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04-09-2018 04:50 AM
Re: I was interfered in my personal social media by one of Lee's followers

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
Now, I understood why they just gain Asian American in the LSM affiliated local churches. Does some of them think that if you have some photos with firearms holder or something, so you can't become so called good witness of Christ? I am afraid that local churches will fail in the redneck states because they love firearms collection so much. Only Lee's teaching can't help you to know more about the reality of the world and how to survive in it without any transgressions before the Lord.
Originally Posted by awareness View Post
Yeah bro Truthseeker, bring it down to the "Politics and Church" thread on Alternative Views.
All right, I will. Sorry about that.
04-08-2018 01:03 PM
Re: I was interfered in my personal social media by one of Lee's followers

Originally Posted by Nell View Post
As a sister who was born and raised in a "redneck state," it's more accurate to say that we love the 2nd Ammendment. In fact, we love all of them, especially the 1st 10 called our Bill of Rights, and the Constitution as well. I'm not sure what at this has to do with anything. You're on thin ice here. No politics allowed.

Yeah bro Truthseeker, bring it down to the "Politics and Church" thread on Alternative Views.
04-08-2018 12:42 PM
Re: I was interfered in my personal social media by one of Lee's followers

Originally Posted by Truthseeker View Post
Now, I understood why they just gain Asian American in the LSM affiliated local churches. Does some of them think that if you have some photos with firearms holder or something, so you can't become so called good witness of Christ? I am afraid that local churches will fail in the redneck states because they love firearms collection so much. Only Lee's teaching can't help you to know more about the reality of the world and how to survive in it without any transgressions before the Lord.
As a sister who was born and raised in a "redneck state," it's more accurate to say that we love the 2nd Ammendment. In fact, we love all of them, especially the 1st 10 called our Bill of Rights, and the Constitution as well. I'm not sure what at this has to do with anything. You're on thin ice here. No politics allowed.

04-08-2018 08:32 AM
Re: I was interfered in my personal social media by one of Lee's followers

Originally Posted by DorianRM View Post
His religious opinion. Who is he to tell you how God feels about your choices. God does not tell others to tell you how he feels. If God has an opinion, he will tell you. Until then....be who you are
That was my problem. Myself wasn't isn't a Lee follower. Silly me. Myself was following Christ ... and I said it over and over again ... So being myself got me the boot.

I don't think they want all the saints to be their self. Or the saints would be gone, by choice or not.

You can't be yourself if you hook your wagon to someone else ... like following a dead MOTA ... or those blended with the dead MOTA.

Sooooo? Of course ... Everybody should be themselves ... first and foremost. Cuz the Lord can't do anything in pretenders. If I remember correctly, he called them serpents and vipers.

Many out here prolly don't know what happened when Lee sent Max Rappoport to speak at localities. Max went around telling everyone to get real ... he called it "on the floor fellowship."

I saw good brothers and sisters walk, and never come back.

Out of concern I went to one brother & sister, that, after Max, quit coming to meetings. They were friends of mine before the LC. They came in with me. I was shocked at the sudden change in them both. She busted out the door, with him shouting profanities at her, and when I was inside with him he literally told me to F**k off. I couldn't believe it. Such a drastic and sudden change. The brother, and his wife, had been "all in" for 10 years or so. Fanatics, actually. But along the way it had become pretense. They weren't being their true selves.

So when Max said "stop pretending," he & his wife had to leave. It was over.

Being yourself is dangerous. For the sake of Lee's movement, don't do it.

