View Full Version : My Testimony

08-02-2020, 01:14 AM
Dear brothers/sisters

I have been visiting localchurchdiscussions for over an year and I have found real help and support from our dear brothers and sisters here. I see a lot of people where are going through / gone through the same situation I am in now. I recently applied for a login id and password, and I thank God that I can interact with you all now.

I am from India. I come from the state of Tamil Nadu which is on the southern side. My parents were medical missionaries who migrated from another southern state called Kerala to our present location. I am married and I have two daughters aged 5 and 3. From my younger age I had a deep appreciation of Jesus from Bible stories and Sunday school lessons. I remember somewhere around the age of 5, praying as led by my father to confess my sins and to be saved.

My adolescent period was not very good. I fell into bad company of friends, and always got into trouble. My parents were concerned about me but they didn't offer me any personal help and kept condemning me. My life was a failure and when things got bad with my education and career, I started turning to the Lord. That is also when some brothers from the LC, who were in touch with my father who was an ardent reader of Watchman Nee, came to our place and started organizing meetings to present the "Recovered Truths". There was great response to the new things spoken by them and my family was very willing to drop the old ways of worshiping and serving God. This created quite a revolution here, we faced a lot of opposition from our Christian friends. Many stopped talking to us, but my parents became great followers of LC. The arrival of the LC brothers had a great impact on us and myself and a few youngsters got baptized. Those times were a good revival for us, and I can't deny it. We were sent to continuous tranings and meetings but we didn't feel coerced into it, because of the initial thrill and "enjoyment".

But after a few months, personally I felt that many things were done forcibly in the LC. Everyone was required to speak, and only from the outlines. As young ones we had to force ourselves to parrot something from what we read just for the sake of escaping condemning words from the elder ones. When I failed to perform according to their norms, there would be a sigh of "O Lord Jesus" from somewhere in the crowd and it would hurt me.
I began feeling that the the so called co-workers and responsible brothers didn't really care for people personally, but they just needed to increase numbers. When new people came in they would "love-bomb" them very much and once they are established in the practices of the group and come regularly, they would treat them like trash.

Slowly I felt like I was doing things out of fear of losing support rather than real love for the Lord. When I was 22 I was forcibly sent to the Full time Training. Though I cannot say I was fully against going there, the fear of being left out of the flock and the thought of being humiliated because I disobeyed the brothers helped me to go there. After two months into the training, I started questioning in my mind about the content of the training. We read only Witness Lee, only his footnotes, and a little of Watchman Nee's writings in between. Many times they would emphasize that the training was not a seminary.. there was a motto we needed to memorize.

Anyway after completing one year, I decided to call it quits. I couldn't adjust with the regulations there, it all felt meaningless. Of course, my character and discipline was regulated there, but it didn't bring me any closer to Jesus. He was not at all the Lord of my personal life. When I told my parents that I'm not going back for the second year of training, they accepted it but not without criticizing me. I fell off their radar. No more care from the brothers. Every mistake of mine was discussed in my absence. I became a 'fleshly man' to them. When I made some mistake, people would talk behind my backs but nobody would personally come and inquire or help me out. Anyway I didn't protest, I knew that I was not perfect to find fault in others and in the system.

Years went by. I attended meetings, I served people people physically, but I stopped "functioning" according to their standards. I stopped "pray-reading" outlines. I started questioning the attitude of LC people towards other genuine believers. I also started question the group's allegiance to one person Witness Lee. Why not accept the words of other men of God who gave their lives for the gospel? If there was to be a great Recovery to consummate this age to be carried out through the preaching of one man, wouldn't there be any hint of this in the Bible? - Whenever I took up these matters to my family, I would be ridiculed and they would say that I am in the flesh and I need to turn to the spirit.

That is when I found this website. It was an eye-opener to me to see many brothers and sisters who have come out of this group. Now I have completely stopped meeting with the LC even though my wife is a faithful follower of the LC. She loves the Lord but since she has not known anyone outside the LC, she religiously follows it. My desire is to follow the Lord and live holy life. I want to serve others and be a living example. I have many flaws, but I know my God is stronger than any problem I have. I don't meet with the LC anymore. The Lord has led me to a Christian group with whom I meet online.

Sorry for my flaws in composing my testimony and my imperfect language. I admit that I am still an ungrown person in Christ. But I know that the Lord has mercy on me.

Sons to Glory!
08-02-2020, 09:07 AM
Welcome to the forum and thanks so much for sharing your testimony! The Lord is able to do it all, brother! We have been given our individual circumstances by our loving Father, and He has bountifully supplied us the Spirit of Jesus Christ His Son to live in us.

Here are a couple of my favorite verses lately, which I'll share for your encouragement.

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, And to present you faultless Before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy

As you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him

Jude 1:24 & Colossians 2:6

We have been given everything we need. "It is of God that you are in Christ Jesus" (Who is the Good Land). Now we just need our minds renewed to realize we are already in Him, and to therefore just walk in Him.

Also, regarding your wife, give your marriage situation to Him and patiently wait on Him - it may take years for His work to become apparent.

08-02-2020, 05:08 PM
But after a few months, personally I felt that many things were done forcibly in the LC. Everyone was required to speak, and only from the outlines. As young ones we had to force ourselves to parrot something from what we read just for the sake of escaping condemning words from the elder ones. When I failed to perform according to their norms, there would be a sigh of "O Lord Jesus" from somewhere in the crowd and it would hurt me.

