08-12-2021, 06:45 PM
Hello Everyone, just introducing myself. Long time Christian who grew up meeting with the Lord’s Recovery, I am a third generation “Church Kid” as they say, attended the FTT, and in fact Witness Lee spoke at a family member’s wedding back in the day. Needless to say, the culture, doctrine, & community runs deep. I write this to share a bit of my experience of leaving the LR, I hope to whoever reads this, it helps you in what you are searching for.
Much like a Jenga Tower that falls after multiple blocks have been removed, for me & my partner it was also a bunch of little things that caused our tower of faith in the LR to collapse. With that said, the biggest overarching reason for us to leave was the accepting that our cognitive dissonance wasn’t a problem with “me” or “us” but rather a problem from them. For way to long, I had brushed off different LR teachings or doctrines that caused an objection in my being as simply me lacking the “vision”. So I would shove that feeling aside and simply believe that what ever doctrine I was being taught from the “minister of the age” was correct, that “I” was the problem.
One day about two years ago, I was reading Matthew 24 where Jesus uses the times of Noah as imagery to what it will be like when He returns. While I can’t recall the exact verse, the footnote says in the recovery version that “Taken away” means raptured. However, in the context of that passage, those taken away in the times of Noah were taken into judgement. It was at that moment, I simply could not brush aside my issue with the “lack of vision” excuse. I was reading one thing, but the footnote was saying something else. I used my disagreement with that footnote as a launch pad to look at other interpretations for that verse, which lead me down a long exploration of eschatology.
Now, this isn’t a post about where LSM lands on the wide eschatology spectrum (though I might make a separate thread for that). I mention that specific experience because ever since then I could not help but find gaps between what the ministry said & what the bible said. These gaps weren’t huge, but rather subtle. A Recent example of what I mean, from the summer training last year... LSM claims God stripped Job so that God could add Himself to Job. While that sounds great, and you can pull in verses to support that idea of God stripping man to transform him. That idea isn’t what the bible says. In Job 1, Satan says Job only follows God because God provides so much for him, and that if God took that away, Job would curse God. So sure enough, God lets Satan take it all away, but Job doesn’t curse God. This is what the bible says.
See how subtle that is? LSM consistently places ideas into the text..a method of interpretation called eisegesis, rather than drawing ideas out from the text, a method called exegesis. With this understanding of how to interpret the bible, many of the blocks that supported our faith in what the recovery was offering began to fall… And soon the entire tower went with it. The local ground of the church, us becoming God, the white horse being the gospel, culture not being in the bible, the book of James missing the mark, Etc...
Nowhere in the bible does God say apart from the spirit and the text will we need someone to “unlock” the meaning of the bible. Circling back to that Job example, while it may sound good what LSM says the story of Job means, the text of the bible simply doesn’t say that. It wasn’t until that portion, in Matthew 24, did I ever begin to look for answers outside “The Ministry”. I always...always blamed myself for not agreeing with the message given or the interpretation presented… I never blamed the subject presenting the message. Not only that, but I never thought LSM could be wrong. While those are personal rationalizations, they were developed through a lifetime of being told LSM could not be wrong and a suppression of critical thinking.
While those doctrines above aren’t listed on Local Church’s Statement of Faith, within the community of the LR these doctrines (and many more) are foundational to their faith. They are the unofficial statement of faith, if you will. This is the overarching reason we left, we simply could no longer agree with major items of the LSM faith because they did not align with what the text of the bible says. Try standing up in a prophesying meeting explaining that the “one city, one church” doctrine isn’t prescribed in the bible, and divisive toward other image bearers of God... Try having a home group meeting where you read a Tim Keller book rather than Witness Lee, and see what the elders do.
My partner and I no longer meet with the LR, even though we have a lot of healing left for the Lord to do... we have never been happier and more joyful in the Lord than we are now. We were told that all the riches are in the LR, and nowhere else. However, we have found so many biblically sound preachers, and ministers in Christianity. We have enjoyed the bible like never before by coming to the unadulterated word. We are excited to go to Church on Sunday, a Church where Christ is the corner stone, not Witness lee. Furthermore, we no longer look at other Christian churches as degraded, but rather we praise God for the work that He is doing in each one of them.
