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Little Flock/Local Church Spinoffs Various groups or ministries which are lead by former members/followers of Watchman Nee's Little Flock or Witness Lee's Local Church

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09-12-2014 02:17 AM
Re: Got something to say? Hit "New Thread" button and fire away!

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
I'm about the last one to ask about the technical stuff, but I think the best way might be for you to click on the upper left corner where it says "Local Church Disucussions > ...Hit the "Local Church Discussions", this will take you to the main "Home Page". From there you can select a particular forum board in which you are interested in starting a thread. Click on any forum board and then you will see the "New Thread" button clearly there on the top left.
got it! Thank you!
09-11-2014 01:47 PM
Re: Got something to say? Hit "New Thread" button and fire away!

I'm about the last one to ask about the technical stuff, but I think the best way might be for you to click on the upper left corner where it says "Local Church Disucussions > ...Hit the "Local Church Discussions", this will take you to the main "Home Page". From there you can select a particular forum board in which you are interested in starting a thread. Click on any forum board and then you will see the "New Thread" button clearly there on the top left.
09-11-2014 11:11 AM
Re: Got something to say? Hit "New Thread" button and fire away!

Originally Posted by Eph View Post
Hello Dancing,

Click on this link http://localchurchdiscussions.com/vB...splay.php?f=60

At the upper left corner of the center box, you will find a "new thread" botton.

Eph, you are very kind.

I'm still interested in where to find it under the tabs but this will get me started... Thank you
09-11-2014 03:20 AM
Re: Got something to say? Hit "New Thread" button and fire away!

Originally Posted by Dancing View Post
Can't find the "new thread" button... Please help
Hello Dancing,

Click on this link http://localchurchdiscussions.com/vB...splay.php?f=60

At the upper left corner of the center box, you will find a "new thread" botton.

09-11-2014 03:10 AM
Re: Got something to say? Hit "New Thread" button and fire away!

Can't find the "new thread" button... Please help
09-10-2014 08:06 PM
Re: Got something to say? Hit "New Thread" button and fire away!

Originally Posted by Justin View Post
dose any one here know who Elijah Hong & The New Testament Zion Church is all about
Elijah Hong, a successor of Kong Duen Yee, claims that he is the last prophet. The New Testament Zion Church is the only true church. Hong considers all other church groups, as well as all nations (government authorities), are satanic. There were news all over Taiwan in the past regarding Hong’s followers refusing mandatory military service and clashing with police force.

In Hong’s view, God has abandoned Jerusalem. The true Mount Zion is now a mountain hill on rural Kaohsiung City in Taiwan. There is Eden on the land where the followers live in the compound and grow organic produce that are sold for profits. My understanding is that it has become a tour spot for Taiwanese recently. People like to visit there during weekends and buy organic produce, and see a different life style.

I assume you are in the US. Is it spreading to the US already?

p.s. Justin, welcome!! I am new here too. I think you might ask the moderator to move this post to a new thread, so that more readers can respond to your post...
09-10-2014 01:29 PM
Re: Got something to say? Hit "New Thread" button and fire away!

dose any one here know who Elijah Hong & The New Testament Zion Church is all about
07-09-2008 09:37 AM
Got something to say? Hit "New Thread" button and fire away!

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