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05-01-2024 09:53 AM | |||
bearbear |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication Quote:
Balaam had correct theology and believed in God but he was disobedient in heart. The Nicolaitans allegedly adhered to the basic truths in the Nicene creed but used the grace of God to commit sexual immorality and "eat foods sacrificed to idols" in violation of Acts 15. James 2:19 You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder! Hebrews 5:9 And being made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation to all who obey him. In "Against Heresies" (Book I, Chapter 26, Section 3), Irenaeus, disciple of Polycarp, disciple of the Apostle John, author of the book of Revelation states: Quote:
05-01-2024 09:39 AM | |||
Ohio |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication Quote:
“But I have a few things against you: you have some there who hold the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the sons of Israel, so that they might eat food sacrificed to idols and practice sexual immorality. So also you have some who hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans. Therefore repent. If not, I will come to you soon and war against them with the sword of my mouth.”-- Revelation 2:14-16Here's the problem Sam Storms et. al. have. Apostle John says "so also you have some" who hold the teaching of the Nicolaitans. Scholars have kicked this around for centuries without a definitive conclusion. John clearly identifies two distinct heresies and those who hold these heresies. Good Bible exposition requires differentiation here. If they were the same, John would not say, ""So also you have some." But I'll readily agree with you that the Nee/Lee teaching lacks basis. Both of them used this teaching early in their ministry to condemn the rest of the Body of Christ, uplifting themselves. (see Acts 20.30) The Apostles themselves established certain ministerial offices in the churches (elders and deacons) and gifts from the Head to the body of Christ. (Eph 4.11) The only criticism we can level at those who hold church office is moral or "lording it over" the saints. |
05-01-2024 04:59 AM | |||
bearbear |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication Quote:
05-01-2024 04:52 AM | |||
bearbear |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication Quote:
https://www.biola.edu/blogs/good-boo...pensationalism When Jesus died and rose he definitely ushered in a new age. The law came through Moses but grace & reality came through Jesus. Nevertheless the OT saints were also saved by faith in God (Hebrews 11) but the test of faith and expectations were different yet Jesus taught that repentance from sin was required just like in the OT. Ezekiel 18:27 Again, when a wicked person turns away from the wickedness he has committed and does what is just and right, he shall save his life. Because he considered and turned away from all the transgressions that he had committed, he shall surely live; he shall not die. Acts 3:19 (NLT) Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away. Acts 3:26 (NLT) When God raised up his servant, Jesus, he sent him first to you people of Israel, to bless you by turning each of you back from your sinful ways. Luke 13:2-3 (NLT) Do you think those Galileans were worse sinners than all the other people from Galilee?” Jesus asked. “Is that why they suffered? Not at all! And you will perish, too, unless you repent of your sins and turn to God. Another difference between myself and Darby would be that I believe the church will go through the tribulation which is Satan's wrath but will be raptured before God's wrath which is around the sixth seal which is a pre-wrath view of the end times. So I would interpret the Olivet discourse applying to Jesus' audience who were his followers and not unbelieving Jews. Hence warnings such as Matthew 24:13 "But the one who endures to the end will be saved." would apply to us as well. I agree Preterism is a heresy. |
05-01-2024 04:44 AM | |||
Ohio |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication Quote:
As an aside, Preterist teachings on eschatology also developed long before any signs of life were seen in the ancient land of Israel. The initial clashes between Darby and Newton concerned end time events. Personally I think Darby used his unique teachings to elevate his position among the Brethren. His battles with Newton, and subsequently with Muller, progressed from topic to topic in order to gain footing and develop an upper hand among adherents. Thus theological differences were used as a means to an end, and as a way to identify parties. The end is control. The driving force is the lust for power. Did we not also see this when the Midwest LC’s were expelled? |
05-01-2024 04:14 AM | |||
Ohio |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication Quote:
04-30-2024 12:07 PM | |||
bearbear |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication Quote:
According to that article, George Müller also did not accept Darby's dispensationalism: Quote:
04-30-2024 11:25 AM | |||
Ohio |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication Quote:
Both Darby and Nee and Lee all started their movements based on independent or autonomous assemblies, or local churches, sometimes called the "Antioch principle." But later in life all three transitioned to centralized power, the so-called "Jerusalem principle," similar to Catholic and Anglican structures. |
04-30-2024 09:09 AM | |||
bearbear |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication Quote:
https://www.samstorms.org/enjoying-g...he-nicolaitans |
04-30-2024 09:02 AM | |||
bearbear |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication Quote:
If only Nee had built bridges to traditional Baptists like Hudson Taylor instead, we may all be in a better place. I am grateful for the western missionaries who gave up their lives to preach the gospel in China and wish Nee would have been grateful. |
04-29-2024 11:21 PM | |||
Sunshine |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication I did a search on bridges and quite a few hits came up. Watchman Nee's mention of burning bridges and not shaking hands over the fence with denominations, in his book Further Talks on the church life. I have attached a screen shot of some of the search results in this reply. |
04-29-2024 07:37 PM | |||
