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03-23-2025 11:32 AM | ||
LeftLR |
Re: Uncovering Witness Lee & "The Lord's Recovery" by Stephanie Hu Hello Neil I am no longer has any associated with the recovery movement or anything related to Witness Lee. Like I said, one of my family member is very deep into everything related to recovery movement and WL's stuffs. The person does not read the Bible, not even "Recovery Version". All they read is "Holy Word for Morning Revival" and 7 major meeting's messages which only focus on Witless Lee. I just heard their gathering message as family member watching the video, "Calling On Lord Jesus 3 times" daily or as much as you like because this is essential to be saved" I am not part of any LR, been there at their Anaheim location for 3 years, This group does not belong to God, they belongs to Witness Lee. |
03-20-2025 08:16 PM | ||
Nell |
Re: Uncovering Witness Lee & "The Lord's Recovery" by Stephanie Hu Quote:
Are you meeting there now? |
03-18-2025 08:38 PM | ||
LeftLR |
Re: Uncovering Witness Lee & "The Lord's Recovery" by Stephanie Hu I have family members still deep into the recovery movement. Just last week, at their "local church" Sunday gathering, one of the leading brothers made sure people understand how important "Calling On Lord Jesus 3 times" as "The Way" to getting closer to the Lord and he kept referring to Lee himself doing the same thing as "Calling ON the Lord 3 times". He asked everyone attended to exercise "Calling On Lord Jesus 3 times" daily or as much as you like because this is essential to be saved. |
09-13-2024 12:43 PM | ||
Ohio |
Re: Uncovering Witness Lee & "The Lord's Recovery" by Stephanie Hu ThankfulForever777 LSM is notorious for yanking verses out of context. The verses prior to Rom 10.13 speak of believing in your heart and confessing with your heart that God has raised the Lord Jesus from the dead, the Saviour who died on the cross for our sins. The verses after it speak about going out, preaching the Gospel, believing the message about our Saving Lord. Notice how they mechanize "calling" without hearing the gospel, repenting, believing, confessing, etc. Without the foundation of faith in the message of the truth of the Gospel, good words on our lips may be nothing more than vanity. But for those who believe the Gospel, the Lord of all is rich to all who call upon Him. When WL launched into his "scientific" method of faith, sometime near the "Perfecting Training" in the early 80's, his ministry seriously declined. Many of us saw that. Everything became a "how to." Next up was that horrible "New Way" which began in 1985. |
09-13-2024 10:02 AM | ||
ThankfulForever777 |
Re: Uncovering Witness Lee & "The Lord's Recovery" by Stephanie Hu Quote:
This video (link above) is a prime example of how the gospel is presented in the LC and how it contrasts with a more biblically grounded message. When I first saw this video, it raised many red flags for me, helping me recognize the significant differences between the gospel-less and false Witness Lee's version of the gospel and a more orthodox, biblical gospel presentation. In brief, a young college student, who had grown up in the LC her whole life, was asked how she would share the gospel with her non-Christian friends. She responded by saying she would tell them to "call on the name of the Lord" because the Bible says that those who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. She would teach them to say, "Oh Lord Jesus" and encourage them to exercise their spirit. Her focus was on helping them realize they have a human spirit and that they need to exercise it to know God, not in a formal or religious way. She also mentioned that when her friends feel bored or uninterested in life, she would tell them that they weren’t made to be filled with anything from the world, but to contain God. In contrast, the Christian man who recorded the video presented what I believe to be a more biblical gospel message. He says something like this: "You know that God exists. He is the Creator, and He gave you a conscience to know the difference between right and wrong. You know it’s wrong to steal, lie, and blaspheme. One day, you will stand before God, who made you, to give an account for your life. He will judge you by His moral standard. We have all sinned, and because of our sin, God will judge us with eternal punishment in hell. But God, in His mercy, provided a way of escape from His righteous wrath. Two thousand years ago, God the Father sent His Son, Jesus Christ—fully God and fully man, without sin—into the world. He lived the perfect life that we failed to live. Jesus Christ voluntarily died on the cross, bearing the punishment we deserve. He defeated sin and death by rising from the grave. Now, God commands us to turn to Christ in faith, to trust in Him and His finished work on the cross, to receive forgiveness of our sins, and to be reconciled with the God who made us, receiving the gift of eternal life with Him." |
09-13-2024 09:43 AM | ||
Ohio |
Re: Uncovering Witness Lee & "The Lord's Recovery" by Stephanie Hu Quote:
Sorry if it seemed that I pushed a little past "center," because it appeared to be needed just based on the posts I read, and not the extended youtube videos. I tried to point out where - I felt - the line was crossed. I have concluded that it's always better to reinforce the scripture itself positively while exposing the errors of WL and LSM. The reason for this is simple - too many precious children of God have left the faith while exiting the LC. They couldn't discern truth from error, so they discarded everything. This is a tragedy I confront all the time with my family and friends. Peace and love to all. |
09-13-2024 09:02 AM | ||
bearbear |
