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12-21-2019 11:51 AM
Sons to Glory!
Re: Far from home: a young one introducing himself

Originally Posted by MXBROTHER View Post
I want to know what is exactly the outter darkness.
Now there's a topic. We beat that issue up a lot about a year ago maybe. Maybe someone could post a link to that thread, because there was a lot of time spent on it and the LC teaching on it.
12-21-2019 10:55 AM
Re: Far from home: a young one introducing himself

Amen. I don't know. I dont know enough the people of here. I should seek for another christians near here.
12-21-2019 10:54 AM
Re: Far from home: a young one introducing himself

Originally Posted by Trapped View Post

Can you explain some of your doubts?

I want to know what is exactly the outter darkness.
12-21-2019 07:34 AM
Sons to Glory!
Re: Far from home: a young one introducing himself

Originally Posted by MXBROTHER View Post
Hi, i came to Christ in 2011 after WASTED years of passing thru many several negative things in my life. One day a brother who today i really appreciate (an current elder in my locality) preached the gospel to me. I believed and instantly i recognized the truth in this ministry. After i was recovered, i have passed thru many rich experiences, meetings, trainings, conferences, i really have seen the kingdom here in earth.
i mean here in the town i'm current living there is no church. The nearest church is an hour far.

PS: i belong to a Church in Mexico.
I'm looking for fellowship.
Praise the Lord! Are there any believers at all in your immediate area? If so, remember this the Lord spoke in Matthew 18:20, "For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst." My admonition is to be sure to seek Him daily, get into His word, and get with other believers near you! He did not create us, in this new life, to be standalone - we need one another.
12-20-2019 08:49 PM
Re: Far from home: a young one introducing himself

Originally Posted by MXBROTHER View Post
Also, i have some doubts and i'd like to have some answers.

Can you explain some of your doubts?

12-20-2019 05:50 PM
Re: Far from home: a young one introducing himself

Also, i have some doubts and i'd like to have some answers.

PS: Thanks for the welcome brother
12-20-2019 05:44 PM
Re: Far from home: a young one introducing himself

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Welcome to the LCD forum, dear brother in Christ! Lots of good, knowledgeable saints on here. Please tell us more about your testimony, that is, how you came to know the Lord Jesus Christ and are inspired to pursue Him.

A couple initial questions if I may: Are you just seeking fellowship, or to understand more about the LC, or . . . ? And you said there is no church where you are - do you mean there are no believers at all there?

Again welcome - the Lord be with your spirit, grace be with you!
Hi, i came to Christ in 2011 after WASTED years of passing thru many several negative things in my life. One day a brother who today i really appreciate (an current elder in my locality) preached the gospel to me. I believed and instantly i recognized the truth in this ministry. After i was recovered, i have passed thru many rich experiences, meetings, trainings, conferences, i really have seen the kingdom here in earth.
i mean here in the town i'm current living there is no church. The nearest church is an hour far.

PS: i belong to a Church in Mexico.
I'm looking for fellowship.
12-20-2019 05:10 PM
Sons to Glory!
Re: Far from home: a young one introducing himself

Originally Posted by MXBROTHER View Post
Greetings, saints. I'm just signed up today. I have entered here before and have read some post since a year ago.

Let me introduce myself.
I'm a currently LC member since 8 years ago when i met the Lord. i love the Lord and the brothers and sisters also. I meet often with the saints whenever i'm at the city.
You see, currently i'm living in a small town in the desert very apart from home.
I am temporarily working here and will stay 8 more months. This town where i am, is pretty boring. Here's no church nor brothers. Most of websites are blocked in the work's PC, so practically i spent the last 4 months without internet and last night i just had internet access. Well, as there is not much to do here in town, i thought that this forum can help. I always have believe that forums are nice places to stay stay connected.
Welcome to the LCD forum, dear brother in Christ! Lots of good, knowledgeable saints on here. Please tell us more about your testimony, that is, how you came to know the Lord Jesus Christ and are inspired to pursue Him.

A couple initial questions if I may: Are you just seeking fellowship, or to understand more about the LC, or . . . ? And you said there is no church where you are - do you mean there are no believers at all there?

Again welcome - the Lord be with your spirit, grace be with you!
12-20-2019 12:03 PM
Far from home: a young one introducing himself

Greetings, saints. I'm just signed up today. I have entered here before and have read some post since a year ago.

Let me introduce myself.
I'm a currently LC member since 8 years ago when i met the Lord. i love the Lord and the brothers and sisters also. I meet often with the saints whenever i'm at the city.
You see, currently i'm living in a small town in the desert very apart from home.
I am temporarily working here and will stay 8 more months. This town where i am, is pretty boring. Here's no church nor brothers. Most of websites are blocked in the work's PC, so practically i spent the last 4 months without internet and last night i just had internet access. Well, as there is not much to do here in town, i thought that this forum can help. I always have believe that forums are nice places to stay stay connected.

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