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12-14-2024 06:17 PM
Re: Hello

Originally Posted by Truthinlove View Post
Sorry sister.
12-14-2024 09:22 AM
Re: Hello

Sorry sister.
12-14-2024 08:59 AM
Re: Hello

What a pity that many other old timer who have delivered remarkable statements in this forum no longer take part.

By the way, when I came here I also saw a post (I think it was from ExChurchKid) that said something like, "How nice that I'm finally free from aggressive Christianity and have arrived at Buddhism." I would have really liked to deal with that too. But it seems no longer to exist...?
12-14-2024 06:41 AM
Re: Hello

Originally Posted by Truthinlove View Post

I was so encouraged by your post, fellow old timer lol. Thank you for sharing your journey, personal experience of where you are now. I agree brother we are close to the end of the age. Lord Jesus "countmeworthy"!

God bless you brother
While I am a”son” of God, and there is no male or female, no Jew or gentile in Christ, in my earthly suit, I am woman Hear me ROAR! LOL (the 70s song just now popped into my head

MUCHOS blessings be bestowed upon you and everyone here!

Carol G
12-13-2024 11:24 AM
Re: Hello


I was so encouraged by your post, fellow old timer lol. Thank you for sharing your journey, personal experience of where you are now. I agree brother we are close to the end of the age. Lord Jesus "countmeworthy"!

God bless you brother
12-11-2024 08:00 PM
Re: Hello

Greetings all,

I don’t post like I used to but am thankful for this forum. An LC/LR building was recently built a few blocks from where I live. They had a “grand opening”. There were tons of cars in their parking lot. It’s gated btw. Very nice building I must say. Now that the dust has settled, the parking lot is not full as it was on “opening day”. I am sure people from other localities came to the Grand opening.

I sometimes am tempted to visit. Then I read fresh posts as this one of long timers who recently left and I get a reality check.

I was in the LC from 1975-1979. I am thankful for the hymns I sang with the church, especially those on the Blood. I am thankful for the psalms we learned to sing too. I am thankful for the Word that changed me (and still is Sanctifying me. I am thankful for being taught how to pray the Word of God and how to apply it. I am thankful for the assurance of Salvation I received there and confirmed by God’s Word even though I became a prodigal son after I left the LC. The Lord never forsook me as is His promise. However He let me hit rock bottom. Then like the Prodigal son, I crawled back shedding buckets of tears of repentance. God is soo Good and Merciful, He restored my soul with open Arms as He did His prodigal son.

The LC is now far, far behind me. But I am more in love with my/our GOD, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, the Life giving Spirit within me.

May the LORD bless and protect everyone on this forum, supplying your every need (Philippians 4:19) while granting you the desires of your heart as you delight in Him (Psalm 37:4)

These are God’s promises and HE is a Promise Keeper !

PS. I don’t go “to church” but I have been meeting with a small Bible study group for about 7-8 years. Most are church goers. I am the odd man out. LOL

I also believe we are very close to the Lord’s return for us (the rapture)more than ever. I am vigilant. But I have believed every year IS THE YEAR since 2007. Just as I was throwing in the towel on the rapture teaching, the Lord gave me a dream/vision in 2012 of the season Jesus was coming for us. So far we are still here. Hopefully not for long.

Still, we are told to be watchful and vigilant while encouraging one another as the day approaches.
12-11-2024 04:33 PM
Re: Hello

Hi Sons to Glory,
Thank you for your kind welcome. My wife got out of the Matrix before me, she left for many reasons, and she started praying where to go and what to do. The Lord led her to a Baptist Church. Later on, I then started to attend to be one with her. There was a very good group of sisters she got connected with.

It is refreshing to see in the Baptist church we are a part of the most important aspect and commandment of the Lord being real, John 13:34-35 “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another”.

They function like a non-denominational but more importantly they are genuinely joyful and very loving and caring members of the body of Christ 1 Cor 13:1-2 and verse 13.

Many Baptist believers have had home groups long before the LR-LC did. We really enjoy them. We no longer attend the LC meeting halls, but we still stay in touch with a few brothers and sisters we have known for many years trying to stay on common ground the oneness we have in Christ.

I agree with Cal who put out many videos, one in which he indicated the LR-LC had a lot of help in its beginning to the body of Christ. I feel this is true, this is one of the many reasons of what makes it difficult to leave the LC recovery there is a lot of real lovers of the Lord in the membership they have a lot of good truth, wonderful hymns but LSM has a dark side and control over the churches under it and its members. I felt to keep what is good and leave the rest.
God bless you.
12-11-2024 06:04 AM
Sons to Glory!
Re: Hello

Welcome! So where on your journey are you now - are you thinking of leaving or have you left? I'm here to testify that the Lord is fresh and living in many places that have never heard of TLR.

Just last night I had a small group of brothers over for dinner. Some of us had been in the recovery in the 70s & 80s and others had never been there. One brother started talking about how Lee went off track and started promoting that he was it on the earth, and how in the 80s he started to shut down others who were gifted. The question that came up was - did Paul ever promote such a thing? Of course not!
12-10-2024 08:35 AM
Hello (Truthinlove)

Hello dear brothers, sisters, and friends,

I came into the LC (Recovery) in the late 70’s, and my wife came in the early 90’s. We have lived in a few places and met with the local churches (the recovery). Over the past several years, we both started to notice that things were not quite right, we were on a progressive journey with more experiences with the leadership not being scriptural or making sense.

My wife found the LCD forum and many testimonies have been so helpful and hit home. We are thankful to the Lord for His mercy on us.

God bless you all!

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