the LR in regards to relationships, living arrangements, and the attachment of the saints and the church. The closer you are to the LR in your entirety, than the harder it is. Especially if you have family and loved ones still stuck in the LR. In general though, be financially independent (if you are not already and rely on corporate housing), also be ready to be shunned/blocked from current members, although some may still be willing to talk to you cause they have an open heart. It is also important to be aware of fear mongering tactics of the LR to keep you inside, you need to be strong have the word of God empowering you, in order to free you from the chains of the LR. Upon leaving the lords recovery physically, mentally, and spiritually. You will have to decide where do you want to go next? What church makes you fit at home? You will probably have to do some searching. Just know that the body of Christ is very large in this day and age, and that don't let some narcissistic megalomaniac tell you that you will spiritually die if you leave the LR. You are now free! So go find somewhere that you will meet with the body and worship the lord in SPIRIT! Lastly, have the word of God at your side ready to empower you and embed the truth in you, especially when you come across destructive doctrines that survive due to parasitic/pestilence forms of deception that preys on lost sheep. YOU CAN DO IT! Just needs to take steps of courage and have the lord at your side. If you have any questions regarding specifics on the leaving process, just ask and many people here can give you advice. I am glad you took the time to ask such an important question. Now I realize why UntoHim is always on my butt in regards toning down my "description of certain LR members" ![]() |
06-06-2021 09:46 AM | ||
Nell |
Re: seekinganswers Hi confused-one, UntoHim is right. The first step you've already taken...you asked the question. Hopefully, you have already asked Jesus the same question. When I "left", I was afraid. I was under the false impression that to "leave the church" was to "leave God" and that my walk with Him was over. I told him "Lord, please don't let go of me." And "please don't make me go back." He never has left me and he never will. My walk with Him only has gotten closer and better. Have faith in his words, beginning with "I will NEVER leave you or forsake you." I have learned that the Lord will not violate our/your will. He gave us a free will--the freedom to choose. He is not a puppet-master with you dangling from strings. Already you have the will to leave--I know this because you asked "how do I do it?" For me, it seems "leaving it" is often easier than "it" leaving you. When I "left" I focused on caring for my parents, and reconnecting with my family. That helped. Taking a second step will help...take a step that is meaningful to you. There is no "User Guide" to leaving. You've taken step one, next is step two. Blessings to you-- Nell |
06-06-2021 08:35 AM | ||
UntoHim |
Re: seekinganswers Welcome my friend. How does one leave "the Lord's Recovery"? Well, I'm happy to tell you that you have taken the first and most important step by coming here and asking the question! May the Lord honor you for seeking Him and his Kingdom. My humble word of encouragement to you this morning would be this: God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. (2 Tim 1:7) I know you have heard a lot about what your spirit is for. One thing for sure, we know what our spirit is not for - that is fear. We also know that God has given us a new heart. (Ezekiel 36:26) You have a new heart, so use it. Use it to help you break free from false religion to serve a living and true God. Also, God has given us a sound mind. So use it. Use it to help you break free from false teachings and reach for the truth with every ounce of your strength. God will honor your seeking and God will honor your reaching. Please consider joining the forum by requesting a UserName at Reg4LCD@Gmail.com Your brother who is unto Him - |
06-06-2021 04:40 AM | ||
confusedone |
seekinganswers How do i leave the LR? |