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11-16-2017 09:40 AM
Re: New Here

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
I have a 'love/hate' relationship with this forum. I often ask myself why I keep checking in. I have been here from the beginning and most of the time I am ignored here! Rarely does anyone comment on what I share!! It used to bother me but then I realized I don't even know these people. Our connection is we were in the LR at one time. Nothing more. I think I pop in as I am led to. But months will go by and I don't even 'check in' to see if there is anything new.
Just because I don't always comment on what you share CMW, (actually, being an old yankee white guy, I'm a little afraid to say much on this thread) doesn't mean I don't read and appreciate your posts.

Give me one of those "LIKE" pushbuttons, and I'll press it every time.
11-15-2017 07:19 PM
Re: New Here

Originally Posted by KindnessNotBlindness View Post
No not all atheists are loving and kind, this is true. Not all Christians are bad and not everybody in the LC are bad either.
Yes.. and there are a lot of unbelievers who are kinder and more loving than the religious nutcases and the phony 'believers'.

I will add... when I first came to the LC in 1975 as a 22 yr old, there was a lot of Love being poured out. In my 'locality' San Diego, we were mostly in our 20s and quite 'free' to just be ourselves. But it was not too much later that religion reared its' ugly head. You know what put the nail in the coffin for me was? Do you know when I knew God left the LC ? It was when we were told not to use the word Sunday. It was 'the Lord's day'. Among other things I was seeing in 1977/78, when we were told not to say Sunday, that was my exit.

And btw... LOVE had already departed years earlier. Love was replaced with 'the ministry'. For the most part I had a good experience in the church 'life' aside from my personal, emotional issues that I hid from everyone except God. But most people here on this forum really went through the ringer. Mentally and spiritually, many people were seriously damaged by the LR. So glad you came out of it pretty stable.

Just sharing some of my personal experiences and observations here...

Before I came on this platform I was intent on pushing atheism down everybody I met throats because of how I am healing but this platform was showed me how that would be damaging (with a capital D).
I think we all do that when we come to this forum for the first time. When this forum first opened up in another board, wow.. you should have read the venting!! It knocked the wind out of you!! But I / we are glad you are here to share your experiences of why you are an atheist after having been immersed in the LR for all those years.

You and Mysteria are not the only ones that have left the LR as atheists. What's sadder still is some people and I think it has been women have committed suicide because they could not deal with being in or out of that awful religion. Marriages have been broken.. Families split apart..friendships ruined.. we have seen and heard it all. That you are at peace and functioning well is a very good thing. Believe it or not, you are giving people hope that there is normal life outside the prison doors of the LR. Of course, me being a person (woman) of Faith, my hope is they would experience God's Healing Love. I have to say that but I am not trying to push Jesus down your throat just as you are not trying to push atheism down ours.

We are merely having a discussion of our personal experiences. And you are a breath of fresh air here! You are healthy, intelligent, sensitive, kind and loving... oh and you're Black too! Oh.. and a woman! This board is sooo dominated by men! I am surprised you are still here. I suspect however your visit will be short lived. One reason is eventually you will get tired of reading the re hashed threads. 2) It's a MAN'S board primarily. 3) There is not much Love here.

Maybe that will change though. That would be good!

I'm not looking to know "God" at all. To me he is a fantasy and don't want to be convinced otherwise. I do appreciate your experiences post LC as I can sense that you are comforted with your spirituality. Peace to you.
I don't think anyone is going to try to convince / convert you but keep in mind this is a 'Christian' forum. Almost everyone here to my knowledge not only believes in God but has a relationship with Him even though there are lots of heated discussions. I mostly stay away from them as I am soooo far removed from the LSM. Much of what is discussed I cannot relate to, especially when it comes to leaders, like Titus Chu, even Ron Kangas! I never knew or heard these guys speak. I am also not a 'churcher' and the more I read/study God's Word, the further away from 'church and churchers' I want to be. Many of my non LC Christian friends are no longer going to church either. Our conversations and discussions are now so much 'free-er'.

I have a 'love/hate' relationship with this forum. I often ask myself why I keep checking in. I have been here from the beginning and most of the time I am ignored here! Rarely does anyone comment on what I share!! It used to bother me but then I realized I don't even know these people. Our connection is we were in the LR at one time. Nothing more. I think I pop in as I am led to. But months will go by and I don't even 'check in' to see if there is anything new.

So... keep the Peace friend! And may your days always be bright even during hard times.