I know a brother who grew up being forced to speak in the meetings, even as a young person. It left a lasting mark on him to have to stand up in a room of adults, stutter out something that sounded spiritual to try to squeeze an "amen" out of those adults (but as a kid it was like "um, this morning I lost my watch and I prayed and then I found it, so the Lord helped me find my watch"), and then sit down so many times feeling condemned by the relative silence when he reasonably couldn't perform the way they wanted him to. He's no longer in the church, and come to find out that "in the world" he's quite a skilled boss, leader, and speaker. His natural gifts weren't valued in the church because they just wanted him to parrot what they wanted to hear.

The "O Lord Jesus" sigh to express dissatisfaction or disgust is a form of taking God's name in vain. Can you imagine - the name of the One in whom we have no condemnation is used in the local churches to express condemnation! I distinctly recall myself being in the car with my mom as a kid, and she would be repeatedly calling on the Lord under her breath as if I wasn't in the car. I can't tell you how many times I would look over at her trying to figure out if I had done something wrong and she was just "turning to her spirit" rather than just talking to me about it.

I began feeling that the the so called co-workers and responsible brothers didn't really care for people personally, but they just needed to increase numbers. When new people came in they would "love-bomb" them very much and once they are established in the practices of the group and come regularly, they would treat them like trash.

This happens in the U.S. also. They care for the group, the numbers, the increase. But not what the group, numbers, and increase is made of - the people.

Slowly I felt like I was doing things out of fear of losing support rather than real love for the Lord. When I was 22 I was forcibly sent to the Full time Training. Though I cannot say I was fully against going there, the fear of being left out of the flock and the thought of being humiliated because I disobeyed the brothers helped me to go there. After two months into the training, I started questioning in my mind about the content of the training. We read only Witness Lee, only his footnotes, and a little of Watchman Nee's writings in between. Many times they would emphasize that the training was not a seminary.. there was a motto we needed to memorize.

It always surprises me how many college graduates see the required reading list of the training (Lee, Lee, Lee, Lee, Nee, Lee, Lee, etc) and still dive in head first.

Anyway after completing one year, I decided to call it quits. I couldn't adjust with the regulations there, it all felt meaningless. Of course, my character and discipline was regulated there, but it didn't bring me any closer to Jesus. He was not at all the Lord of my personal life.

It also amazes me that the co-workers, FTT trainers, et al, think that they can engineer an environment to turn people to the Lord. The regulations are designed to be "too much" so that the trainees won't be able to adhere to them all and will be forced to "turn to the Lord" to make it.

The result isn't that the trainees gain the Lord. The result is that many of them end up on anxiety/depression medication or with mental health issues. Only God knows what each of us needs to turn to Him, but the co-workers think there is "no better place" than the place they've built to break you. It's crazy.

Years went by. I attended meetings, I served people people physically, but I stopped "functioning" according to their standards. I stopped "pray-reading" outlines. I started questioning the attitude of LC people towards other genuine believers. I also started question the group's allegiance to one person Witness Lee. Why not accept the words of other men of God who gave their lives for the gospel? If there was to be a great Recovery to consummate this age to be carried out through the preaching of one man, wouldn't there be any hint of this in the Bible? - Whenever I took up these matters to my family, I would be ridiculed and they would say that I am in the flesh and I need to turn to the spirit.

This is God working in you. Opening your eyes. The same thing happened to me, seemingly out of nowhere. All of a sudden one day I thought, "how on earth can we truthfully say we are not a denomination when everything we do is worse than the denominations we have given a bad rap to?" Once the truth filtered through on that issue, then every other thing I had been told became fair game to question, and it all started crumbling down.

That is when I found this website. It was an eye-opener to me to see many brothers and sisters who have come out of this group. Now I have completely stopped meeting with the LC even though my wife is a faithful follower of the LC. She loves the Lord but since she has not known anyone outside the LC, she religiously follows it. My desire is to follow the Lord and live holy life. I want to serve others and be a living example. I have many flaws, but I know my God is stronger than any problem I have. I don't meet with the LC anymore. The Lord has led me to a Christian group with whom I meet online.

Sorry for my flaws in composing my testimony and my imperfect language. I admit that I am still an ungrown person in Christ. But I know that the Lord has mercy on me.

I'm sure it must be very difficult for you to have left but your wife to still be in. Your desire - to follow the Lord and live a holy life - is the best testimony to her in this situation. God is walking beside you in all this. Keep putting it in His hands.

08-08-2020, 06:10 PM
Thanks for your testimony,
I am completely new to the issues I am hearing about the local church and your post says much.I read a lot of Christian literature,Tozer,Finney,Ravenhill ,etc and of course Watchman Nee.I really appreciated his honest and insightful understanding of this Christian Life.Having just moved into the Tallahassee area I happened onto a LSM radio station and thought wow ,this is cool.I started getting the emanna e mails and heard some commercial spots on the station about getting together with a local prayer group.Finally I found this site also.I thought it was actually connected to the local church but after reading your testimony and others it seems many(all?)have had very negative experiences .Some of what you described,lovebombing new members,blind alliegance to Lee ,fake spiritually among members are sadly common in similar ways in much of denominational church life also.Im sure many people are drawn to this local church experience as a way of finding a deeper walk in their faith, something like the local church that Nee established.Any way I am thankful to learn these things.Still I wonder if any here have had a positive experience with the local church.

Sons to Glory!
08-08-2020, 06:35 PM
Still I wonder if any here have had a positive experience with the local church.I, for one, certainly had good experiences with the LC and I know the Lord took me there originally (in a pretty miraculous way). This was several decades ago. But things degraded, which is only natural in Adam.