Re: Uncovering Witness Lee & "The Lord's Recovery" by Stephanie Hu Ohio, I'm not sure if you've seen the entire video series before making a judgment on her exposition. In Part 3, Stephanie carefully explains her objections and presents evidence showing how Witness Lee places an excessive emphasis on the outward, physical act of calling on the Lord. She demonstrates how this focus diverges from the intent found in scripture. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SUcMRe8USo Here's a part of the transcript: Quote:
09-13-2024 08:27 AM | ||
UntoHim |
Re: Uncovering Witness Lee & "The Lord's Recovery" by Stephanie Hu Ohio and others, I think that Stephanie Hu put a lot of time and consideration into these videos. I think she not only showed a good heart and spirit, but also did the work of a true Berean. She should not be considered as some mean-spirited "opposer" of Witness Lee, or anyone else for that matter. I don't think that it's fair at all to say that Stephanie, ThankFulForever77 or bearbear are "rejecting the Word of God", and they certainly are not in danger of danger of "becoming a dishonorable vessel" for not agreeing with Witness Lee and his followers' private interpretation of Romans 10:13. This term/practice of "Calling on the Lord" has been interpreted in a number of ways by almost innumerable Christian teachers, scholars and apologists over the past 2,000+ years. The fact of the matter is that there is absolutely no evidence of any kind that the first generation disciples taught and practiced calling on the Lord in the manner which is taught and practiced in the Local Church of Witness Lee. Nor is there any clear record of the earliest of church fathers/teachers/scholars teaching/practicing calling on the Lord in the manner which is taught and practiced in the Local Church of Witness Lee. Any claim that Witness Lee's teaching on this matter are biblical sound or historically accurate is an argument from silence. - |
09-13-2024 05:43 AM | ||
Ohio |
Re: Uncovering Witness Lee & "The Lord's Recovery" by Stephanie Hu Quote:
But the more serious point in this discussion is crossing the line from critiquing WL to critiquing scripture. That is quite serious. Let me mention a few points. Are we not "vessels" created by God to contain Him?
Does not the Bible say "Whoever calls on the Name of the Lord shall be saved?" (Romans 10.13) Do you believe this verse, or have you rejected it? Does it only apply to Jews who are fasting? Is not "calling on His name" also partly a "heartfelt prayer?" Are you not now taking Paul's word in Rom 10.13 out of context? As the wise adage declares "Bible text without context is a pretext for proof text." |
09-12-2024 10:07 PM | ||
Bible-believer |
Re: Uncovering Witness Lee & "The Lord's Recovery" by Stephanie Hu A saint and I co-worked with a local church for gospel preaching and feeding last year. We went door to door to visit "saints" that we were told they were. I asked them whether they knew who saved them, some said no, and some said they did know who Jesus was. I was and am worried about whether they are truly saved. |
09-12-2024 05:54 PM | ||
bearbear |
Re: Uncovering Witness Lee & "The Lord's Recovery" by Stephanie Hu Quote:
"So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart." In Elijah's day, the god whom you worship was the one who you would call on. 1 Kings 18:24 "Then you call on the name of your god, and I will call on the name of the Lord. The God who answers by fire—he is God.” Then all the people said, “What you say is good.”" So it would make no sense to call on the Lord but not repent of sin, since turning away from sin and towards God in faith is part of our worship. Isaiah 55:6-7 “Seek the Lord while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for he will freely pardon.” |
09-12-2024 11:49 AM | ||
ThankfulForever777 |
Re: Uncovering Witness Lee & "The Lord's Recovery" by Stephanie Hu Quote:
I recall my own experience when preaching the gospel on the streets or campuses and using the “Mystery of Human Life” track where we failed to discuss the necessity of genuine repentance, confession, renouncing sins, and restoring one’s past. We also neglected to emphasize a personal, lifelong commitment to Jesus, instead pressuring people to simply say “Lord Jesus” or repeat prayer after us, rather than encouraging them to pray in their own words. Romans 10:13, which quotes Joel, aligns with Joel's call for the people of Judah to repent, mourn, and seek God's mercy with fasting and heartfelt prayer. To me, this represents a more authentic understanding of calling on the Lord. |
09-12-2024 10:30 AM | ||
Ohio |
Re: Uncovering Witness Lee & "The Lord's Recovery" by Stephanie Hu This old lie has been endlessly yanked out of context. For all his faults, WL was fundamental concerning being saved. The context here was Romans 10, believing that God has raised Jesus from the dead. What do we do with v. 13? “WHOEVER CALLS ON THE NAME OF THE LORD WILL BE SAVED.” Mumbling the words “o lord Jesus” is ABSOLUTELY NOT the same as Calling on the Name of the Lord. The former is vain babbling, the latter is commanded by scripture. Can we at least have honest discussions here? |
09-11-2024 08:31 AM | ||
bearbear |
Uncovering Witness Lee & "The Lord's Recovery" by Stephanie Hu Stephanie Hu, a Christian content creator has recently released a series titled Uncovering Witness Lee & "The Lord's Recovery" Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVKlpJ58gBU Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ls19R6iXRL8 Part 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SUcMRe8USo Stephanie comes from a typical evangelical background and encountered the group during her senior year in college after joining a bible study with Christians on Campus. After attending a college conference she encountered a lot of red flags and started researching Witness Lee's teachings. Here are some quotes from Part 2 around 17:28 Quote: