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10-08-2024 08:58 AM
Re: It Took Me Years To Get Over The Guilt Of Leaving The Local Church

Originally Posted by ThankfulForever777 View Post
Thanks for sharing. While still in the LC, I remember the Plymouth Brethren being regarded as a step up from mainstream Christianity, though they were said to have failed God by splintering over minor issues, such as preferences for musical instruments.

After leaving the LC and researching church history on my own, I discovered that the Exclusive Brethren, led by Darby (of whom Watchman Nee was a member), were actually a highly legalistic, elitist, and cult-like group. There are countless testimonies from ex-members on Internet describing their abuse, control, and trauma, which in many cases, mirror the experiences of people in the LC.
These Plymouth Brethren were the historical and spiritual forbears of Nee, Lee, and the Recovery. Note that JN Darby was the so-called “Minister of the Age” before Née, and then Lee.

In the early 2000’s, before the excommunication of the Great Lakes LC’s, I studied Brethren History in order to understand “what the heck was happening to us.” The more I studied, the more I was convinced that it was time to make my own Exodus from the abuse and slavery of “Egypt.” The rulers at LSM were becoming “Pharaoh's.”

If you want to know the future of the Recovery, then you only need to know it’s past: Fear, Bondage, Legalism, Deception, Hyper Hypocrisy, Manipulations, Suspicions, Arrogant Pride and Elitism — aka Loveless Laodicea!
10-08-2024 06:57 AM
Re: It Took Me Years To Get Over The Guilt Of Leaving The Local Church

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
...now I love Jesus more than I ever have in my entire life.

It breaks my heart to read some of these threads. The doubt, guilt, the fear and shame of believing you are letting down Christ. So sad. No, you are not destined for the outer darkness. You are not shunned by Christ as one who isn't an "overcomer".

If you haven't seen the documentary "Breaking Brethren" you owe it to yourself. It's no coincidence the LC environment is so similar. Lee built his gatherings and theology on the Plymouth Brethren, now referred to as the Exclusive Brethren.

Please understand how hard it was for Jews to leave Judaism to follow Jesus and how it must have torn families apart. I pray the Lord will guide you to walk in his perfect will for you.

Thanks for sharing. While still in the LC, I remember the Plymouth Brethren being regarded as a step up from mainstream Christianity, though they were said to have failed God by splintering over minor issues, such as preferences for musical instruments.

After leaving the LC and researching church history on my own, I discovered that the Exclusive Brethren, led by Darby (of whom Watchman Nee was a member), were actually a highly legalistic, elitist, and cult-like group. There are countless testimonies from ex-members on Internet describing their abuse, control, and trauma, which in many cases, mirror the experiences of people in the LC.
10-06-2024 06:48 PM
It Took Me Years To Get Over The Guilt Of Leaving The Local Church

...now I love Jesus more than I ever have in my entire life.

It breaks my heart to read some of these threads. The doubt, guilt, the fear and shame of believing you are letting down Christ. So sad. No, you are not destined for the outer darkness. You are not shunned by Christ as one who isn't an "overcomer".

If you haven't seen the documentary "Breaking Brethren" you owe it to yourself. It's no coincidence the LC environment is so similar. Lee built his gatherings and theology on the Plymouth Brethren, now referred to as the Exclusive Brethren.

Please understand how hard it was for Jews to leave Judaism to follow Jesus and how it must have torn families apart. I pray the Lord will guide you to walk in his perfect will for you.


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