And by the way. Eventually. Max got the boot. I think he got too real.
04-08-2018 06:43 AM
Re: I was interfered in my personal social media by one of Lee's followers

Now, I understood why they just gain Asian American in the LSM affiliated local churches. Does some of them think that if you have some photos with firearms holder or something, so you can't become so called good witness of Christ? I am afraid that local churches will fail in the redneck states because they love firearms collection so much. Only Lee's teaching can't help you to know more about the reality of the world and how to survive in it without any transgressions before the Lord.
04-04-2018 11:40 AM
Re: I was interfered in my personal social media by one of Lee's followers

Originally Posted by DorianRM View Post
Until then....be who you are
That's very much same advice I received from my dad many years ago. Don't try to be someone you're not. Be who you are until the Lord conforms you inwardly.
04-04-2018 09:41 AM
Re: I was interfered in my personal social media by one of Lee's followers

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi, I'm seeking for the spiritual truth in the bible. Lastly, I have found books of Witness Lee while may satisfy my hunger for the Lord. I have my personal line id for sharing encouraging words of God to many Christians or fellow saints. Now, Churches in the Lord's recovery are talking about "One New Man " according to witness Lee's messages. In my personal line id, I like to post some military and public services photos because I like this kind of career. But he addressed to me by saying "Could you stop posting these photos ? It results from "the old man ". Brother, you are baptized and crucified with Christ. So, you are new one man in the one body. The pictures of public services like cops or military personnel with his or her own firearm are very scary and violent. These are not appropriated for one who serve God. So, you have to change or delete these pictures from your line app because it's not appropriate for becoming good gospel preacher and Christ's testimony. I will pray for you in order that you can see (that posting these kinds of public service career displease Christ and His body)." This is what he said to me concerning my posting in my personal area.
What do you think about this, dear brother and sister ?
His religious opinion. Who is he to tell you how God feels about your choices. God does not tell others to tell you how he feels. If God has an opinion, he will tell you. Until then....be who you are
04-03-2018 09:34 PM
Re: I was interfered in my personal social media by one of Lee's followers

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I was a bad sister and did not follow all the rules becuase I did not care what others thought . Do what I do and tell them to mind their own business and stop trying to police you . I wore trousers to the high school comfrence meeting becuase I hated wear skirts . One older lead woman said you must wear skirt and tried to find me one but all the other woman's skirts she found to borrow were to small so I told her they are too small and she gave up .
Bravo sister bravo!!!

I remember dresses only sisters. They told me that the Bible says women shouldn't dress like men.

But when that was written men wore dresses ... well tunics ... but technically dresses.

Haha ...
04-03-2018 07:55 PM
Re: I was interfered in my personal social media by one of Lee's followers

I was a bad sister and did not follow all the rules becuase I did not care what others thought . Do what I do and tell them to mind their own business and stop trying to police you . I wore trousers to the high school comfrence meeting becuase I hated wear skirts . One older lead woman said you must wear skirt and tried to find me one but all the other woman's skirts she found to borrow were to small so I told her they are too small and she gave up .
04-03-2018 11:42 AM
Re: I was interfered in my personal social media by one of Lee's followers

Moreover, that Lee's follower asked me if you love Jesus more than those public service careers pictures. He tried to blame on me that I am worshipping these pictures as idols. Oh! What's kind of his spiritual standard ?
03-30-2018 10:35 AM
Re: I was interfered in my personal social media by one of Lee's followers

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hi, I'm seeking for the spiritual truth in the bible. Lastly, I have found books of Witness Lee while may satisfy my hunger for the Lord. I have my personal line id for sharing encouraging words of God to many Christians or fellow saints. Now, Churches in the Lord's recovery are talking about "One New Man " according to witness Lee's messages. In my personal line id, I like to post some military and public services photos because I like this kind of career. But he addressed to me by saying "Could you stop posting these photos ? It results from "the old man ". Brother, you are baptized and crucified with Christ. So, you are new one man in the one body. The pictures of public services like cops or military personnel with his or her own firearm are very scary and violent. These are not appropriated for one who serve God. So, you have to change or delete these pictures from your line app because it's not appropriate for becoming good gospel preacher and Christ's testimony. I will pray for you in order that you can see (that posting these kinds of public service career displease Christ and His body)." This is what he said to me concerning my posting in my personal area.
What do you think about this, dear brother and sister ?
The banter on here is so cute sometimes!