11-15-2017 05:09 PM
Re: New Here

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
Yes!! No one should be treated this way! NO ONE! Especially from the LC/LSM! I recently went on a prison ministry 'mission' for 4 days where we cooked home made meals to 42 locked up inmates who committed really bad crimes. The men who talked to the prisoners befriended and ministered to them from 7am - 7pm. They then return once a week. The love those guys felt moved me deeply. The prisoners repeated the same story tearfully, they never felt loved growing up or in society.

I have already shared this experience and only recapping because the LSM has no Love for people and if they do not love people, they do not love GOD.

Stories like KNB and Mysteria are simply exposing religion and it's zealots. In our case because we came out of the LC/LSM we identify. But it happens in all groups. My bible study group has a couple who were Mormons for 30 yrs and were high up in the ranks so much so, they will not talk about it. ISIS and the radical Muslim bunch are zealots for their religion too and they have no love either.

And btw, not all Atheists are kind and loving. My brother was one. He passed away a few years ago but you know what, before he did, I asked him if I could pray over him. He said yes. He could have said no. After I prayed, I asked him if he wanted to pray with me and he said yes. Again, he could have said no.

His daughter is a 'militant' atheist. She and her dad, my brother were not close. My poor brother had no love in him. The Catholic church did him wrong as a boy and he never trusted religion or anyone until I came into his life 12 yrs ago. He was always too afraid to love so never showed it or gave it out. He merely was a provider for the family.

John 10:10 tells us the Thief is out to steal, kill and destroy. He sure is doing a bang up job. But we know how the story ends.

My niece, his daughter is a bit like Jeckyl and Hyde.
She has a sweet, tender side to her and a hard heart as well. She is a practicing Psychologist who counsels transgenders, gays, sexually abused women and men.

Everyone is looking for Love.. and most people are looking in the wrong places.

I am Blessed LOVE found me and reached out to me. I have forgiven all who have hurt me, betrayed me, used me, controlled me, manipulated me and deceived me. I have forgiven them because I have been forgiven too. I am sure I hurt people too, intentionally and unintentionally.

I echo what least wrote:
I am experiencing this first hand (the Love of God) as a believer of Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus and the power of His Spirit are real, powerful, and active. But as an fyi, like many people here, after I left the LC in 1977/78, I put Jesus in the back burner... way back... until 2004. That's when I reached out to HIM out of desperation, having hit the bottom of the rock bottom.

I pray that He heals you of the wrong the religious zealots did to you as He did me and many of us here.

PEACE be with us all.
No not all atheists are loving and kind, this is true. Not all Christians are bad and not everybody in the LC are bad either. "Bad" being a loose term. You are absolutely correct about that! Before I came on this platform I was intent on pushing atheism down everybody I met throats because of how I am healing but this platform was showed me how that would be damaging (with a capital D). I'm not looking to know "God" at all. To me he is a fantasy and don't want to be convinced otherwise. I do appreciate your experiences post LC as I can sense that you are comforted with your spirituality. Peace to you.
11-15-2017 03:48 PM
Re: New Here

Originally Posted by leastofthese View Post
I hurt for your experience, especially for those "Christians" who treated you this way...
Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
Yes!! No one should be treated this way! NO ONE! ... I pray that He heals you of the wrong the religious zealots did to you as He did me and many of us here.
This alludes to a topic we have not discussed much -- Witness Lee's habit of exciting zealous passion in the saints. In Romans 12, Apostle Paul strings along a bunch of wise and healthy exhortations. Read carefully.
Love without hypocrisy, abhor evil, cling to good, love warmly with brotherly love, honor one another, be diligent, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord
Instead of stressing brotherly love, Lee would emphasize burning zeal. And while this might be commendable at times, instead of serving the Lord Himself, often it was received as serving the ministry. Lee often excited passion in the younger ones against their local eldership. I watched this unchecked passion damage many a brother and sister in the LC's, yet Witness Lee seemed to love doing this.

As Paul says, we should abhor evil, and this practice is evil. Love is always positive, yet passion and zeal may not be. Love is not mixed with legalism, but zeal can be, and passion can become uncontrollable. Burning in spirit is not what I often saw. I witnessed this more than once, and many became victims. After the commotion would settle, Lee never repented, others were always blamed, and Lee inevitably came out smelling like a rose.

