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02-06-2012 06:08 PM
Re: Full Theological Seminar - Local Churches

Originally Posted by Leomon View Post
But from my understanding the fuller theologicla seminar is a very reputible school.
Many of my pastors recommend it.
I guess for me, the local church members are christians and I dont doubt it. However it is easy to fall prey to following the wrong ministry...
Yes, aside from doctrinal views Fuller as well as CRI need to be appraised of LC practices. I'm sure they would find it abnormal in relation to expected Christian conduct.

I agree with you local church members are Christians. Problem I've had and partly due to why I don't meet there is the narrowness in receiving. Reference 1 Corinthians 12.
02-06-2012 12:28 PM
Re: Full Theological Seminar - Local Churches

Originally Posted by Ohio View Post
Years ago we reveled in stories of exposing the errors of Christianity, like the time the church in Chicago marched on Moody Bible Institute shouting "Babylon the Great is fallen." Today, LSM wines and dines any Christian organization in financial need, willing to compromise "principle" for a favorable review.

What has happened to LSM? Have they discarded all their core values? Or are they just playing the hypocrite like the Pharisees of old, who wined and dined Pilate in order to remove The Troublemaker, lest they break one of their owned cherished laws.

Has LSM lost their identity? Can they really condemn all of degraded Christianity in their training sessions, quarantine TC for printing books, playing guitars and requesting clean sheets, and then hire public relations specialists to spin their cause to the Christian public at large?


Maybe there are differing views in LSM. Also how can they hope to expand their ministry when they approach the body of christ as such.. Hopefully as time goes on, they will eventually see that they are part of a larger body of Christ.
02-06-2012 12:24 PM
Re: Full Theological Seminar - Local Churches


But from my understanding the fuller theologicla seminar is a very reputible school.

Many of my pastors recommend it.

Maybe this is one persons opinion? Maybe his exposure when he wrote this article was in a local church that wasnt as connected to Anehiem?

I have been fellowshipping with a local church in vancouver for about a year now. And while I see similarities to many of the topics discussed here of the flawed theology, I dont see as much emphasis on poor poor christianity. They never mention witness lee and they only quote the bible.

I guess for me, the local church members are christians and I dont doubt it. However it is easy to fall prey to following the wrong ministry...

02-06-2012 08:37 AM
Re: Full Theological Seminar - Local Churches

Originally Posted by Leomon View Post
Hey Guys, im not sure if you have seen this,

But I am wondering what you thoughts were.
Years ago we reveled in stories of exposing the errors of Christianity, like the time the church in Chicago marched on Moody Bible Institute shouting "Babylon the Great is fallen." Today, LSM wines and dines any Christian organization in financial need, willing to compromise "principle" for a favorable review.

What has happened to LSM? Have they discarded all their core values? Or are they just playing the hypocrite like the Pharisees of old, who wined and dined Pilate in order to remove The Troublemaker, lest they break one of their owned cherished laws.

Has LSM lost their identity? Can they really condemn all of degraded Christianity in their training sessions, quarantine TC for printing books, playing guitars and requesting clean sheets, and then hire public relations specialists to spin their cause to the Christian public at large?

02-06-2012 12:44 AM
Re: Full Theological Seminar - Local Churches

Originally Posted by Leomon View Post

Hey Guys, im not sure if you have seen this,

But I am wondering what you thoughts were.
From my limited experience with the subject, this article is something held in high regard by the LRC as it "proves their authenticity" to "Babylon" via "Babylon" if that makes any sense. I know of LRC members who own a copy of this and would not hesitate to use it as a claim of authenticity for their practices and doctrines.

On the other hand, I recall skimming a few posts by members here and the gist of what I read was that it's full of bologna (or baloney if you rather ). I don't recall the exact reason why though...but perhaps a few posters will clarify this soon enough.
02-05-2012 10:49 PM
Full Theological Seminar - Local Churches


Hey Guys, im not sure if you have seen this,

But I am wondering what you thoughts were.

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