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07-11-2008 03:28 PM
kisstheson Roger! Ohio! YP0534! Countmeworthy! OBW/Mike! It is so good to "see" all of you again.

I am enjoying the sweet spirit of the fellowship here. May we continue to "usher" one another back to the simplicity, joy, and freedom in Christ.
07-09-2008 02:03 PM
Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Hey, what happened to my Avatar? Is there a "geek" in the house?
It only seems to appear on your information page.

Welcome to both you and Roger. I might actually show up here.
07-09-2008 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by Roger View Post
Hello all,
I have just moved over from the "other" forum - you know, them.

Anyway, I was in the Local Church for the better part of 30 years. I'm glad to be out, and am still getting it out of me. I look forward to much fellowship here.

Hola Roger!

I've been out longer than you have...but as I told a friend, as long as we're here on this earth, I'll always be somewhat connected to the LC just as I have 'ties' to the RCC simply because I was born & raised as a Catholic.

Does that mean I long to return to the RCC? No WAY! But I can relate to Catholics and have even helped them see through the RCC ....and even better to look to JESUS, the Author and Perfector of our Faith.

I can relate to Catholics better than I can relate to Baptists or Pentecostals because I was raised Catholic!

Same with the LC...I can relate to the LCrs because of my background in the LC.

Just know, what is impossible with man, IS MORE than POSSIBLE with GOD!
07-09-2008 09:58 AM
Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Roger, I'm glad you're here too!

I guess I'm more concerned about getting LSM out of me!

Hey, what happened to my Avatar? Is there a "geek" in the house?

I think avatars may be broken at present.
07-09-2008 09:18 AM
Ohio Roger, I'm glad you're here too!

I guess I'm more concerned about getting LSM out of me!

Originally Posted by Roger View Post
Hello all, I have just moved over from the "other" forum - you know, them. Anyway, I was in the Local Church for the better part of 30 years. I'm glad to be out, and am still getting it out of me. I look forward to much fellowship here. Roger
Hey, what happened to my Avatar? Is there a "geek" in the house?
07-09-2008 09:02 AM
Paul Cox
glad to be here

Hello all,
I have just moved over from the "other" forum - you know, them.

Anyway, I was in the Local Church for the better part of 30 years. I'm glad to be out, and am still getting it out of me. I look forward to much fellowship here.

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