View Full Version : 2006: The Thread of Gold Chronicles, The Holy Sisters

08-23-2022, 09:41 AM
The Public Square, Nee, Lee & the Church of Recovery
The Thread of Gold Chronicles, The Holy Sisters and Benson Phillips

On August 19, 2022, a link to Benson’s 2005 Training remarks was posted on the Local Church Discussions forum, by an unregistered contributor. (http://localchurchdiscussions.com/vBulletin/showpost.php?p=106601&postcount=15)

This posted bitchute link containing the audio to Benson’s 2005 statements, after being “live” for a few days, has now been blocked. https://www.bitchute.com/video/xDfjhKwnk64o/ If you missed it, some of Benson’s statements from 2005 are quoted in the attachment, and there are also quotes from the LSM printed version of his remarks in the 2005 Training.

“The Public Square” was an Internet forum hosted by The Bereans Apologetics Research Ministry. At one time “The Bereans” contained years of debate among current and former Local Church members, but is no longer available. It was my habit during the “Bereans era” to "download" pertinent topics which I felt it was important to keep. The "Bereans Era" was rocky from time to time, and we correctly believed that it may not always be available to us. Many thanks to UntoHim for his contribution to carrying on the discussion.

This copy/paste download was very rough, and contained massive HTML coding which I have attempted to clean up. Twenty-seven pages of the discussion are attached below.

Matt Anderson was, for a time, a moderator of the Nee/Lee section of the Bereans forum. Jane Carole Anderson is Matt's mother.

One important topic was the “Thread of Gold Chronicles, The Holy Sisters and Benson Phillips” started by Matt in January 2006 to address the statements made by Benson Phillips, now deceased, in the 2005 Winter Training.

You may have never heard of the spiritual term turned derisive "Holy Sisters". It's a very interesting piece of the puzzle of what happened to/with the sisters, and even Max and Sandee Rapoport, in those days.

In a nutshell,

Max went to Lee regarding the behavior of his son Phillip. (You know that story)
Rather than deal with Max directly, Lee seemingly retaliated against Max's wife, Sandee. This retaliation resulted in Max and Sandee leaving "the ministry". There are many stories about Max and his departure. This one is told first hand, in Sandee's words.
At the same time, Benson similarly "dealt with" Jane Anderson both in private and in public. Reference the Bitchute AV which is no longer "live".

You'll read about a "sisters flow", and "sisters rebellion". Lee privately supporting this "flow" and the sisters who were involved...Sandee Rapoport included, while Lee publically rebuked these same sisters for the very thing he privately approved.

To me this look at 2006 LC history is fascinating.

As you will read, arguably, the unrighteous way Witness Lee dealt with the sisters in 1977 spread throughout the non-recovery and permeated the thinking of LC leadership. This thinking lived on into the 2005 Training and beyond.

Much of this Intro is repeated in the attachment. You can start with

"Why is this important?


08-23-2022, 04:43 PM
LSM strikes again, like clockwork.

I found that same video on a website where they probably won’t be able to take it down.
BTW, I’m not associated with this site nor do I promote any of its content. The video was posted as a reference of Benson calling himself god. I’m only vaguely familiar with the story about Jane and John, and won’t have any info about what happened between them.

Hopefully this one will survive the takedown attempts by LSM.


08-23-2022, 09:16 PM
LSM strikes again, like clockwork.

I found that same video on a website where they probably won’t be able to take it down.
BTW, I’m not associated with this site nor do I promote any of its content. The video was posted as a reference of Benson calling himself god. I’m only vaguely familiar with the story about Jane and John, and won’t have any info about what happened between them.

Hopefully this one will survive the takedown attempts by LSM.


“Lemons to grapes” is Jane Anderson’s website.

Matt Anderson is her son.

07-20-2024, 10:09 AM
LSM strikes again, like clockwork.

I found that same video on a website where they probably won’t be able to take it down.
BTW, I’m not associated with this site nor do I promote any of its content. The video was posted as a reference of Benson calling himself god. I’m only vaguely familiar with the story about Jane and John, and won’t have any info about what happened between them.

Hopefully this one will survive the takedown attempts by LSM.


I was reading comments on the site "The Thread of Gold/Feedback from Local Church Members

It is attributed to Benson Phillips:
"in the church life we don’t have any natural affection"
That is completely untrue. Indeed there is natural affection.
Nothing makes it more visible when an elder is asked to move to another place or an elder is asked to resign.
What would happen if Living Stream Ministry decided to play musical chairs with elders in all localities? I can guarantee there would be pushback.
Even in local church history time after time, there is a display of natural affection exhibited.