View Full Version : You know something is wrong with the Recovery when...

06-24-2019, 09:50 AM
1. You dare not say you “are of Lee” but you follow Lee, hear Lee, watch Lee, buy Lee, sign under Lee, read Lee, quote Lee, share Lee, sing Lee, recite Lee, PSRP Lee, pray-read Lee, memorize Lee, prophesy Lee and if you hurry and buy a plot at Grace Terrace, you can be buried with Lee.

2. Paul said he was for the defense and confirmation of the gospel (an item of the faith) but your DCP by definition is for the defense and confirmation of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee and some church practices (NOT items of the faith).

3. God has saved millions in Christ through the redemption of His blood and begotten them to be His children. Yet those who don´t meet in the Recovery you only call Christians and hesitate to call them brothers or sisters and never call them saints.

4. You say the saints are free to read any publication….but all the saints houses are filled exclusively with Nee and Lee. If you still have those other books the Lord used to reach you, they are well hidden.

5. You say you accept any version of the Bible, but everybody exclusively uses the RcV. Actually, your favorite Bible is really the one your grandfather gave you, but you hide it in your room and it will never make it to the meetings.

6. You don´t write or say that you are the church in Philadelphia….but you really, really, really think you are.

7. You know by heart that the church in Laodicea says:… “I am wealthy and have become rich and have need of nothing.” But then you say about yourself that you are wealthy and have become rich and have need of nothing.

8. You are lukewarm, dead and dying….but as long as you shout in the meeting and say you are going to FTT everybody likes you and says amen.

9. You are hot, love the Lord with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and love your neighbor as yourself, but do not feel led by the Lord to go to FTT, …so nobody likes you and are frowned upon.

10. You say that elders are appointed to shepherd the flock of God in a locality. Yet when a BB or co-worker comes or Anaheim calls, …they are the boss.

11. You say you are NOT part of christianity, you have burned ALL bridges, after all it´s degraded. Yet you seek memberships in christian organizations, donate money to them and hunt for the commendations of christians (not called brothers or saints) with theological degrees.

12. You are on campus and you say you are just christians, and that you do not belong to any church, group or organization….yet you secretly hold on to your LSM, BfA, DCP, A&C, and local church badges in your book bag.

06-24-2019, 10:13 AM
1. You dare not say you “are of Lee” but you follow Lee, hear Lee, watch Lee, buy Lee, sign under Lee, read Lee, quote Lee, share Lee, sing Lee, recite Lee, PSRP Lee, pray-read Lee, memorize Lee, prophesy Lee and if you hurry and buy a plot at Grace Terrace, you can be buried with Lee.

As I departed the program, I had this crazy thought. Most LCers actually believe that until they wear a sandwich sign, march down Main St, and chant, "I am of Lee, I am of Lee," they will never accept what is so blatantly obvious to the rest of the sane world.

06-28-2019, 08:08 PM
13. You move to another state, decide to continue giving the LC a try, but when you attend a meeting you discover the "saints" are pray reading Witness Lee's writing instead of the Bible.

06-28-2019, 08:45 PM

14. You discover one Lord's Day that the elders in your locality remove all the books from the book room sales by Watchman Nee from a different publisher other than LSM, and you see that that there are only LSM books by Witness Lee available.

06-28-2019, 08:54 PM
2. Paul said he was for the defense and confirmation of the gospel (an item of the faith) but your DCP by definition is for the defense and confirmation of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee and some church practices (NOT items of the faith).

Yes, this one has bothered me for some time now (of course your whole list has, but this is one I noticed in particular a little while back).

06-28-2019, 10:41 PM

14. You discover one Lord's Day that the elders in your locality remove all the books from the book room sales by Watchman Nee from a different publisher other than LSM, and you see that that there are only LSM books by Witness Lee available.

Back in 1975, “the Lord’s day” was called Sunday. The LC bragged about not being legalistic. Yet after newbies “caught the LC vision” the guys cut their hair short and began wearing white shirts and skinny ties just like the Mormon missionaries. The women wore the sisters attire...and no makeup with one or two exceptions who wore makeup to work.

I think it was 1977 when it was announced through the MOTA of course we were no longer going to use the word Sunday. I wondered why we were leaving the names of the remainder week the same since they were all named after pagan gods.

No other Christian denomination and non denomination call Sunday “the Lord’s day”. When it was announced back in the day, l refused to call Sunday “the Lord’s day”. I knew the control factor was setting in strongly. Just as in the movie Chernobyl no one questioned the command. I know why we were not going to call Sunday, Sunday anymore. But l was not buying it.

I have never addressed Sunday the Lord’s day. I won’t unless God the Holy Spirit tells me to.

06-29-2019, 09:45 PM
Just on a simple human level ---

You live a few blocks from your grandmother, a Christian woman who has never been anything but good to you, and you don't visit her. :(