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Calling All Saints! This board will serve as a meeting place for ex Local Church members to reestablish contact with other former and current members. GUESTS may post here as well.

Thread: Answering the Call Reply to Thread
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01-08-2014 04:10 PM
Re: Answering the Call

Originally Posted by calebveritas View Post
Hey everyone

I'm new to the site,but i have been looking for a group like this for a long time. I am working on writing a book about the LC and witness Lee, but i'd really like some first hand accounts from people who lived it or are still living it. if anyone is interested. please comment or email me at calebveritas@gmail.com. thank you. Soli Deo Gloria
There's enough here to get you started. Forum members can help with feedback about questionable areas you may have. Most of the former members on this site are in North America though. Information about Europe, Asia, and South America is harder to find.Each of these forums has an

There is also an abandoned forum which operated for years approx. 2003-2010 called the Bereans which has archives still online.

The brothers in the Great Lakes Area favorable to Titus Chu still have a somewhat abandoned Website for "concerned" brothers which has numerous documents.

A newer Forum, though less helpful, has replace the Bereans site.

Each forum has an Introductions and Testimony thread that may be helpful.
01-08-2014 02:21 PM
Answering the Call

Hey everyone

I'm new to the site,but i have been looking for a group like this for a long time. I am working on writing a book about the LC and witness Lee, but i'd really like some first hand accounts from people who lived it or are still living it. if anyone is interested. please comment or email me at calebveritas@gmail.com. thank you. Soli Deo Gloria

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