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04-23-2023 09:00 PM
Re: A Curious Discovery on HomeChurchHelp.com

For anyone that studied anything about addiction, it’s a process that’s starts with small steps. In this case, as we all remember from our local church days, you “drink” Jesus, and you get certain great feelings about it. Well, slowly but surely it becomes an addiction that will take over your life. Looks like this group has gone past that point. Thanks but no thanks.

The interesting phenomenon, is that all these drunks and addicts love to do it in the group setting, as if to use peer pressure to conform and go deeper and deeper into this abyss of total senseless existence. No wonder that spiritual addiction of this sort is such a chained lifestyle, that can take even the strongest of people out from normal Christian life.
04-23-2023 06:08 PM
Re: A Curious Discovery on HomeChurchHelp.com

Originally Posted by Kevin View Post
I recently stumbled upon this website and, after exploring its content, noticed some striking similarities with the Lord's recovery. It's quite shocking, isn't it?
Excellent find here. Poking around on the site I picked up a familiar attitude of superiority in Bible interpretation, an intense striving for mystical experience, and last but not least - the deliberate promotion of an ADDICTION to corporate meetings filled with good vibrations! While claiming to offer a practical experience of the Christ Life these dear folks come across to me as being idealistic spiritual navel gazers.

Below is a segment from the page titled "Addicted To His Life":

"Like an expert connoisseur, once you become addicted and very used to tasting of the quality of the Spirit of God, nothing less will do. You will become dialed in. Anything less than the quality you are used to will be instantly exposed for what it is....Not only should we be addicted to the Lord’s life as individuals, but also as a fellowship group. When you get an entire group of people together whose lives are saturated with the Spirit of God and they are settling for nothing less, incredible things happen."

Sounds all too familiar to my decades in TLR. My gut tells me to run in the opposite direction!

Thanks for the heads up.

04-23-2023 01:17 AM
A Curious Discovery on HomeChurchHelp.com

I recently stumbled upon this website and, after exploring its content, noticed some striking similarities with the Lord's recovery. It's quite shocking, isn't it? I wonder if these are former independent local churches. Have you had a chance to investigate this further?


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