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05-10-2021 06:40 AM
Re: New FB Group Exposes Christians on Campus Cult in NZ

Looks like others at Otago University are on to the Local Church:
Otago Campus Christians Described As “Insular” and “Controversial”
"Otago Campus Christians, an OUSA-affiliated club, own a complex of flats on Grange Street with at least 20 rooms. For some students, the group is a close-knit family of like-minded Christians. For others, it is a controversial and isolationist group with concerning behaviours.
Keira*, a former resident of their flats, found that “something felt off” when she first attended their Bible studies, which she put down to “cultural differences”. She moved into the Grange Street flats in her third year.
Otago Campus Christians are not a standalone Christian group. They are affiliated with “The Church in Dunedin”, which is part of “The Local Church”. Founded in China by Watchman Nee Tuo Sheng, the Local Churches were, until 1997, led by Witness Lee Chang Shou. Nee and Lee are still seen as major authorities within the church, with study of their extensive collection of Bible study books and speeches strongly encouraged for members."

05-10-2021 12:52 AM
Re: New FB Group Exposes Christians on Campus Cult in NZ

If only every LC recruiting organisation attached to a campus, and I mean every campus group in the WORLD, could have a facebook page as well set up, with all this good information, hovering over it! I think that could really make a difference to the future of this aberant, toxic group. It could very effectively blow their program regarding pulling in new recruits. The tools of love - bombing, home cooking, and trust building would be hard pressed to battle against facebook fact telling!
05-09-2021 08:11 PM
Re: New FB Group Exposes Christians on Campus Cult in NZ

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Hey everybody,

Because of the LC's deceptive recruiting tactics on university campuses, I've decided to make FB groups targeting specific campuses in NZ.

With the LC, you don't get that option. Instead they are very vague to prospective members about what they believe, and they will wait years before they give you the whole truth (Witness lee, LSM, etc.)

They pass themselves off as simply a group of Christian students that aren't tied to any denomination - which is an outright lie.

So, I would like to give people info and resources to be aware of who the campus group really is before they get involved with them.

Thanks! (Any suggestions/feedback is also welcome )
Thanks so much for putting in the time/effort to do this. I'm encouraged that there are slowly growing more and more websites warning people. I took a quick look at the FB page and was glad to see a breadth of links/posts for people to get informed from.

The bait and switch ("we are just a bunch of Christians who hold to the common faith!......[one year later]......aaaaaaand who follow Witness Lee and Witness Lee alone and who believe you will not "make it" if you don't also follow him") is exactly what they do, and a lie, and from the devil. If the LC won't be transparent after all these years, then others will just have to be transparent for them.

Great job!

05-09-2021 02:43 AM
New FB Group Exposes Christians on Campus Cult in NZ

Hey everybody,

Because of the LC's deceptive recruiting tactics on university campuses, I've decided to make FB groups targeting specific campuses in NZ.

The first group is "Otago Campus Christians Cult". https://www.facebook.com/otagocampuschristianscult

The goal is to provide info and resources about the Local Church of Witness Lee to anyone that is considering joining this campus group (more campus FB pages to come).

I would greatly appreciate people giving the page a like/follow. If this is done for all campuses, this will hopefully stop some people from being brainwashed into this cult. When someone searches for a Christians on Campus page on FB, the corresponding cult page will show up too.

I would like for anyone that is not familiar with the LC to have the opportunity to find out exactly who they are dealing with before they decide whether to join (or not!)

The LC is very deceptive because they are called the "local churches" or "the church in ____ (whatever city)" which is very vague. Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses are very transparent in this regard, you have the exact name of their group and you can easily look them up and find out what they believe and then decide whether you want to join or not. With the LC, you don't get that option. Instead they are very vague to prospective members about what they believe, and they will wait years before they give you the whole truth (Witness lee, LSM, etc.)

They pass themselves off as simply a group of Christian students that aren't tied to any denomination - which is an outright lie.

So, I would like to give people info and resources to be aware of who the campus group really is before they get involved with them.

Thanks! (Any suggestions/feedback is also welcome )

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