It's a very difficult experience to leave/left something behind you were told is the answer. We are leaving a community that our entire lives have been built around. We don’t fully know where we are going, but we are following the Lord, and have never been happier.
Much like a Jenga Tower that falls after multiple blocks have been removed, for me & my partner it was also a bunch of little things that caused our tower of faith in the LR to collapse. With that said, the biggest overarching reason for us to leave was the accepting that our cognitive dissonance wasn’t a problem with “me” or “us” but rather a problem from them. For way to long, I had brushed off different LR teachings or doctrines that caused an objection in my being as simply me lacking the “vision”. So I would shove that feeling aside and simply believe that what ever doctrine I was being taught from the “minister of the age” was correct, that “I” was the problem.
One day about two years ago, I was reading Matthew 24 where Jesus uses the times of Noah as imagery to what it will be like when He returns. While I can’t recall the exact verse, the footnote says in the recovery version that “Taken away” means raptured. However, in the context of that passage, those taken away in the times of Noah were taken into judgement. It was at that moment, I simply could not brush aside my issue with the “lack of vision” excuse. I was reading one thing, but the footnote was saying something else. I used my disagreement with that footnote as a launch pad to look at other interpretations for that verse, which lead me down a long exploration of eschatology.
Now, this isn’t a post about where LSM lands on the wide eschatology spectrum (though I might make a separate thread for that). I mention that specific experience because ever since then I could not help but find gaps between what the ministry said & what the bible said. These gaps weren’t huge, but rather subtle. A Recent example of what I mean, from the summer training last year... LSM claims God stripped Job so that God could add Himself to Job. While that sounds great, and you can pull in verses to support that idea of God stripping man to transform him. That idea isn’t what the bible says. In Job 1, Satan says Job only follows God because God provides so much for him, and that if God took that away, Job would curse God. So sure enough, God lets Satan take it all away, but Job doesn’t curse God. This is what the bible says.
See how subtle that is? LSM consistently places ideas into the text..a method of interpretation called eisegesis, rather than drawing ideas out from the text, a method called exegesis. With this understanding of how to interpret the bible, many of the blocks that supported our faith in what the recovery was offering began to fall… And soon the entire tower went with it. The local ground of the church, us becoming God, the white horse being the gospel, culture not being in the bible, the book of James missing the mark, Etc...
Nowhere in the bible does God say apart from the spirit and the text will we need someone to “unlock” the meaning of the bible. Circling back to that Job example, while it may sound good what LSM says the story of Job means, the text of the bible simply doesn’t say that. It wasn’t until that portion, in Matthew 24, did I ever begin to look for answers outside “The Ministry”. I always...always blamed myself for not agreeing with the message given or the interpretation presented… I never blamed the subject presenting the message. Not only that, but I never thought LSM could be wrong. While those are personal rationalizations, they were developed through a lifetime of being told LSM could not be wrong and a suppression of critical thinking.
While those doctrines above aren’t listed on Local Church’s Statement of Faith, within the community of the LR these doctrines (and many more) are foundational to their faith. They are the unofficial statement of faith, if you will. This is the overarching reason we left, we simply could no longer agree with major items of the LSM faith because they did not align with what the text of the bible says. Try standing up in a prophesying meeting explaining that the “one city, one church” doctrine isn’t prescribed in the bible, and divisive toward other image bearers of God... Try having a home group meeting where you read a Tim Keller book rather than Witness Lee, and see what the elders do.
My partner and I no longer meet with the LR, even though we have a lot of healing left for the Lord to do... we have never been happier and more joyful in the Lord than we are now. We were told that all the riches are in the LR, and nowhere else. However, we have found so many biblically sound preachers, and ministers in Christianity. We have enjoyed the bible like never before by coming to the unadulterated word. We are excited to go to Church on Sunday, a Church where Christ is the corner stone, not Witness lee. Furthermore, we no longer look at other Christian churches as degraded, but rather we praise God for the work that He is doing in each one of them.
It's a very difficult experience to leave/left something behind you were told is the answer. We are leaving a community that our entire lives have been built around. We don’t fully know where we are going, but we are following the Lord, and have never been happier.