This is just my take (not sure if it's the new or old man in me) but this kind of advice is an example of saints in the LC attempting to convert all believers to their "flavor" of Christian life. When I did it, it was unintentional. I was just in the "group think" mentality under subliminal pressure that if I did all these things, and lived up to a standard- that must mean I was finally "expressing Christ." Why do you think many in the LC pray, worship, dress, and behave the same? The "oneness" tends to border on false outward appearances, stripping away the sense of self (which they manipulate into saying its your "old man") which can actually be used by God in a unique way.
03-30-2018 08:18 AM
Re: I was interfered in my personal social media by one of Lee's followers

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
Yeah. I guess that term came from the old man ... should have use "adviser." My bad. Thanks for advising me Drake. That prolly came from your new man.

03-30-2018 05:41 AM
Re: I was interfered in my personal social media by one of Lee's followers

Originally Posted by Drake View Post

"Attacker" is too strong for what is described there. Well meaning people sometimes do over advise. Happens here often wouldn't you agree?
Yeah. I guess that term came from the old man ... should have use "adviser." My bad. Thanks for advising me Drake. That prolly came from your new man.
03-30-2018 03:13 AM
Re: I was interfered in my personal social media by one of Lee's followers

Originally Posted by awareness View Post
Your attacker is speaking from the old man.

"Attacker" is too strong for what is described there. Well meaning people sometimes do over advise. Happens here often wouldn't you agree?

03-29-2018 03:51 PM
Re: I was interfered in my personal social media by one of Lee's followers

Your attacker is speaking from the old man.
03-29-2018 03:49 PM
Re: I was interfered in my personal social media by one of Lee's followers

If you are not convicted of your behavior or...you are convicted of his behavior or visa versa pray however you are led too.

I'd personally thank him for his offer to pray for me and if I thought he was off, I'd lift him to The Lord and move on.

Never hate and never speak I'll of someone but always love...anything else allows room for the enemy to creep in and have his way.
03-29-2018 03:26 PM
Re: I was interfered in my personal social media by one of Lee's followers

Originally Posted by Terry View Post
Person who responded to you in that manner was just expressing their opinion. By comparison I have facebook friends who meet in the local churches. Some are political in their posts. Another likes to post photos using snapchat app. Another might post photos that are Marvel character themed.
I wouldn't think anything more of it other than it being opinion.

Agree with Terry.

Unreg, just be before the Lord and do as He leads you according to life and peace. Of course, there is material that if posted could ruin your testimony before others, but what you described did not sound like that .

03-29-2018 12:05 PM
Re: I was interfered in my personal social media by one of Lee's followers

Person who responded to you in that manner was just expressing their opinion. By comparison I have facebook friends who meet in the local churches. Some are political in their posts. Another likes to post photos using snapchat app. Another might post photos that are Marvel character themed.
I wouldn't think anything more of it other than it being opinion.
03-29-2018 02:21 AM
I was interfered in my personal social media by one of Lee's followers

Hi, I'm seeking for the spiritual truth in the bible. Lastly, I have found books of Witness Lee while may satisfy my hunger for the Lord. I have my personal line id for sharing encouraging words of God to many Christians or fellow saints. Now, Churches in the Lord's recovery are talking about "One New Man " according to witness Lee's messages. In my personal line id, I like to post some military and public services photos because I like this kind of career. But he addressed to me by saying "Could you stop posting these photos ? It results from "the old man ". Brother, you are baptized and crucified with Christ. So, you are new one man in the one body. The pictures of public services like cops or military personnel with his or her own firearm are very scary and violent. These are not appropriated for one who serve God. So, you have to change or delete these pictures from your line app because it's not appropriate for becoming good gospel preacher and Christ's testimony. I will pray for you in order that you can see (that posting these kinds of public service career displease Christ and His body)." This is what he said to me concerning my posting in my personal area.
What do you think about this, dear brother and sister ?

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