Thus the nature of the LC's was altered over time. Love was buried. Zeal was exalted. Evil became good, and good became evil. The proof today is in the endless trail of victims we see exiting the LC's.
11-15-2017 03:08 PM
Re: New Here

Originally Posted by least View Post

Thank you for sharing.
As for
"I echo what least wrote: (not least)
I am experiencing this first hand (the Love of God) as a believer of Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus and the power of His Spirit are real, powerful, and active. But as an fyi, like many people here, after I left the LC in 1977/78, I put Jesus in the back burner... way back... until 2004. That's when I reached out to HIM out of desperation, having hit the bottom of the rock bottom. "

I think it's another one who posted those words.
Well whoever has experienced the Blood of Jesus in their lives and the Power of His Spirit, and know He is real, powerful and Active, I echo it because I too have experienced and continue to experience the Protective, Cleansing Blood of Jesus over me and the Power of God's Spirit working in me. I don't always 'feel' Him but I know He truly is with me as well as in me 24/7.

There is no way I would believe in God if I was not touched by His Love and set free by the Blood of Jesus from the hell hole I was in before I was in the LC, during my tenure there, and long after I left. A lot of people believe in God, in Jesus and the Holy Spirit but are still trapped in their own prison however way they got there.

Peace and Healing be in us all.
11-15-2017 02:09 PM
Re: New Here

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
Yes!! No one should be treated this way! NO ONE! Especially from the LC/LSM! I recently went on a prison ministry 'mission' for 4 days where we cooked home made meals to 42 locked up inmates who committed really bad crimes. The men who talked to the prisoners befriended and ministered to them from 7am - 7pm. They then return once a week. The love those guys felt moved me deeply. The prisoners repeated the same story tearfully, they never felt loved growing up or in society.

I have already shared this experience and only recapping because the LSM has no Love for people and if they do not love people, they do not love GOD.

Stories like KNB and Mysteria are simply exposing religion and it's zealots. In our case because we came out of the LC/LSM we identify. But it happens in all groups. My bible study group has a couple who were Mormons for 30 yrs and were high up in the ranks so much so, they will not talk about it. ISIS and the radical Muslim bunch are zealots for their religion too and they have no love either.

And btw, not all Atheists are kind and loving. My brother was one. He passed away a few years ago but you know what, before he did, I asked him if I could pray over him. He said yes. He could have said no. After I prayed, I asked him if he wanted to pray with me and he said yes. Again, he could have said no.

His daughter is a 'militant' atheist. She and her dad, my brother were not close. My poor brother had no love in him. The Catholic church did him wrong as a boy and he never trusted religion or anyone until I came into his life 12 yrs ago. He was always too afraid to love so never showed it or gave it out. He merely was a provider for the family.

John 10:10 tells us the Thief is out to steal, kill and destroy. He sure is doing a bang up job. But we know how the story ends.

My niece, his daughter is a bit like Jeckyl and Hyde.
She has a sweet, tender side to her and a hard heart as well. She is a practicing Psychologist who counsels transgenders, gays, sexually abused women and men.

Everyone is looking for Love.. and most people are looking in the wrong places.

I am Blessed LOVE found me and reached out to me. I have forgiven all who have hurt me, betrayed me, used me, controlled me, manipulated me and deceived me. I have forgiven them because I have been forgiven too. I am sure I hurt people too, intentionally and unintentionally.

I echo what least wrote:
I am experiencing this first hand (the Love of God) as a believer of Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus and the power of His Spirit are real, powerful, and active. But as an fyi, like many people here, after I left the LC in 1977/78, I put Jesus in the back burner... way back... until 2004. That's when I reached out to HIM out of desperation, having hit the bottom of the rock bottom.

I pray that He heals you of the wrong the religious zealots did to you as He did me and many of us here.

PEACE be with us all.
Thank you for sharing.
As for
"I echo what least wrote: (not least)
I am experiencing this first hand (the Love of God) as a believer of Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus and the power of His Spirit are real, powerful, and active. But as an fyi, like many people here, after I left the LC in 1977/78, I put Jesus in the back burner... way back... until 2004. That's when I reached out to HIM out of desperation, having hit the bottom of the rock bottom. "

I think it's another one who posted those words.
11-15-2017 12:04 PM
Re: New Here

Originally Posted by leastofthese View Post
I hurt for your experience, especially for those "Christians" who treated you this way... but also saddened for the other "Christians" who were dying...........

