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07-14-2022 07:03 AM
Re: Short presentation

Ok my friend, no worries!
Simply make a new post, containing the elements of your original post that you want to keep, and make additions as necessary.
I have deleted the repeated posts.

Ok meu amigo, não se preocupe!
Basta fazer uma nova postagem, contendo os elementos da postagem original que você deseja manter e fazer adições conforme necessário.
Apaguei os posts repetidos.

07-14-2022 06:59 AM
Re: Short presentation

Originally Posted by UntoHim View Post
It seems you are trying to make another post but you are only repeating the same post over and over again. Maybe I could help you with your problem.


Obrigado, estou tentando excluir o post e refazer, porque tem erros, uma vez que estou usando o google tradutor, desculpe a confusão
Thanks, I'm trying to delete the post and redo it because it has errors, since I'm using google translate, sorry for the confusion
07-14-2022 06:54 AM
Re: Short presentation

It seems you are trying to make another post but you are only repeating the same post over and over again. Maybe I could help you with your problem.


07-13-2022 04:59 PM
Re: Short presentation

Originally Posted by Sons to Glory! View Post
Well Amen & welcome back! Tell us what you have been seeing of Christ and what God has done for you!
I live in Natal,
Rio Grande do Norte
The seed of the Gospel was sown in me as a child by my parents because I was born in a Christian home.
In my teens or youth, I don't remember exactly when I had a real experience with you. This happened when I was reading the Bible alone at home and the Holy Spirit filled me. So I had the experience of the new birth. My father passed away I was thirteen so I don't know much about him and my mother who was responsible for sowing the truth in me to a greater degree. My father was an evangelical pastor and at one point he came to understand the error of denominationalism and pastoral position, a system of clergy and laity and the priesthood of all saints. He received material by mail from the United Brothers. So he started to gather only in homes in a simple way, and I was raised in this environment.

After my father passed away, brothers linked to the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee appeared and spoke of the doctrine of the local base for us, saying that unity depended on understanding this doctrine, this flag was raised - if. After a long time gathering like this the Holy Spirit showed me that they took me out, mainly the question of tithing that my mother had already explained to me that my father said he had no basis in the New Testament.
After years of pilgrimage, many points that understand that they are wrong in the "Restoration of the Lord" came to my attention through communion with brothers who stopped meeting too, or through the web, including this forum.
That's it for now! Hug to everyone!
Made with Google translator!
07-10-2022 07:55 AM
Sons to Glory!
Re: Short presentation

Well Amen & welcome back! Tell us what you have been seeing of Christ and what God has done for you!
07-01-2022 08:34 PM
Short presentation

I am Christian, I live in Brazil
I had lost my forum password for years
now i'm back
I want to ask the beloved brothers for patience with me, for having to use google translator here
I feel happy to be with you here
May the name of our Lord Jesus always be glorified|

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