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04-05-2018 01:45 PM
Kyle Yoakum
Re: Definition of paying price and full-time training.

Yes, the Local Church.
04-05-2018 12:02 PM
Re: Definition of paying price and full-time training.

Originally Posted by Kyle Yoakum View Post
but I felt at that time the Church could not be wrong.
The Church here means only local churches under LSM's direction, right?
04-05-2018 11:53 AM
Re: Definition of paying price and full-time training.

So, this is the way to pay price for kingdom of God ?
No. This is the way Living Stream Ministry gets you to buy into the program. There is no uniform, no hairstyle, no "training" that is required to be a Christian.
04-05-2018 11:21 AM
Kyle Yoakum
Re: Definition of paying price and full-time training.

Truth Seeker, the Local Church, though it has many sincere seeking ones, is legalistic. When I was wearing the "uniform" and going door knocking, I felt like a Mormon or Jehovah Witness. The Holy Spirit within was protesting the whole time, but I felt at that time the Church could not be wrong. The conflict you are facing is not your flesh not wanting restriction, but the Spirit within rejecting legalistic religious conformity.
04-05-2018 11:16 AM
Definition of paying price and full-time training.

Before the approval of my id, I log-in as unregistered who posted about how I was interfered personally in my line ID and about without full-time training you can't serve the Lord. In this thread, I am going to talk about the meaning of paying price for the kingdom of God. Like I said before I have some problems with full-time training regulations such as dress code or haircut. I argued that I still had a problem with my favorite shaved head hair style and my own favorite way of dressing. But, one of people in LC said that I had to pay price for letting your hair growth and submitting to dress code like white shirt and pants with neck ties etc in order to get the full time training. So, this is the way to pay price for kingdom of God ?

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