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08-07-2023 02:32 AM
Re: My experience

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
Greetings. I was baptised in Church in Diamond Bar. I attended student home meetings in Chinese, variety of conferences and Christians on Campus meetings. During my 3rd year at university, I met with the full time training students and accepted their invitations. As time goes by, I get a sense of boredom and left the Lord’s recovery aka Local churches. I learnt that Witness Lee and Watchman Nee are key figures (both are deceased). This organisation is also huge at Taiwan.
God bless You ! Jesus does not depend on any "church". Rather every "church" should depend on Jesus!
Keep going, read Bible and pray!
God is faithfull and will save You from this World and preserve till That Day!
08-07-2023 12:38 AM
Re: My experience


I meant to type "speaking out against Lord's Recovery". Sorry for the typo
08-06-2023 08:17 PM
Re: My experience

I believe you are doing the right thing. You have been able to get out before you were totally decieved. Please find some brothers in Christ (do not meet with any LC people) around your age and talk about what you went through. You will dry up and become dormant if you don't find a group of believer's that worship our Lord Jesus in song, open their hearts to the teaching of God's word, share meals and outings together, receive and obey the Lord's teaching on water baptism, and eating the bread and drinking the wine in order to remember His death and resurrection.
08-06-2023 04:52 PM
Re: My experience

I know that not all members did full time training. Many of them left after a semester or year due to personal reasons. I was interested in the training programme, but I changed my mind afterwards. I wish I took part of other Christian student associations such as Intervarsity. I eventually learnt about the dark truth of Local church cult. I was shunned when I wore a sleeveless vest to a home meeting. I also argued with the elders about changing my name (it was a Chinese meeting). This cult is closed minded because they had to abandon a lot of stuff such as pop music, tv shows, video games, etc. I used to dress formally during Lord’s meeting, but at other churches, there is no strict dress cute for men. I’m willing to meet with former members of Local Church cult and learn about their experiences. I’m speaking about about this Lord’s Recovery aka local church cult. Corruption exists.
08-06-2023 08:06 AM
Sons to Glory!
Re: My experience

Welcome to the Local Church Discussion Forum! Here you'll find many who have had similar experiences such as yourself. Personally, I found the LC in 1974 and left in 1988. Many here will tell you it was different back in the 1960s and early 70s, but things quickly went down hill as a number of erroneous practices and teachings became manifested.

You mentioned a number of things to take issue with, and I agree. It has definitely turned into a personality cult of Witness Lee. There is strong control to just focus on his teachings, and a lot of central control is exercised over the various localities. And things are very exclusive and a very strong air of elitism has firmly taken hold, to the point that nearly all healthy fellowship with any other Christians has been broken by them. This is not what we see in the New Testament at all!

What they preach against - "poor Christianity" and denominations . . . well let's just say they don't see the log in their own eye and believe they are rich and in need of nothing, much like Laodicea.

Just wanted to add - sounds like you haven't been there long enough to drink deeply of the "there's nothing else out there kool-aid." My advice is to pray that the Lord would take you to a place full of His love, that teaches His pure word (not men's traditions), and has the freedom to allow His life in you to flourish!
08-06-2023 06:01 AM
My experience

Greetings. I was baptised in Church in Diamond Bar. I attended student home meetings in Chinese, variety of conferences and Christians on Campus meetings. During my 3rd year at university, I met with the full time training students and accepted their invitations. As time goes by, I get a sense of boredom and left the Lord’s recovery aka Local churches. I learnt that Witness Lee and Watchman Nee are key figures (both are deceased). This organisation is also huge at Taiwan.

I eventually turned my back against this organisation because they shout “Oh! Lord Jesus!”. I was annoyed by this exercising spirit prayer. Also I’m not willing to read the Morning Revival and other books by Living Stream Ministry. I decided not to do training programme at Anaheim nor Boston. For their version of the Bible, there are footnotes which are Witness Lee’s interpretation which I feel biased.

This local church movement has a lot of scandals and controversial moments which they’re covered up. This organisation doesn’t want any association with other churches, and outsiders are alienated. I heard that families have been ruined because of this religious extremist organisation. Sisters have been accusing brothers of sexual offences, but they were prevented from speaking out. There are no ministers nor any form of leadership. There are no donations, especially during Lord’s meeting. I heard that brothers and sisters have committed suicide because of influence from this extremist cult. If I happen to be in a relationship with a Church Life sister, I’ll call it off immediately.

From now on, I prefer churches that pray like this “Dear Heavenly Father…in the name of Jesus we pray. Amen.” On a side note, I don’t support Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses and other churches that reject the Holy Trinity.

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