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06-24-2022 09:51 AM
Re: Starting Personal Ministry, Service, Exercise Gifts.

Amen brother, thank you very much for your participation in this topic. I have been trying to team up with others, including leaders in Christian congregations, and when I ask them if they want to team up for the sake of the gospel, they don't understand what I mean. They say they are busy with a certain local congregation or with their personal life. And when I try to explain to them that my intention is to form a team and not to join that particular ministry, then they are not open to having fraternal communion, but rather they lock themselves in their ministerial concepts and are not interested in having more communion on the matter. They repeat the same mistakes: building a particular ministry for themselves and isolating or separating believers under that particular ministry from other believers in the same city or nation.

Because I am not interested in dividing the Body of Christ any more than it already is through particular ministries that have separated believers, but if I start working or serving and producing fruit, teaming up with others, then I feel to start producing personally and to the extent that the Lord gives him the opportunity to team up with others, then seek to function together as members of the Body for the sake of building the Lord's ekklesia. But I am clear about the fact of recognizing and giving credit to the particular ministries that are working for the Lord's cause and also respecting the ministerial independence that exists in all the ministries, more with the clear vision that all the ministries must work in those of a single goal. : To know how to build up the Body of Christ, exalting and elevating only Jesus Christ and not exalting, promoting or elevating any ministry or minister.
06-22-2022 08:22 PM
Re: Starting Personal Ministry, Service, Exercise Gifts.

Originally Posted by JorgeP View Post
Fraternal greetings.

I would like to ask the brothers who have begun to work at the ministerial level, or in the service, or functioning as a Member of the one Body of Christ, or are exercising developing the spiritual gifts that the Lord gave them, if they could share their experiences of how they began practically the work or service that the Holy Spirit has called them?

To be more exact, in what practical way are they carrying it out? After spending time under the supply of various ministries including research and science, teaching, praise and music, service, preaching the gospel, building the Ekklesia among others, I feel that it is time for me to start working personally according to the function that the Lord has given me in an active way.

I am convinced that passively attending a Christian congregation and being there until the Lord returns is not for me. I need to get active and work or serve and put into action the grace that the Lord has given me. If there are brothers who have this feeling or call or those who are already doing it, please, I ask you to share your experiences at this time.

As believers, we were conditioned to believe that the traditional Christian “ministries” are the only path forward. We may have acquired a tendency to try to find a way to fit into the molds that exist.

On the other hand, in the gospels, Jesus told those who sought him out to “follow me”. Maybe you could start there. Suppose the Lord himself read the questions in your post, and replied to you. What do you think he might say? He might say “JorgeP??? Just follow me”! Or, He might say “what do you want to do?” Or, “why don’t you invite someone you know for dinner, get to know them better?” Just be a friend…available…just listen to them. Don’t try to “fix” them, just listen to them and to the Lord, to see what He might say.

Or, you could tell Him you want to serve him, but you don’t know what to do. “Lord, what are you doing today?” If you overthink “ministry”, you may not see so many opportunities right in front of you. Who knows where it might take you? Start your “ministry” today.

You’ve been addressing the “brothers.” I’m going to assume you don’t mean to exclude sisters from replying to your questions.

06-22-2022 10:16 AM
Re: Starting Personal Ministry, Service, Exercise Gifts.

Off-Topic posts have been removed. Let's honor Jorge's request to return to the main point of this topic which can be found in the opening post.
06-21-2022 02:08 PM
Re: Starting Personal Ministry, Service, Exercise Gifts.

Thanks brothers for commenting. Please let us return to the main point of this topic. I really want you to share with me your experiences regarding your service, ministry, and the exercise of your spiritual gifts and how you are carrying it out, yes on your own, or with two or three, or teaming up with a particular ministry. ? Are they working for the houses or do they attend some Christian congregation and there they try to team up for the sake of the gospel? I appreciate responses that help us put into practice our role in the Body of Christ.
06-19-2022 08:19 PM
Re: Starting Personal Ministry, Service, Exercise Gifts.

Originally Posted by JorgeP View Post

If there are brothers who have this feeling or call or those who are already doing it, please, I ask you to share your experiences at this time.
Yes, I do have this feeling and am trying to do our own Bible study, too; not easy yet try harder I told myself. Most members I know are from LR. As you already know they are stuck with Lee's teaching in a way of no return unless God releases them from it.
06-19-2022 02:54 PM
Re: Starting Personal Ministry, Service, Exercise Gifts.

Yes, thank you brother, please I invite you to contact me. I have been researching and visiting Christian congregations in the city where I live, but the same situation arises in all of them: Being private ministries under the guidance and direction of a pastor or minister, it is almost impossible to be able to serve freely, they only let you serve as ushers, logistics, welcome, cafeteria, you are assigned a leader in a house meeting where the narrative of the meeting is controlled by a ministerial material and the group leader does not let the others speak because he is the one in charge of the group and if you try If they change the way they meet, they always come out with the cover and spiritual authority and that they have to submit to these authorities.

In addition, there is no fraternal communion or genuine interest in one another, but rather they are like social gatherings for Christians to entertain themselves and then meet for some type of training that the truth is, I am not interested. And if I wait for things to change, they will never change. I feel that we have to take action and start from 0 is very hard but I want to produce fruit for the Lord, respecting the work of others, because I know that I cannot present the person or the work of others as my service to the Lord Jesus.

I want to write gospel tracts and teach others to overcome the fear of not preaching the gospel and overcome spiritual barrenness. Also practice propagation in a way that has been lost but is basic and essential and biblical.
06-19-2022 11:21 AM
Re: Starting Personal Ministry, Service, Exercise Gifts.

Hi brother, I agree it is very important to go on with the Lord after being in the LR in our service to Him. It saddens me that some believers after leaving throw out basic items of the faith, whether truths in the Bible, service, the gospel, etc. Of course one area of involvement would be in whichever congregation you are meeting with now. Itīs good to develop the relationships with those believers and coordinate with them in whatever they are doing if you feel led to by the Lord and they feel good about it. There is also the things we can do on our own, yet always looking for the Lordīs leading and the Fatherīs will in everything we do. I can send you a message concerning a couple of things I am doing if you like.

Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize of God’s heavenly calling in Christ Jesus. Phil. 3:13-14.

Who then is the faithful and wise servant, whom the master has put in charge of his household, to give the others their food at the proper time? Blessed is that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns. Matt. 24:45-46.
06-19-2022 07:29 AM
Starting Personal Ministry, Service, Exercise Gifts.

Fraternal greetings.

I would like to ask the brothers who have begun to work at the ministerial level, or in the service, or functioning as a Member of the one Body of Christ, or are exercising developing the spiritual gifts that the Lord gave them, if they could share their experiences of how they began practically the work or service that the Holy Spirit has called them?

To be more exact, in what practical way are they carrying it out? After spending time under the supply of various ministries including research and science, teaching, praise and music, service, preaching the gospel, building the Ekklesia among others, I feel that it is time for me to start working personally according to the function that the Lord has given me in an active way.

I am convinced that passively attending a Christian congregation and being there until the Lord returns is not for me. I need to get active and work or serve and put into action the grace that the Lord has given me. If there are brothers who have this feeling or call or those who are already doing it, please, I ask you to share your experiences at this time.

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