I can say that a truth exists outside of the paradigm you've described. I am experiencing this first hand as a believer of Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus and the power of His Spirit are real, powerful, and active. I pray that he calls you...
Yes!! No one should be treated this way! NO ONE! Especially from the LC/LSM! I recently went on a prison ministry 'mission' for 4 days where we cooked home made meals to 42 locked up inmates who committed really bad crimes. The men who talked to the prisoners befriended and ministered to them from 7am - 7pm. They then return once a week. The love those guys felt moved me deeply. The prisoners repeated the same story tearfully, they never felt loved growing up or in society.

I have already shared this experience and only recapping because the LSM has no Love for people and if they do not love people, they do not love GOD.

Stories like KNB and Mysteria are simply exposing religion and it's zealots. In our case because we came out of the LC/LSM we identify. But it happens in all groups. My bible study group has a couple who were Mormons for 30 yrs and were high up in the ranks so much so, they will not talk about it. ISIS and the radical Muslim bunch are zealots for their religion too and they have no love either.

And btw, not all Atheists are kind and loving. My brother was one. He passed away a few years ago but you know what, before he did, I asked him if I could pray over him. He said yes. He could have said no. After I prayed, I asked him if he wanted to pray with me and he said yes. Again, he could have said no.

His daughter is a 'militant' atheist. She and her dad, my brother were not close. My poor brother had no love in him. The Catholic church did him wrong as a boy and he never trusted religion or anyone until I came into his life 12 yrs ago. He was always too afraid to love so never showed it or gave it out. He merely was a provider for the family.

John 10:10 tells us the Thief is out to steal, kill and destroy. He sure is doing a bang up job. But we know how the story ends.

My niece, his daughter is a bit like Jeckyl and Hyde.
She has a sweet, tender side to her and a hard heart as well. She is a practicing Psychologist who counsels transgenders, gays, sexually abused women and men.

Everyone is looking for Love.. and most people are looking in the wrong places.

I am Blessed LOVE found me and reached out to me. I have forgiven all who have hurt me, betrayed me, used me, controlled me, manipulated me and deceived me. I have forgiven them because I have been forgiven too. I am sure I hurt people too, intentionally and unintentionally.

I echo what least wrote:
I am experiencing this first hand (the Love of God) as a believer of Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus and the power of His Spirit are real, powerful, and active. But as an fyi, like many people here, after I left the LC in 1977/78, I put Jesus in the back burner... way back... until 2004. That's when I reached out to HIM out of desperation, having hit the bottom of the rock bottom.

I pray that He heals you of the wrong the religious zealots did to you as He did me and many of us here.

PEACE be with us all.
11-15-2017 10:37 AM
Re: New Here

Originally Posted by KindnessNotBlindness View Post
I was in the LC for 34 years but I was encouraged to and did visit other denominations and all have been houses full of skeletons. As in people who were superficially living for the Lord but inwardly dying. Unfortunately, I personally have been treated very, very unkind by Christians. There is a lot of ambition, jealousy and rivalry, and selfishness. I don't miss it. Peace to you.
I hurt for your experience, especially for those "Christians" who treated you this way... but also saddened for the other "Christians" who were dying.

It reminds me of Matthew 7:21. I don't know you KNB, but we are a similar age. I didn't grow up in the LSM churches, but I was there for about a year. I don't need to pat myself on the back, or make a stranger on the internet think of me in a specific way or highly of myself, or other Christians for that matter. I can't speak for all who call themselves Christians, but I can say that a truth exists outside of the paradigm you've described. I am experiencing this first hand as a believer of Jesus Christ. The blood of Jesus and the power of His Spirit are real, powerful, and active. I pray that he calls you...
11-15-2017 08:41 AM
Re: New Here

Originally Posted by countmeworthy View Post
Sadly, the 'Christian' religion is a man made, business organization that has taken God's Word and twisted it. In the NT, it sneaked in about a third of the way in the book of Acts.
My impression, also. People searching for some perfect reproduction of the "first century church" are pursuing a pipe dream.

If the "early church" was so perfect, why did it get so messy so quickly?

You are who you are, where you are, and when you are. God is sovereign.
11-14-2017 07:24 PM
Re: New Here

Originally Posted by KindnessNotBlindness View Post
I have personally left all religion, spirituality, or anything of the sort and am atheist. It is a peaceful existence. I don't personally believe that these groups and organizations are anything but divisive that leads to elitism and shunning other groups, religion, etc. I was in the LC for 34 years but I was encouraged to and did visit other denominations and all have been houses full of skeletons. As in people who were superficially living for the Lord but inwardly dying. Unfortunately, I personally have been treated very, very unkind by Christians. There is a lot of ambition, jealousy and rivalry, and selfishness. I don't miss it. Peace to you.
Hey KNB,
Please know I truly respect your position as an atheist. I am truly puzzled by what you were taught in the LC. Even though you don't believe in God, you seem to equate God with religion. He is not and while you won't believe me, HE has proven to me He is very, very real. He is LOVE. I am not going to 'preach' whatsoever but your experience is very, very different than mine.

