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Little Flock/Local Church Spinoffs Various groups or ministries which are lead by former members/followers of Watchman Nee's Little Flock or Witness Lee's Local Church

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09-06-2024 03:17 PM
Re: LC spinoff in Germany

Thank you for your thorough response about John So's activity in the US. Until now, I have been certain that John So has been long deceased, but he still leads conferences worldwide. I am interested in the background story behind their split from LSM and some information about "the church in Munich."

I left LC a long time ago, but I am still in shock and trying to make sense of what has happened to me. It's unbelievable to what extent I let them influence and control me and how they penetrated my soul with their false and evil teaching.

Something doesn't make sense to me, and it's related to John So and the "church in Munich" in particular. I would be grateful for any information.
09-06-2024 10:00 AM
Re: LC spinoff in Germany

For many years now, Jo So and his followers (at least in Southern California) have been meeting as The Church in Fountain Valley I attended a Sunday meeting a couple of years ago. It was a rather small gathering of maybe 50 or so. Basically John So has replaced Witness Lee for these people. The meeting was quite similar to any Local Church/LSM meeting you might go to except they all pray and repeat words with a John So intonation and accent! Actually I don't believe John So has really ever let go of anything of "the Recovery"....he just doesn't officially associate with the Living Stream Ministry (for obvious reasons!) As an interesting note the website states "Please contact us prior to attending any meetings. Attendance is by invitation only." Wow, kinda strange. An "invitation only" church!

Just this past weekend John So had a 4 day conference in Toronto. All the messages are available online and so you can get a taste of his ministry. Hear them here: https://thechurchinfountainvalley.or...ce-in-toronto/

As far as his followers/associated churches in Germany are concerned, maybe somebody out there can give us some information about them. I have no knowledge of them at all.
09-06-2024 08:21 AM
Re: LC spinoff in Germany

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I am looking for any information on LC spinoff headed by John So in Germany. How closely does it resemble the original movement?

Is WN teaching kept in reverence there? Do they have any meeting halls?
We don’t have much on John So.

09-05-2024 11:52 AM
LC spinoff in Germany

I am looking for any information on LC spinoff headed by John So in Germany. How closely does it resemble the original movement?

Is WN teaching kept in reverence there? Do they have any meeting halls?

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