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08-18-2020 11:19 AM
Re: The ministry - one ministry

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Right - one gospel and that is Christ alone! I'm hard-pressed to think where scripture would speak of one ministry. That alone - someone saying that they have the ONE (aka correct) MINISTRY - should be a HUGE clue that something is way off! (maybe the LC gets this from "speaking the same thing" in 1 Cor. 1:10)

One Christ - many ministries . . .
One minister and one ministry is a totally distorted view of the Bible and church history.

They didn't get it from any scripture. It's actually the fulfillment of Paul's warning in Acts 20.30.
08-18-2020 10:10 AM
Sons to Glory!
Re: The ministry - one ministry

Originally Posted by jesusislord View Post
In the Bible there's one gospel but Jesus sent 12 apostles.
Right - one gospel and that is Christ alone! I'm hard-pressed to think where scripture would speak of one ministry. That alone - someone saying that they have the ONE (aka correct) MINISTRY - should be a HUGE clue that something is way off! (maybe the LC gets this from "speaking the same thing" in 1 Cor. 1:10)

One Christ - many ministries . . .
08-17-2020 07:00 AM
Re: The ministry - one ministry

Originally Posted by jesusislord View Post
Is one ministry even bibical? There are many ministries out there to do the Lord's work. John mcauthur never says his grace ministry is the only valid ministry, John piper just serve in his ministry but I've never heard he say his ministry is the unique ministry of God, and there are thousand of minister doing ministry. In the Bible there's one gospel but Jesus sent 12 apostles. The ministry of John isn't exactly the same with Paul's ministry, why lsm care so much about The ministry? As if they are the only unique move of God or aka the most important and riches move of God?

Where does this prideful idea come from?
JesisisLord, I think you answered your own question: This crazy idea comes from PRIDE, arrogant pride, Laodicean pride, know-it-all pride, the likes of which few have ever encountered.

This kind of pride is blinding pride. Only this kind of PRIDE allows an entire collection of people to condemn every single action by all others, and justify every rotten and corrupt thing they themselves do.
08-16-2020 09:00 PM
Re: The ministry - one ministry

Originally Posted by jesusislord View Post
So in the end it's the failure to read the scripture?
Its the failure to be humble and acknowledge themselves as sinners. Reading Scripture does not accomplish that goal in a person who has no intention to be humble or vulnerable.

Look at YouTube testimonies of ex Hindu leaders, ex Muslims, ex Jewish faith, ex new agers and spiritists. They all state they came to realise they were not able to make the grade of righteousness on their own. They failed to be what they presented themselves to the world as. They needed someone to make the grade for them and they were able to admit that to themselves.

John the baptist brought the baptism of repentance to prepare the way for the coming of Jesus. This is our first step. Nothing that is not built on this personal foundation will be sound. WL et al are good examples of how essential this foundation is. As they have clearly missed it and look at the pride and unforgiveness that has resulted.

Its as simple as that, I beleive anyway.
08-16-2020 07:49 PM
Re: The ministry - one ministry

Originally Posted by jesusislord View Post
Is one ministry even bibical? There are many ministries out there to do the Lord's work. John mcauthur never says his grace ministry is the only valid ministry, John piper just serve in his ministry but I've never heard he say his ministry is the unique ministry of God, and there are thousand of minister doing ministry. In the Bible there's one gospel but Jesus sent 12 apostles. The ministry of John isn't exactly the same with Paul's ministry, why lsm care so much about The ministry? As if they are the only unique move of God or aka the most important and riches move of God? Where does this prideful idea come from?
They are good in quoting scripture out of context. Like the covering of Noah's drunk, to do damage control. The bible is a tool for them to simply use to achieve their agenda. So in the end it's the failure to read the scripture? I think somewhere in the book of revelation of the recovery version bible, there's a footnote on a verse for the sin of the protestantism, no wonder besides lsm all other ministries or even churches are consider degraded.
08-16-2020 07:27 PM
Re: The ministry - one ministry

Originally Posted by jesusislord View Post
Is one ministry even bibical? There are many ministries out there to do the Lord's work. John mcauthur never says his grace ministry is the only valid ministry, John piper just serve in his ministry but I've never heard he say his ministry is the unique ministry of God, and there are thousand of minister doing ministry. In the Bible there's one gospel but Jesus sent 12 apostles. The ministry of John isn't exactly the same with Paul's ministry, why lsm care so much about The ministry? As if they are the only unique move of God or aka the most important and riches move of God? Where does this prideful idea come from?
In their eyes, they justify it by the phrase "speak the same thing" in 1 Corinthians 1:10.

Of course, Paul wasn't speaking of Witness Lee's ministry when he exhorted that. But since the co-workers consider Lee's ministry to be THE NT ministry today (even though when they are pressed on it they will lie and say otherwise.....see shepherdingwords.com), they equate "speak the same thing" of the NT ministry as "speak Lee's ministry as the current continuation of the NT ministry".

It's a personality/publication cult propped up by Biblical phrases.
08-16-2020 07:12 PM
The ministry - one ministry

Is one ministry even bibical? There are many ministries out there to do the Lord's work. John mcauthur never says his grace ministry is the only valid ministry, John piper just serve in his ministry but I've never heard he say his ministry is the unique ministry of God, and there are thousand of minister doing ministry. In the Bible there's one gospel but Jesus sent 12 apostles. The ministry of John isn't exactly the same with Paul's ministry, why lsm care so much about The ministry? As if they are the only unique move of God or aka the most important and riches move of God? Where does this prideful idea come from?

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