God hates religion. I hate religion. The Catholic church murdered millions of people 'in the name of Christ' for not converting to Catholicism.

Sadly, the 'Christian' religion is a man made, business organization that has taken God's Word and twisted it. In the NT, it sneaked in about a third of the way in the book of Acts.

Many, many people from the LC to the 'home grown church' to the denominations, to the 'non denominations' have been badly hurt and burned by the religious zealots.

I was too but somehow deep in me I could not stop believing in God, in Jesus, His shed Blood, His Holy Spirit. He delivered me from the hands of the pharisees. I am forever thankful. Just as you are happy being an atheist, I make happy and make no apologies for being a follower, believer and having an intimate relationship with Jesus.

Peace be with you always.
11-14-2017 07:13 PM
Re: New Here

Originally Posted by kentathen View Post
I would be interested to find out if after having left the LC, have you looked for/found any fellowship similar to what you were hoping to find when you first came into the LC? I've found some, sadly very few, groups who do seem to truly follow the leading of the Lord in a corporate way, without a hidden "clergy" or system that's really organizing things from behind the scenes. I'd be interested in what yours and other people's experience has been.
Nope! I used to look for it though. I was in the LC during the mid to late 70s. Quite a unique experience. For me, mostly good...but I truly wanted to know the LORD. I learned very early on if I wanted to be considered a 'good' sister, I better cross my Ts and dot my I's. I wanted people's approval so bad.

I have let go a LOT that I experienced in the LC in terms of fellowship. It wasn't easy but Jesus said He makes all things new. I hold Philippians 3:12 dear and near to my heart.

Ask Him to surround you with Loving friends who you will be a blessing to and they will be a blessing to you.
11-14-2017 06:54 PM
Re: New Here

Originally Posted by kentathen View Post
I would be interested to find out if after having left the LC, have you looked for/found any fellowship similar to what you were hoping to find when you first came into the LC? I've found some, sadly very few, groups who do seem to truly follow the leading of the Lord in a corporate way, without a hidden "clergy" or system that's really organizing things from behind the scenes. I'd be interested in what yours and other people's experience has been.
I have personally left all religion, spirituality, or anything of the sort and am atheist. It is a peaceful existence. I don't personally believe that these groups and organizations are anything but divisive that leads to elitism and shunning other groups, religion, etc. I was in the LC for 34 years but I was encouraged to and did visit other denominations and all have been houses full of skeletons. As in people who were superficially living for the Lord but inwardly dying. Unfortunately, I personally have been treated very, very unkind by Christians. There is a lot of ambition, jealousy and rivalry, and selfishness. I don't miss it. Peace to you.
11-14-2017 04:26 PM
Re: New Here

Originally Posted by kentathen View Post
I would be interested to find out if after having left the LC, have you looked for/found any fellowship similar to what you were hoping to find when you first came into the LC? I've found some, sadly very few, groups who do seem to truly follow the leading of the Lord in a corporate way, without a hidden "clergy" or system that's really organizing things from behind the scenes. I'd be interested in what yours and other people's experience has been.
I don't know how to answer your question because I feel I'm still in transition, even though it's been over two years. I still think about one bit of advice I received re: my initial post. It was something like it's more important to be the "right" person than trying to find the "right" church. I think if I'm the "right" person, then God can blend me with my fellow believers in whatever group they are in. I believe in some ways we as individual believers are the "hands and feet" of God, and that I should be a blessing (I use this word in the widest application possible) to others. Probably 99% of the time I will have no inkling of God's potential impact on others through me; I hope that sometimes it's a positive impact. It's in my culture to prefer the Protestant tradition, and my personality prefers my spiritual leaders to be "thinking" people, but not stuffy. But, I'm positive that the riches of Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of life is found in many places from Orthodox to house-churches. For me the Body of Christ is so much larger than the small group of churches managed by LSM.
11-12-2017 07:16 PM
Re: New Here