guest-eroony |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication Here's a quote that contains some of what you are looking for, and the ministry book it came from: ----------------- Revelation 2:6 speaks of the works of the Nicolaitans, and 2:15 speaks of the teaching of the Nicolaitans. This clergy-laity system caused the church to become the religious system of Christianity, which is another religious age. Paul needed to be delivered from Judaism, the religious age at his time. Today we need to be delivered from Christianity, the religious age in our time. I am sharing this to help us realize that the history among us has been one of coming completely out of Christianity without compromise. It is a shame that some so-called co-workers among us have tried their best to compromise. They say that between the denominations and the local churches there is a gap, and they consider themselves as the bridge to bridge the gap. This was a suffering to Brother Nee, and today this is a suffering to me. Since 1927, just two years after I was saved, I began to be delivered out of the present evil age, the age of Christianity. Some have told me that I should not say that Christianity is degraded. But according to Revelation 17, the religious system of Christianity is a great prostitute. Verse 5 calls this great prostitute "Babylon the Great, The Mother of the Prostitutes." We need to be delivered from this mother and from her daughters, who are the prostitutes. Since the mother of the Prostitutes is the apostate Roman Catholic Church, the prostitutes, her daughters, should be all the different sects and groups in Christianity who hold to some extent the teaching, practices, and traditions of the apostate Roman Church. We need to be delivered out of this present evil age. We have to come out of Christianity and come back to the Body of Christ. The pure church life has no evil transmitted from the apostate church. Because of our standing for the pure church life, others have been offended. But what can we do? Paul said in Galatians 1:10, "If I were still pleasing me, I would not be a slave of Christ." If we were men-pleasers, we would not suffer persecution as Paul did. The history of the Lord's recovery is a history of coming out of and being outside of the present evil age. We have burned the bridges between us and Christianity, but some among us have tried to build a bridge to bring us back. We need to burn all the bridges. There should be no bridge between the local churches and Christianity. Everything should be after its kind. The denominations are after their kind and the local churches should be after their kind. We should be what we are without compromise or pretense. We need to maintain such a gap between us and Christianity. The wider this gap is the better because it is a gap between us and the present evil age. The History of the Church and the Local Churches, pages 112-114 |
04-29-2024 04:26 PM | |||
Bookseeker |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication I’ve checked on ministrybooks with a subscription, but I couldn't find that particular issue. Perhaps one day I can find a physical copy. I’m sure there’s one or two floating around somewhere out there. I like the idea of using those quotes and searching ministrybooks.org to find similar statements. It can be a real chore, but I’m sure I’ll find something. |
04-29-2024 02:09 PM | |||
Sunshine |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication Hello bookseeker You will find that the speaking in ministry of the word is a repeat of a combination of Watchman Nee and Witness past speaking word for word. In LSM ministrybooks.org web page, you can search for book titles based on key words or phrases. Have a look there. |
04-29-2024 11:02 AM | |||
UntoHim |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication Bookseeker, I don't know if you are dealing with a younger person or someone new to the Local Church of Witness Lee, but if they have been in the movement for any length of time you will not have to worry about any contention from them that you have "made it up"....most Local Churchers will not contest these quotes, on the contrary they will probably respond with a hearty "Amen!". This being said, you may want to get in touch with someone who has a paid subscription at MinistryBooks.Org - this particular publication may only be available to those with a paid subscription. - |
04-29-2024 04:24 AM | |||
Bookseeker |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication Thanks for sharing that PDF. Those are the quotes I had found, but I’d like the original materials if possible. I feel like by this point 20 years later someone might easily say “you just made that up” if I don’t have the original publications and can only show a PDF compiled by some random critic. If anyone has a pdf of the entire issue of ”The Ministry” where these quotes are from or knows where I can acquire a physical copy of that issue, I’d be very grateful. |
04-29-2024 02:14 AM | |||
TheStarswillFall |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication "We are one by eating Jesus" ![]() - |
04-28-2024 05:05 PM | |||
UntoHim |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication As Posted At BlendedBody.Com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The Lord's recovery is not a part of Christianity" Ron Kangas, Senior Editor and Director of Living Stream Ministry (LSM) "There is an unbridgeable gap between the Lord's recovery and Christianity" Ron Kangas, (The Ministry, June, 2004, p. 10) "We need to maintain the gap between us and Christianity; the wider the gap is the better" Ron Kangas "There is a great gulf fixed between the Lord's recovery and Christianity." Ron Kangas ******"If there are any bridges between a local church and Christianity, I hope that we would go back, burn the bridges and broaden the gap." Ron Kangas "There is an irreconcilable difference between the church life in the Lord's recovery and today's Christianity in any of its forms." Ron Kangas "It is impossible for there to be any reconciliation between the recovery and Christianity." Ron Kangas "There is a separation between us and all the denominations, between us and all forms of organized Christianity" Ron Kangas "We should not try through diplomacy or negotiation to be reconciled." Ron Kangas (NOTE: All quotes from The Ministry, Feb., 2004, pp. 8-25 unless otherwise indicated) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - |
04-28-2024 11:42 AM | |||
Ein mittleser |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication It is this? https://blendedbody.com/AAA-Personal...ristianity.htm |
04-28-2024 07:31 AM | |||
Bookseeker |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication To Ohio: It seems they’ve gotten rid of that serious of books on their sites. I can see publications of “The Ministry” from before 2004 and after, but none during that time. It would be nice to be able to reference them because I still know some people in The Recovery who say that their group loves and accepts all Christians but I know it’s not true. They say some harsh things about other Christian groups and mock them a lot. Perhaps seeing the things that their leaders say would help, but I can’t seem to find those specific publications anywhere! |
04-28-2024 07:12 AM | |||
Ohio |
Re: Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication Quote:
04-28-2024 05:25 AM | |||
Bookseeker |
Looking for a Particular Ministry Publication Hey there. I recently came across some quotes from Ron Kangas about “burning bridges” with Christianity. Apparently they were from a publication called “The Ministry of the Word.” It was published in February of 2004, but I can’t seem to find it online anywhere. Could someone help me out? |