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06-28-2024 09:36 PM
Re: Describe Lords Recovery Movement In Two Sentences….

Originally Posted by Just saying View Post
If you are asked to describe Lords Recovery movement in two sentences without getting into theological views, what would you write as an ex-member?

A movement where your alignment to a ideological vision is a must, where nepotism reigns supreme, where one opinion is a law, where spiritually growing is prohibited, dependence on false beliefs is promoted, and the name of Jesus is used and abused as an equal to members in all aspects.
06-27-2024 11:49 AM
Re: Describe Lords Recovery Movement In Two Sentences….

What I mean is this: Individuals among you are saying, “I follow Paul,” “I follow Apollos,” “I follow Cephas,” "I follow Lee,” or “I follow Christ.” Was Lee crucified for you or were you baptized into the name of Lee?
06-27-2024 02:36 AM
Re: Describe Lords Recovery Movement In Two Sentences….

The Lords recovery movement is a Chinese guanxi network disguised as a Christian Church. It started as an indigenous Chinese “localist” religious reaction to Western imperialism, was usurped by its principals Nee and then Lee, ultimately being exported as a very non-local quasi- imperialist outreach whose principal aim was the benefit and well-being of its principals, their families, and their inner circles.

Phosphorus, anyone? If those two sentences above seem scandalously off the mark, please Google “Witness Lee Daystar Phosphorus” and see what comes up. A lot of stuff went down that is now being assiduously pretended by the LR current principals as though it never happened. This group is antithetical to the Christian concept of transparency, confession and repentance. They personify unscrupulous opacity.
06-24-2024 10:52 AM
Re: Describe Lords Recovery Movement In Two Sentences….

A sociological cult is a group characterized by intense devotion to a charismatic leader or ideology, often employing manipulative or coercive practices to control members' beliefs, behaviors, and social relationships.

A theological cult is a religious group that deviates from the mainstream doctrines of a larger religious tradition, often centering on unorthodox beliefs or practices, and typically led by a charismatic figure who claims unique spiritual authority or revelation.
06-24-2024 06:06 AM
Re: Describe Lords Recovery Movement In Two Sentences….

“always learning and never able to arrive at a knowledge of the truth.”
06-23-2024 12:07 PM
Re: Describe Lords Recovery Movement In Two Sentences….

Originally Posted by Ex-LC-Rosemead View Post
I will describe her this way, she has become:

Revelations 2:20 - "... the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she is teaching and is straying my slaves to-prostitute and to be eating idol sacrifices."

The word to-prostitute is not referring to anything sexual in nature. These people in the LC have sold themselves to WL and the LSM. They somehow have replaced the Lord in their meeting, and it occurred in a subtle way, because they use the Lords name so often in their meetings and teachings. It is hard to believe this could actually happen to the "SLAVES" of Jesus.

The point is to always follow the Lord and never follow a man or system. We are in a spiritual battle and the devil would love to see His slaves fall in a trap. Keep reading the word of God and relay on it to help you through difficult times. Being able to check what you are given by the word was the greatest help I received when leaving the LC. I started to check the doctrine with others and we began to see the light and where we went wrong. Sorry I took more than two sentences.
06-23-2024 11:41 AM
Ex-LC-Rosemead I will describe her this way, she has become:

Revelations 2:20 - "... the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, and she is teaching and is straying my slaves to-prostitute and to be eating idol sacrifices."

The word to-prostitute is not referring to anything sexual in nature. These people in the LC have sold themselves to WL and the LSM. They somehow have replaced the Lord in their meeting, and it occurred in a subtle way, because they use the Lords name so often in their meetings and teachings. It is hard to believe this could actually happen to the "SLAVES" of Jesus.

The point is to always follow the Lord and never follow a man or system. We are in a spiritual battle and the devil would love to see His slaves fall in a trap. Keep reading the word of God and relay on it to help you through difficult times. Being able to check what you are given by the word was the greatest help I received when leaving the LC. I started to check the doctrine with others and we began to see the light and where we went wrong. Sorry I took more than two sentences.
06-07-2024 06:20 AM
Re: Describe Lords Recovery Movement In Two Sentences….

“No one seizes power to eventually relinquish it, even as an imposter or a forgerer in a small movement. Lee came, conquered and empowered - now the conqueror is bigger than the King in the eyes of the select few”
06-06-2024 10:16 PM
Re: Describe Lords Recovery Movement In Two Sentences….

Lord Himself is the way not Lee nor Blended Brothers.
05-26-2024 11:19 AM
Just saying
Describe Lords Recovery Movement In Two Sentences….

If you are asked to describe Lords Recovery movement in two sentences without getting into theological views, what would you write as an ex-member?
Here is one:

“A movement that’s was birthed from the extreme self importance of two men, using anachronistic approach to create a false impression, confusion, and a problem. Once accepted, to offer themselves as a solution which is incongruous to anything present or existing, while claiming it to be the only genuine way.”

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