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07-30-2018 05:44 PM
Re: Experience with poor and degraded denomination vs rich LC.

There you go. There's no denying the spirit of exclusivism among LC.
07-29-2018 05:28 AM
Experience with poor and degraded denomination vs rich LC.

Today, I got more clear revelation of the difference between the poor and degraded Christianity and rich and the most holiest lord's recovery movement. Since the morning, I spent my time in Sunday service of a church in one denomination. Pastor preached about Isaiah 58 : 13

If you turn back your foot from the Sabbath, / From doing whatever you please on My holy day, / And call the Sabbath a delight, / That which is holy to Jehovah honorable, / And honor it, not doing your own ways, / Nor finding your own pleasure and speaking idle words;

The word speaking idle words touched me very deeply. In the afternoon, I went out with Christians in that denomination in order to preach gospel at one village. During the break, we made some jokes and mockery with some insane words. After that, we realized Isiah 58:14 that the Lord warned us to not speak idle words. So, we started to realize how sinful we were. We confessed our sins with humble heart and broken spirit and then asked forgiveness from God.

After that, I went back to my home. The LCers whom I spent my time with in the past came to visit me. They asked me to go to dinner with them. According to their characters, they liked to make jokes and speak many idle words. They still did the same. Nothing to be transformed in them. I decided to prophesy the word in Isiah 58:14 as I was touched since the morning sermon. But they said to me that this was Jesus's humanity. We should not contact people with His divinity but His humanity. So, there's nothing wrong to make some jokes with non sense or idle words.

So, the "rich and most holiest" LC with the high peak truth insisted that speaking idle words was considered as Jesus's humanity whereas Christian in "poor and degraded " Christianity or denomination confess es his or her own sins after realizing that they spoke idle and insane words. Now, I know how hypocrite Lcers and how humble Christians in denominations looked down by Witness Lee and LSM are. Praise the Lord for enlightening me more today. Because of this situation, I can imagine how brother and sister who spoke truth in love concerning Philippe Lee's affair by quoting 1 Corinthians chapter 5 were quarantined and excommunicated by LSM. I can touch how much their heart is very hardened before God's Word.

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