Originally Posted by HERn View Post
My wife and I were introduced into the recovery by some close relatives during a time in our christian life where we had lost respect of the organized church and where warmly atracted into a system the seemed to have no clergy or controlling brothers, only dear saints enjoying the Lord. That turned to be a major deception because they did have deacons and elders in each church that carefully obeyed the leading from the so-called being blended brothers, those that supervised the elders and deacons in the churches.
I would be interested to find out if after having left the LC, have you looked for/found any fellowship similar to what you were hoping to find when you first came into the LC? I've found some, sadly very few, groups who do seem to truly follow the leading of the Lord in a corporate way, without a hidden "clergy" or system that's really organizing things from behind the scenes. I'd be interested in what yours and other people's experience has been.
11-12-2017 06:14 PM
Re: New Here

My wife and I were introduced into the recovery by some close relatives during a time in our christian life where we had lost respect of the organized church and where warmly atracted into a system the seemed to have no clergy or controlling brothers, only dear saints enjoying the Lord. That turned to be a major deception because they did have deacons and elders in each church that carefully obeyed the leading from the so-called being blended brothers, those that supervised the elders and deacons in the churches.
11-12-2017 06:18 AM
Re: New Here

Thanks you guys. That really is helpful. I'll check out the link you posted. Right now there's only been one-on-one fellowship. We'll definitely keep your warnings in mind.
11-11-2017 06:08 PM
Re: New Here

Originally Posted by aron View Post
Overall, I'd recommend avoiding them. They will insinuate themselves into the weaker members of your group, until either it's split or completely taken over. For corroboration, read the letter on Jane Anderson's "Thread of gold" website from a brother in India. The supposed openness is just a ruse to get you to open to them. They actually have no interest in any experiences of Christ apart from the "ministry" LSM/lc control.
Here's the link:

11-11-2017 05:55 PM
Re: New Here

Originally Posted by kentathen View Post
Hey all,

I've never been in the LC personally, but have a fair amount of extended family who have been, and a few who still are. I meet with Christians in a home-group fellowship, and recently we've come into contact with the LSM-affiliated group in our town. They're good believers, but have the peculiar mannerisms that I recognize from those in my own family that have been in the movement. I'm not sure how die-hard they are, and if they are open to fellowship in Christ that isn't just reading through WL commentaries, our group is open to having further fellowship. I'd love to benefit from the wisdom of some who have been in the movement themselves in the past.

Nice to meet you, Kent. The brothers and sisters you have met will probably be very sweet people who love the Lord and are well-intentioned (if misguided). You have an advantage in your interaction with them knowing some information about the group and how it operates. Depending on how you came into contact with this congregation, they may have the hope that your home-church will see the vision and "take this way." So, bear that in mind. The structure and practice of LC congregations often becomes more relaxed the further you get away from Anaheim (at least in many places in North America), but at the end of the day, it will always be about Witness Lee. They will expect members to read Witness Lee every morning for their morning devotional ("Holy Word for Morning Revival"), fellowship over Witness Lee material every Friday night in their home meetings, and "prophesy" from Witness Lee's material every Sunday morning. There is room for little else.
11-11-2017 07:22 AM
Re: New Here

Hi Kent & welcome. Long-time poster here; was in the LSM/lc immersively for a half-dozen years then trailed off. My disillusionment was two-fold: first that we sat around all day in meetings going over the supposed riches of the ministry, yet our actual impact on the surrounding community was almost nil. Contrast that to the gospels & book of Acts.

Second, and related, I never got healed of my problems & issues. I temporarily avoided them by jumping up and shouting (and it did feel good, for awhile, until it began to feel contrived), but never really got released.

So I moved on.

But I was treated well and thankfully didn't get the hard-core "You will take my personality as your own" stuff that some others experienced.

Overall, I'd recommend avoiding them. They will insinuate themselves into the weaker members of your group, until either it's split or completely taken over. For corroboration, read the letter on Jane Anderson's "Thread of gold" website from a brother in India. The supposed openness is just a ruse to get you to open to them. They actually have no interest in any experiences of Christ apart from the "ministry" LSM/lc control.
11-10-2017 01:28 PM
New Here

Hey all,

I've never been in the LC personally, but have a fair amount of extended family who have been, and a few who still are. I meet with Christians in a home-group fellowship, and recently we've come into contact with the LSM-affiliated group in our town. They're good believers, but have the peculiar mannerisms that I recognize from those in my own family that have been in the movement. I'm not sure how die-hard they are, and if they are open to fellowship in Christ that isn't just reading through WL commentaries, our group is open to having further fellowship. I'd love to benefit from the wisdom of some who have been in the movement themselves in the past.


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